Potato del Grande
- 10,218
- 10,958
Disagree with the last, many of them were cool, however, I still think what makes raiding less meaningful is not lusting after some big dick weapon drop like the old days. Actual status symbol to others.My hunter hasn't changed in terms of play style since... before Legion. The last major change was when they got rid of minimum range for bows/guns and ditched swapping out permanently. Pets still tank nicely, although not as well as back when the pet heal was channeled and not a HOT. Warlock OTOH tank pet is pure shit in aff spec. I may have to look at trying demonology again.
Legion art was definitely apex WOW. Everything just radiated awesomeness. Not just the art, game direction was on point too. I wish they had kept the weapons that way permanently, and just let them grow with us. I also miss player housing/farm/garrison/class hall type stuff. Those added immensely to the immersion, because they gave you a sense of ownership and stake in whatever the fuck was going on in the story.
I got zero immersion/stake, but I did kinda not mind and even like a bit doing the class hall ordering folks around, suprised they didnt try to cram a full on RTS mini game of sorts into wow. Though your peeps being all these big name big hitters seemed silly.