If you're not going to be playing with friends, and rerolling is an option - I would at least roll on the guild server as Horde. The guild is dead af right now, but every single expansion, it jumps up to over 200 online at peak times. If rerolling isnt in the works for you - I would consider at least researching your server to see if its alliance heavy. If it's not, and you're the underdog.. anything even remotely close to PVP will make you miserable. Blizzard has this wonderful habit of making some BIS (armor, weapon, essence, w/e) for a specific class or role, obtainable only through PVP. If you decide to roll on Hyjal as a Horde, I can invite you to the guild - but it would be more worth your while for you to roll on Hyjal as Horde. Then find a guild of active people until Shadowlands. Then.. think about joining the forum guild while its popular. I've heard countless times that people arent playing the new expansion but I always see the same faces.