This is not the direction I was hoping for. At this point, they just need to remove it from the game. Like me, Preach pretty much said the jist of it at the end - I'll space bar through the graphics of it, get the reward, spam a new mission with w/e works and go about my business. This is a let down for what I was hoping they would go for, but at least its been clarified that this mission table is not integrated into anything to progress your character.
I dont really see where losing a conduit is that big of a deal when you replace it? We've had that system in the past with Legendaries. But as let down as Preach seems to be, I feel like there is more to it. But I just feel like it's the Legendary system from Legion, and the different trees you can select are simply different weapons. They just arent solely relegated to a specific spec. Though, from what he shows - some trees look way more oriented towards specs than what I've seen in others.
So far, this looks kind of neat. Neat in a .. cool at first, annoying after a while, kind of way. If they stick to their guns and keep a lot of the content locked behind group content then I dont imagine I'll be that excited to do the stuff. But it doesnt seem like the Maw is really fully implemented yet - at least thats the vibe I get.
One of the new things that he talks about with Covenants is that you can unlock different areas. So its a dead part of the zone, then upgrade that part with Anima and then you can go to a newly populated area. Shows the map and all. That seems kind of cool to me. The Vampire party thing seems kind of lame to me though. Covenants and the Vampire party have been talked about a lot so not a lot of new to show.