Think the debate about lore is missing the mark to some extent, it's increasing prominence was a part of a shift in game design from "world is the main character" to "the player is the main character". Some of the newer expansions you're basically playing a single player adventure game, you're constantly the hero and interacting directly with all of your faction's leaders. Compare classic WoW where your character is no one in particular and the game encourages you to work with other players starting around level 10.
Train your players to think of themselves as the main character and set up all your game systems so that other players are either an annoyance or a throw-away vehicle to be used for their progress, and it's no wonder that the playerbase ends up the way it has.
Secondary problem here is that shifting to a more story based model also means the lore/writing has to be a lot better and more complex than it does when it only has to explain why the world looks the way it does.