It will suck because the narrative is a total mess, so they have to retcon to get out of the corner they painted themselves in.Dunno why this thought popped into my head but while hiking today I figured out exactly how the story will end this expansion...
It will suck because the narrative is a total mess, so they have to retcon to get out of the corner they painted themselves in.
You know who does the job Chris Metzen did after he left Blizzard? No, not Moorgard. You never heard of her:
Lydia Bottegoni
Lydia Bottegoni is the current Senior Vice President of Story & Franchise Development at Blizzard Entertainment, following the 2016 retirement of Chris Metzen. She previously served as the Head of Production for Sony Pictures Imageworks, following a career as a Visual Effects Producer.
Anyone who is familiar with both games have any insight that can tip the scales? I do want something i can play independently as i go to bed about 3-5 hours later then her so have plenty of free time in the evenings to enjoy pushing abit harder on content etc.
Demon Hunters can still double jump and air dash and glide and shit right? That's all I care about.
Lol no plot explanation whatsoever. And was there even a single major character in there?
You forgot to bel-air us at the end of that.Decided to pick up an MMO as at a personal level I can't seem to get any enjoyment out of single player games and Smite/LOL while great just lack that feeling of investment and gradual power gain that I always enjoyed. I spent about 15 years doing fairly high end to bleeding edge raiding in 5-6 MMO's and did enjoy it but at this point am looking for a more balanced game that can has some options to really push but also can be really enjoyable to play with myself and my wife who just picked up gaming in the last few years.
We played FFXIV before which she liked but we quit when school + work got abit too hard to manage for her but are back to having ample free time. My main problem with FFXIV was it just seemed abit too much on rails as far as having no "builds", gear upgrades seemed really lack luster and meaningless, and general combat was abit slow (always hated the ICD ratio's they choose). Flip side it has amazing production value, easy to jump in and do an hour or two a night of daily's etc with her. Our accounts are partially through stormblood if i recall.
Been alot longer since we did WOW, think we only leveled to 10 or something and some reason she wanted to try FF again. I had 2-3 stints of top end raiding (top 10 US guilds) but its been quiet some time. I saw they are completely redoing the leveling curve and have a new expansion Nov 23rd so thought maybe would be a good time to jump in there as WOW had pvp and insta raiding plus if i recall easy as fuck modes for base raiding as she wasn't a pro gamer so could be fun?
Anyone who is familiar with both games have any insight that can tip the scales? I do want something i can play independently as i go to bed about 3-5 hours later then her so have plenty of free time in the evenings to enjoy pushing abit harder on content etc.
Regarding MMO's stealing your life to be competitive, I definitely don't think that is true in all cases but in general terms of course it can be a black hole. I started hard core raiding in EQ when i started college and managed to finish 3rd in my BS and 1st in my Masters in engineering while being a starter on the college football team. Managed to have a relatively balanced social life but I ran the raid guild so I did make the scheduling abit more flexible to my life. I've had a very successful career in a demanding work place requiring 60-80 hour weeks in management and senior management roles for over 14 years now and still raided in top end guilds in every MMO i played during that time. I think the key to being a top end MMO player is about efficiency and aligning with the proper teams. You get so much more done when you have like minded people and you approach games with a continuous improvement/six sigma approach and not a bunch of nerdy fucks jerking off to goblin vag.
That being said, while I am happily married and have a 17 year old step son, i never had young children etc during this time span which is obviously a game changer that impacts alot of people. I've also had the advantage of running off ~ 5 hours of sleep since I was 14 most days so you can get a lot done, but not everyone can do that and stay healthy so I feel fortunate for that.
Just saying its definitely viable to have a normal well rounded life and stay near the top, heck i'm still benching + 315 lbs at 39 but would be lying if old age is starting to creep in at the gym and on the game screen...Smite i can still be very competitive in ranked but I tried picking up LOL and get my ass raped in 7 of 10 ranked games to the point I think Hello Kitty would be a better place, fingers are abit jacked from so many years of sports so loosing abit of an edge on games that require extremely quick APM's. WRU EQ circa 2000 where you hit ice comet every 8 seconds and did your homework on the side.....
It's the 4 Covenants.Lol no plot explanation whatsoever. And was there even a single major character in there?
No there's way better dressup MMOs than WoW.So the game has literally boiled down to Barbie Funhouse.
it's the underbite. it's like this guy trying to look menacingJailer needed to be wearing a helmet, he looks derp as fuck.
Curseforge has announced that addon functionality will be limited from November 24 until 'early December' as it prepares to finalize its transition to Overwolf. Yes, you read that correctly—that's the week of Shadowlands' global launch.
During the downtime, players will still be able to download addons from Curseforge but addon authors won't be able to upload updates or new addons:
"On 11/24, manual project moderation will be paused. All content requiring manual moderation submitted on or after this date will be queued to be reviewed once manual moderation is reinstated." says Curseforge in the update, which goes on to state that "everything should be back up and running" by early December.