Avatar of War Slayer
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Obviously normal served its purpose when the ilvl gap on gear was so severe this expansion. It has been several years since it has been that far apart. Which most people would attribute the gap simply towards slowing down content and making mythic progression slower. Which in reality, means fuck all to a massive amount of the player base. Ive played three different toons in a Mythic guild and it's just not fun. Even if you reach the top "whatever" of guilds, then no one fucking cares. Hell, no one really gives a fuck who even clears it first. Which I think Blizzard is fucking asinine for chasing the eSport. People watch clips of that shit just so they know how its done so they (hopefully) don't have to waste that many attempts to get it done. But in my opinion, the longer this shit goes on - the less people give a shit. "Why am I going to waste hours upon hours of my time doing shit that is just not fun?"Eh, Mythic isn't that hard or exclusive. Very mediocre, non-selective guilds can clear 6 or 7/10 Mythic by the end of the season if they're willing to put in the progression every week.
Normal definitely served a purpose this time around, it was quite challenging for the first few weeks when most people were in ilvl 170 gear. It's only useless at this point in the season because like you said they're giving out ilvl 194+ gear for free at this point so who the fuck would raid for 200 gear? But it was challenging, worthwhile content for the first 4+ weeks for average guilds and 6+ weeks for casual guilds.
LFR is fucking useless and needs to go. It isn't interesting or rewarding content for anyone the way things are structured right now, and it just makes them have to pad out a bunch of extra ilvls of mudflation every season so it can fit somewhere on the schedule. And the schedule is fucking stupid because by the time LFR wings open up, nobody needs or wants that gear.
Ive started to take Booze's attitude in how people wants have, and continue to ruin the game. Between here and reddit, you really get to see people whine about alts, and catch up mechanics. Booze may not agree with it, but I personally think making the game "Alt Friendly" is a fucking detriment to the game. You join late? Fuck you. You're new? Fuck you. Do the shit I had to do. Why? Because if you're skipping that treadmill, then I question why the fuck I even do it? I dont give a fuck that little fucking Timmy doesnt have time to play two different characters or more in the game. I dont care that Joe Blow has an 18 hour work day and can only play 30 minutes. What amplifies the fuck you mode is that MMO's have been copying WoW for years and what they do trickles down into other MMO's and ruins their games (further). WoW has a lot of memories tied to it, but the sooner Blizzard dies in a self inflicted fire - the better. I havent spent my own money on Blizzard in at least three years. I've got 2 million gold on Hyjal and 130 bucks in blizzard cash. Ill try w/e they throw out to see if anything changes (cause Im MMO starved) but fuck if Im going to pay out of pocket for anything theyve came up with lately.