I still havented decided if Im going to play or not, simply because of what you're saying. I cant find anything that genuinely gets me excited. A lot of things look interesting, but most of it has a mental response of "Oh thank god they changed that, finally."Not quite sure I understand the "hype" behind the new expansion. I genuinely ask if anyone here is consciously looking forward to something in the expansion, whether that be lore, raids or... Maybe the talent trees?
Like, shadowlands was a complete disaster, this new race/class is pretty cringe and the lore is just... I would rate smut books for old ladies in a higher tier than retail writing.
I can't imagine anyone here has been playing retail throughout shadowlands since Nathria was current raid content, so why now? Is it copium? Boredom?
It’s more about what DF doesn’t have. There are no bullshit systems and you can mostly ignore the game world if all you care about is ilevel. I don’t like the M+ loot changes. This expansion will rise or fall on the quality of dungeons and raids, which is all I can ask for.Not quite sure I understand the "hype" behind the new expansion. I genuinely ask if anyone here is consciously looking forward to something in the expansion, whether that be lore, raids or... Maybe the talent trees?
Like, shadowlands was a complete disaster, this new race/class is pretty cringe and the lore is just... I would rate smut books for old ladies in a higher tier than retail writing.
I can't imagine anyone here has been playing retail throughout shadowlands since Nathria was current raid content, so why now? Is it copium? Boredom?
Something to do for a month during the winter when there isn’t much to do. IMO winter releases are way better idea than summer releases.Not quite sure I understand the "hype" behind the new expansion. I genuinely ask if anyone here is consciously looking forward to something in the expansion, whether that be lore, raids or... Maybe the talent trees?
Like, shadowlands was a complete disaster, this new race/class is pretty cringe and the lore is just... I would rate smut books for old ladies in a higher tier than retail writing.
I can't imagine anyone here has been playing retail throughout shadowlands since Nathria was current raid content, so why now? Is it copium? Boredom?
Not quite sure I understand the "hype" behind the new expansion. I genuinely ask if anyone here is consciously looking forward to something in the expansion, whether that be lore, raids or... Maybe the talent trees?
I haven't been excited or "hyped" for an xpac since Legion, but I generally like the dudgeon, raid, and leveling content enough to get at least 40 hours out of it. With no word on the Microsoft buy out, it's not like the gold sitting in my account is doing anything else, so might as well use it on tokens.Not quite sure I understand the "hype" behind the new expansion. I genuinely ask if anyone here is consciously looking forward to something in the expansion, whether that be lore, raids or... Maybe the talent trees?
Like, shadowlands was a complete disaster, this new race/class is pretty cringe and the lore is just... I would rate smut books for old ladies in a higher tier than retail writing.
I can't imagine anyone here has been playing retail throughout shadowlands since Nathria was current raid content, so why now? Is it copium? Boredom?
Oddly enough - I think I lost interest in SL's about the same point. We were doing CN's court or something and... I just didnt care anymore. Weird how you can just turn immediately apathetic like that.I haven't been excited or "hyped" for an xpac since Legion, but I generally like the dudgeon, raid, and leveling content enough to get at least 40 hours out of it. With no word on the Microsoft buy out, it's not like the gold sitting in my account is doing anything else, so might as well use it on tokens.
For Shadowlands I was able to get through most of the first raid on heroic before losing interest and I suspect DL will be the same or maybe slightly better.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me 3047 times, you might he a total Blizzard cuck fag. Enjoy some dragon deeznutz dipshits.
Oddly enough - I think I lost interest in SL's about the same point. We were doing CN's court or something and... I just didnt care anymore. Weird how you can just turn immediately apathetic like that.
They are like rats in a maze.Not quite sure I understand the "hype" behind the new expansion. I genuinely ask if anyone here is consciously looking forward to something in the expansion, whether that be lore, raids or... Maybe the talent trees?
Like, shadowlands was a complete disaster, this new race/class is pretty cringe and the lore is just... I would rate smut books for old ladies in a higher tier than retail writing.
I can't imagine anyone here has been playing retail throughout shadowlands since Nathria was current raid content, so why now? Is it copium? Boredom?
I think the fact that you're thinking about it is sufficient at this stage -- you'll probably be done within a week or two (or maybe you'll go the full month!) but it'll be fun to run some M+ and new expansion time is always worth the price of admission. We can even start talkingI still havented decided if Im going to play or not, simply because of what you're saying. I cant find anything that genuinely gets me excited. A lot of things look interesting, but most of it has a mental response of "Oh thank god they changed that, finally."
But to give a more specific answer, if I decide to play - it'll be out of sheer boredom. I just dont have much that I "want" to play right now, but WoW gives that perfect comfort food feeling. Its just too bad its the type of comfort food that makes you feel like complete shit after eating all of it.
I think the fact that you're thinking about it is sufficient at this stage -- you'll probably be done within a week or two (or maybe you'll go the full month!) but it'll be fun to run some M+ and new expansion time is always worth the price of admission. We can even start talkingBoozeCube into coming so that we can see how terrible Warriors will be.
You'd have a better shot of me getting back into Lost Ark.
I'm waiting for Artist release before I start trying to pull on that cord; we're going to need more supports for Brelshaza alt runs after all!
Totally agree with your point of not wanting to give Blizzard any money though, that was about the only reason I almost opted to skip out on Dragonflight. The only difference is that the parts that you bring up (the art team, the first go at the dungeons, and the first pass through of the quests) is sufficient from an enjoyable time spent versus cost for me to give it a few weeks.
I still think you could dump that gold and walk away with a little pocket change, even now. Cause if you didnt even want to play WOTLK, you're not going to want to play anything past that. Whats the worst that could happen? You sell it to some farmer or something and get banned for 6 months? Oh no'zz!! I'm just bringing this up cause your "support" of Blizzard was given to them long ago and you can buy everything you want with the currency already on your account. I havent paid for these little stints for a while now.You'd have a better shot of me getting back into Lost Ark.
Bullshit Hyperbole aside. As with most Blizzard expansions so far I am sure the zones will be impressive visually the art team has always remained consistently solid. The leveling experience will probably be fun enough a time or two if you don't bother to read any quests given how poor the writing is, and I am sure the new dungeons will be fun to run a handful of times and maybe clear the first raid once, after that you wouldn't log in but once every 6 months for the new patch for a couple of days rinse and repeat.
The question is at that level of play is the cost of the expansion worth it? Well it certainly could be for some hours spent vs cost is always in your favor for MMORPGs. I just can't in good faith give Blizzard money anymore, they are no longer the company I grew up with, we were once their target audience, this once small computer gaming company grew off our backs then tossed us aside. It isn't one thing, it was the myriad of changes over the years and while they won't miss my cash they don't deserve it either.
For some reason I think Boozecube is spending more time with a new lady or something. His personal life just seems ate up - so I doubt he'll play, and if he does, it'll be limited.I think the fact that you're thinking about it is sufficient at this stage -- you'll probably be done within a week or two (or maybe you'll go the full month!) but it'll be fun to run some M+ and new expansion time is always worth the price of admission. We can even start talkingBoozeCube into coming so that we can see how terrible Warriors will be.
Im not excited to redo dungeons that are from previous expansions for Mythic+ - I can already see some random bitching "This dungeon is ancient! Why dont you know to take this "short cut" that costs us 2 minutes to skip these 2 mobs that'll take 15 seconds for us to kill?!" The new ones will probably be fine for a couple weeks, though.I'm waiting for Artist release before I start trying to pull on that cord; we're going to need more supports for Brelshaza alt runs after all!
Totally agree with your point of not wanting to give Blizzard any money though, that was about the only reason I almost opted to skip out on Dragonflight. The only difference is that the parts that you bring up (the art team, the first go at the dungeons, and the first pass through of the quests) is sufficient from an enjoyable time spent versus cost for me to give it a few weeks.
No big surprises for the top spot in that. Wish they would have included MOP cause I believe a lot of specs were ranked entirely different during that expac. For some reason, I remember Frost being... good? But I could be wrong. I know for sure that windwalker was an absolute beast suring MOP cause of their release state being, naturally, OP. Just a lot of different shit should be flying around in MOP that would totally skew these charts.Who doesn't love to look at/talk about numbers and spreadsheets?!?
View attachment 440363
TLDR: Time spent with at least 1 DPS spec in the top 50% of performers (classes with both ranged and melee specs are also separated):
View attachment 440364
How long each spec spent in the xpac in the top 50%
View attachment 440365
By Tier:
View attachment 440366
SOURCE: Google spreadsheet
Frost DK had a little bit of time where it was good, but I don't remember if that was MoP or Cata. WotLK DKs were op in all areas but I think that power lingered for at least 1 or 2 xpacs.No big surprises for the top spot in that. Wish they would have included MOP cause I believe a lot of specs were ranked entirely different during that expac. For some reason, I remember Frost being... good? But I could be wrong. I know for sure that windwalker was an absolute beast suring MOP cause of their release state being, naturally, OP. Just a lot of different shit should be flying around in MOP that would totally skew these charts.
Im just assuming that the class balance isnt going to change that much into DF, simply because I feel like all the talent trees did was just give you the ability to recall certain abilities and tier sets from the past. Nothing really new got brought to the table. Sort of likewormie said, I enjoy Spriest a lot, which this graph seems to appreciate - but I just dont like the Void Eruption shit either. It was fun back when Surrender to Madness (Early Legion) gave you a reward for using that shit and would turn you into a monster DPS machine, but now that S2M is nerfed to fk.. Void Eruption just seems like an annoying rotation switch for little to no reward.
Besides, those charts.. I assume, are based off of Raiding. If we included Mythic+, Hunters definitely wouldnt be ranked in the bottom. Maybe a chart of the averaged rankings for both raiding and mythic+ would be more appealing.