Vyemm Raider
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Hahahaha holy shit - talk about names from the dark past of the internet. I actually knew Stephanie Krutsick and met her at a meet-up ages and ages ago - she used to call herself "thebitingfaery" on LiveJournal/FARK/DeviantArt/Portal of Evil and a bunch of other Web 1.0 sites way, way, way back in the early 2000s. You can probably still find some of those old archives around, if you care to look; here's her DeviantArt page that appears to have shots of her from right around when she started at Blizzard in 2006:
As I recall, she was always pretty insufferable and desperately hungry for attention, both online and in-person, so it isn't really surprising that she's claiming to have been the victim of harassment (again).

thebitingfaery - Hobbyist | DeviantArt

As I recall, she was always pretty insufferable and desperately hungry for attention, both online and in-person, so it isn't really surprising that she's claiming to have been the victim of harassment (again).
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