Is the bag why people are killing the nameds? After doing so much Icecrown for all the mounts / pets / etc. back in the day, I ran through the 'new' quests in five minutes and left.
Yeah but

Is the bag why people are killing the nameds? After doing so much Icecrown for all the mounts / pets / etc. back in the day, I ran through the 'new' quests in five minutes and left.
I get the feeling they hired a bunch of fired USPS workers to run WoW. This is the only explanation as to how emotionless and uncreative their efforts are.
Yeah butKoushirou was talking about this yesterday. I guess the rares have a 20 min timer in a set order. So if you want your shot at the bag you it's once every 6-7 hours. Given it's a small chance they want to keep you logged and jerking your dick for days at a time. Piss poor unfun rare farming.
Looks like thats the same mount he drops in the dungeon. Woohoo, not.There is also a mount from Skadi, and you can get one of those "ghost follows you" stones. Also, they can drop 110 gear.
Which pretty much means you run it for your main, not your alts (unless you're a massive poopsocker or a multibo... oh sorry, multiboxing is now forbidden).Yeah butKoushirou was talking about this yesterday. I guess the rares have a 20 min timer in a set order. So if you want your shot at the bag you it's once every 6-7 hours. Given it's a small chance they want to keep you logged and jerking your dick for days at a time. Piss poor unfun rare farming.
Which pretty much means you run it for your main, not your alts (unless you're a massive poopsocker or a multibo... oh sorry, multiboxing is now forbidden).
Boss drop tables are not 100%, though. Also, I got a melee trinket for my shadowpriest. Thanks for the average itemlevel, I guess?check each boss drop table to see if they have anything relevant for a given character
No, multiboxing is not forbidden. The key cloning (one keypress to many clients) is forbidden now. Expect people to find out ways around that.oh sorry, multiboxing is now forbidden
Boss drop tables are not 100%, though. Also, I got a melee trinket for my shadowpriest. Thanks for the average itemlevel, I guess?
No, multiboxing is not forbidden. The key cloning (one keypress to many clients) is forbidden now. Expect people to find out ways around that.
No, multiboxing is not forbidden. The key cloning (one keypress to many clients) is forbidden now. Expect people to find out ways around that.
I wanted some gear for my alts, because I still haven't decided on a "main" for Shadowlands. I wanted to play feral or windwalker, but both specs have zero long-term prospects.Just killed Bronjahm on my hunter, got both the mail helm and the bag, feels good.
Technically you can flag people using specific MAC addresses (basically your network card). If you are multiboxing on a single PC, then all sessions have the MAC address, after which they can correlate that the games some way or other all send the same input at the exact same time.The question is, can Blizzard tell when someone is mirroring keys across accounts versus setting up an action bar for each, to follow the new rules.
At the moment they are targeting ISBoxer specifically. I am using AutoHotkey myself and didn't get one of those sternly worded emails yet, but I wouldn't put it past them to change their minds.I wouldn't be surprised if they ban everyone using AutoHotkey and other such programs, regardless of how it is set up.
I wanted some gear for my alts, because I still haven't decided on a "main" for Shadowlands. I wanted to play feral or windwalker, but both specs have zero long-term prospects.
I have four bags now across my alts, and 1 or 2 items of actual gear. Fuck my life.
What class/spec, and who told you that? Pawn? Because Pawn has simple stat weights, but with 9.0 there are diminishing returns on secondaries unless you distribute them. So it depends if you are already stacked in that stat.Item level 57 shoulders with +15 haste/ +9 vers but 19 less str/25 less stam are 20% better than my item level 85 shoulders?
Prot paladin is really nice now, but somehow I don't feel as mobile. Not having to micromanage active mitigation is really good now. Will probably still play monk for brewmaster. Other than that ele shaman looks good.Leaning toward my Frost DK or MM Hunter so far. I'd play Prot Paladin as I love the spec but tanking for pugs seems kinda toxic in this game.
I agree seems odd to be stingy with the loot at this point. Either make it faster spawns or 100% drop rate. Both BFA and legion events had much easier loot gain for catch up. Legion had the added bonus of making it a joke to get anything to max level while you did it.
I couldn't sit there all day staring at screen waiting for spawns. It is perfect though if you just do something else. Move to new spawn, go afk to work, watch movie, 2nd monitor etc, then check back in when 20 minutes is up, fight for a minute, then rinse repeat. Does rule out gearing up every alt you have at max though, its just too time consuming for that. Instead just do maybe 1.5 complete rotations and then buy the currency gear to replace your heirlooms, ignore slots you can't upgrade. You can get enough comms just from turning in the pitch black stones from doing about that many rares. It will still take a decent chunk of time(9 hours or so given the 20 minute respawn) but will take much longer to try and get every slot with the 110 stuff off rares.
Those diminishing returns don't kick in until you have over 30% in a given stat, and don't even become noticeable until over 60%.What class/spec, and who told you that? Pawn? Because Pawn has simple stat weights, but with 9.0 there are diminishing returns on secondaries unless you distribute them. So it depends if you are already stacked in that stat.
See that is the kind of game play design they can show the suits and say.. OH BOY player engagement is high, but the reality is they are alt tabbed for 19/20 minutes. At some point that stops being a game.