BR's for whatever reason bring out the degenerates of degenerates.It's complete shit. Already people fly hacking, and warping through structures.
If I was 12 I'd love it.
They're like 6 years late to the Battle Royale craze.So.. its just a time limited PVP map with unique rewards? Really pushing for that FOMO. If I still had plans to play in the future, I'd be a bit annoyed. Instead its just sad.
That's all they do, show up to a trend 6 years late.They're like 6 years late to the Battle Royale craze.
Lord knows theyre going to use that as metrics. "Look how many people are enjoying this content!"As someone that has never Battle Royaled, this is hot aids.
It would be one thing if it was a permanent side mode (that you could engage every once in a while, like BGs nowadays), but with it only running 6 weeks, you need to commit to getting a level in this basically every single day its running if you want the level 40 rewards.
Yeah there were definetly battle royale maps in WC3.As usual with tranbo faggot Blizzard instead of having their finger on the pulse they have their finger up their asshole. Battle Royal gayness is about 5 or 6 years to late.
It’s like these American Inventor tards and MOBAs the entire fucking genre was built under their fucking noses they were just too fucking stupid to notice until it slipped through their fingers. This shit is just more of the same.
What fucked up parallel universe are you from?Trading Post has Dreadwake mount. I always wanted it never wanted to pay money for it in blizzard store. Any of you guys still play retail? Season 4 is coming out April 23 I think. Looking forward to it. Dragonflight has been best expac I've played in years. I'm literally happy for all my experiences with it. Helps playing with friends tho. Love to play with you guys. Cross server guilds next expac. We should do something.
NVMMisc refugee
What fucked up parallel universe are you from?