They could have made it one item that gives 10,000 anima or more to make a splash.There's a quest to kill him.
77 gold, 22 silver, and 2,000 anima.
This actually sounds like it might be pretty accurate. The Void Lords were always the endgame and they're overdue for a dragon-centric expansion and more elemental planes.
Aren't there still 2 or 3 other Old Gods still out there too? Like N'Zoth showed up, but none of the others. So 12.0 will probably be about them. Who knows though. I'd actually be surprised if the game lasts until 13.0 but we'll see.
I thought there were 5 but turns out only 4, so we've now taken care of them all. Cthun in vanilla, Yogg in WOTLK, Y'Shaarj was... already dead? fused with Garrosh? fuck I don't remember how Pandaland went, and N'Zoth in BFA.
G'huun was a fake one. But yeah they are all dead.There is a 5th, we fought him in BFA, G'huun.
G'huun was a fake one. But yeah they are all dead.
As for the Jailer's final cinematics, they're just mostly disappointing, but that's par for the course in this expansion.
The Jailer himself is not an interesting character, his original design is a blatant ripoff of Zebuxoruk from EQ's Planes of Power (wearing rags, bare chest, chains motif) and then his armored design is what you get when you imagine the Lich King on steroids, cartoonishly exagerated.
His motivations are cliché upon cliché for the little we know of them, he just wanted to unite the universe against a "coming threat (tm)", and when they wouldn't listen he decided forcing everyone with Domination was the way to go, and was imprisoned for the attempt. See also Palpatine creating the Galactic Empire to face the Yuuzhan Vong, or a myriad other villains who did the same thing.
Plus they also tried to cram as much of the past stories as possible into the Jailer's 34D chess, so it looked silly pretty quick when you figure out he's been behind the Legion, the Old Gods, the Emerald Nightmare, the Scourge, the Dreadlords, and he killed Batman's parents. All along making past fan-favorite villains into pawns or diminishing their impact in the story. The cinematic intro to the last raid could have been a redo of "Agatha All Along" with the Jailer dancing.
Thing is, Zebuxoruk also showed up out of nowhere in EQ, like the Jailer in WoW, but his backstory was pretty cool as we found out he was a mortal that gained god-like powers because he learned the language of the gods, and was imprisoned because he wanted to reveal the secrets to all of mortality so the other gods would not be worshipped anymore, and thus lose the source of their powers... and was imprisoned for it. It made for a pretty compelling story, the players versus the gods.
In WoW, we find out the entire pantheon of death was 3D printed in the latest zone, and even Zovaal himself was just a defective robot who had free will where the others were content with performing their appointed tasks. In fact, it looks like all the pantheons are 3D printed since they mention there's six Zereth zones.. this makes not only the Shadowlands very much not interesting, but also seriously diminishes the rest of the story so far in my opinion.
Is there any particular need to play both sides in Shadowlands? I know the last few expansions had slightly different zones for the two sides, so I'd run Mage on Alliance side and Demon Hunter on Horde side. I guess I could do Horde Warlock and Alliance Druid this time out? Except I probably only get one heroic character boost with the Shadowlands purchase, so more likely I'd need to just pick one. I've played Alliance to death so I'll probably do an undead warlock just to do something new, plus Orgrimmar will bring back memories of when I first played and was Horde all the way.
I think zebuxorek was in the origional pantheon in the eq1 manual. But no one imagined him being used well.
Thing is, Zebuxoruk also showed up out of nowhere in EQ, like the Jailer in WoW, but his backstory was pretty cool as we found out he was a mortal that gained god-like powers because he learned the language of the gods, and was imprisoned because he wanted to reveal the secrets to all of mortality so the other gods would not be worshipped anymore, and thus lose the source of their powers... and was imprisoned for it. It made for a pretty compelling story, the players versus the gods.
You can't sue anyone for ripping you off when you ripped off those things from somewhere else first yourself.It never ceases to amaze me how much WoW ripped off of EQ without getting sued, or even anybody really noticing.... Every EQ class (besides Enchanter and Bard, too complex for the WoW demographic) are represented in WoW.
Last I checked Boomkin was pretty FotM/meta, and you can heal and Tank if needed. Great utility.Still wondering if anyone has any input on the Affliction Warlock or Boomkin Druid (or Arcane Mage) as far as Shadowlands goes.
Imagine if they had a Black Empire expansion where Xalatath revives them all and the zones they are connected to get revamped. Could even have Ahn'quiraj, Azol'nerub and Nyalotha zones.I'm not sure how dead they are though.. the lore tidbits in game mention they're neither living nor dead, but are outside the cycle entirely (not being from this universe).
During Legion we went back to Ulduar on some quests and Yogg-Saron was clearly still having his presence felt, even the NPCs say he's been regaining strength since his defeat.
We killed C'thun but then his tomb is right next to the humongous sword draining the living blood of Azeroth which we know is a super source of energy, so I'd guess he's been drinking that with a straw during the whole BFA/Shadowlands thing.
G'huun was indeed an attempt at making an artificial Old God so I'm not counting it either.
Y'shaarj was already mostly dead when we encountered him in Pandaria, and with his heart destroyed at the end of Siege of Orgrimmar, I'd say he's gone for good.
N'Zoth is kind of a mystery though. On the one hand we seemingly vaporized him with an azerite-fueled superlaser, but on the other hand what we fought didn't really look like the whole thing. I mean, in BFA you literally see N'zoth's huge ass tentacles under the Shrine of Storms in the dephts, he's spread out over the ocean, and then you fight this piddly thing at the end of Ny'alotha.. plus it's called the city of dreams in various lore tidbits, so maybe we saw what we wanted to see.
Also, Xalatath (the priest dagger) is still out there, and we know she's related to the Old Gods too or may have been one herself previously.
A lot of that is a way to bring back rather popular villains, and I'll admit I'm myself waiting for an Old God centric expansion, I think the Black Empire patch was a mistake if it's all they intend to do with it, it could have been made into a whole expansion concept to deal with them for good I think.
It never ceases to amaze me how much WoW ripped off of EQ without getting sued, or even anybody really noticing
For leveling and open world none of that applies. Locks and hunters are forever op.
Nera already answered, but EQ1 ripped their shit from MUDs and D&D.
Imagine if they had a Black Empire expansion where Xalatath revives them all and the zones they are connected to get revamped. Could even have Ahn'quiraj, Azol'nerub and Nyalotha zones.
This stuff writes itself... it's amazing how incompetent they are.