The sad thing is they are really selling Alex as the Weinstein of Video Games.
I don’t think he was drugging chicks, or raping them. I don’t think he was exchanging power and influence favors for sex. It’s likely he’s a single dude who lives like a playboy and crossed some lines. the dude likely deserved to be fired (I am not privy to all the details), but they are destroying him publicly.
Now unless there is actual evidence of crimes, or sexual harassment, he’s simply guilty of being horny. To be clear, sexual harassment shouldn’t be some dude saying he wants to marry you or asking you out.
Regret =! Harrassment. If you went to the Cosby suite and willingly slept with (or other intimate things) Alex, that’s not assault…unless you actually said No, and clearly defined a boundary that he crossed.
Cosby thing optics are real bad, and while I’m sure it’s tongue in cheek (I highly doubt they were advocating/practicing roofies and sex) , it’s just gives tons of ammo to accusations. It now gives every single blue hair support to say anything.
Was there real sexual harassment? Who the hell knows. The State of California might have something. But the world is reacting to the optics, which to my eyes seem like some bad judgement, immaturity, and bad taste. Again though, I’m only speaking about Alex.
As to women being paid fairly, promotions, and that bullshit, another story.
That said, this absolutely is the woke apocalypse. You better fit neatly in the letters LGBTQ or identity as something other than White and Male.
Lastly, the whole “believe victims“ nonsense. Heres a simple answer. No. I’ll take your accusation seriously, and want to see evidence or proof and understand a situation before I blindly believe anyone. But I’m not taking anyone’s word just because your a victim or your a woman (Or a man).