World of Warcraft: Current Year


I would be disappointed in this expansion if I didn't do Heroic Mode raiding. The encounter design has been amazing this tier, and from what I have played on the PTR next tier is as well.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I loved SSC. TK got on my nerves. Man, a lot of great memories back then. We were awful and months behind but we busted through. Good fun times


Yeah, I'm not sure what the fuck happened. They really seemed to hit their quest design stride with cata, and LK to an extent, then they tossed all of that out of the window by doing an entire expansion's worth of the most monotonous, boring, repetitive quests they could think of. Jade Forest is the best of the zones, but even that is really weak in some places. Then you have zones like Valley of Barrens-chat, and Townlong that make you want to go play Runescape or some shit.
haha no

Cataclysm 81-85 content was goodoncethen was utterly soul-destroying. MoP was designed to learn from that.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
That is why that super xp boost potion that drops from that rare Mogu in Dreadwastes is awesome. Combined with hierlooms and stacking completed quests before you pop the potion, you can blow through cata crap in no time. I went from 83 to 85 in less than an hour on my monk.


That is why that super xp boost potion that drops from that rare Mogu in Dreadwastes is awesome. Combined with hierlooms and stacking completed quests before you pop the potion, you can blow through cata crap in no time. I went from 83 to 85 in less than an hour on my monk.
XP potion? Why have I not been farming this?!?!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It's his rare drop, so it isn't a guaranteed deal. He spawns right next to the great wall in DW right near where the spiders crawl up the wall and attack the shado-pan dudes. The pot is BoA, so you can mail it to an alt. It's also one time use, so it helps if you plan ahead. Xp boost buff poofs when you ding 85.


haha no

Cataclysm 81-85 content was goodoncethen was utterly soul-destroying. MoP was designed to learn from that.
haha yes.

Cataclysm had this little thing called variety in its quests, interesting storylines, and memorable characters.

You're truly fucked in the head if you think that MoP's questing is in anyway better than Cata, or even Wrath.

The MoP formula: Go to mini quest hub > pick up 3 quests (2 kill, one collect/magic wand) > complete quest for one reward > repeat ~100 times. There are maybe 3-5 interesting quests in each zone, with the rest copy and paste filler bullshit.


Tranny Chaser
Lorewalker Cho is probably my favorite NPC currently. The voice acting and writing for him is truly excellent.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I had trouble getting into the panda lore. Now, the Klaxxi were interesting to me. I'm still intrigued by what may happen in 5.3

Also, I sometimes need friends to punch me when I think about going back to raiding 3 nights a week. Always happens at a new patch. Must remain a filthy casual.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I have to agree with Dom. The first run-through of 85-90 was incredibly bland overall to me, other than seeing the new environments. I had no problem running several alts through Cata's questing, but I will admit that was not a whole lot better. I think what is loading me back right now is just the idea of after getting an alt to max, the fact that a lot of valor gear is locked behind reps that require dailies. After I max them all on my main, that's it, I'm done with them...except maybe for getting the required charms a week for LFR. I have to ask, is it fairly viable to just skip dailies altogether and not get any of the gear locked behind reputations, and instead just do heroics and then get gear solely through LFR? Because I'd much prefer to do that.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
It's possible but slower. My primary alt is a lock so even when waiting for a queue I end up questing.


FPS noob
I have to ask, is it fairly viable to just skip dailies altogether and not get any of the gear locked behind reputations, and instead just do heroics and then get gear solely through LFR? Because I'd much prefer to do that.
I have 3 alts that are all around ilevel 480 and have never done a single daily except the farm "plant crop X" daily, and I don't do regular raiding either just LFR. I enjoy battlegrounds so I actually geared them all up via sha/PVP till they could run LFR, ran each one through all the LFRs on different weeks, and have been pretty lucky with drops. One other trick for LFR is stocking up your bags with BOE epics, I crafted a few and they counted towards LFR ilevel without even equipping it. Also the event necks, rings, etc. Once you unlock all the LFRs you can just run TOES on all your chars and skip the other raids, with only 1 char its depressing getting just gold every week but with 2-5 chars running sha/TOES every week you tend to get stuff, like I have 4 sha touched weapons now (but only my main has the gem).

I mostly did it so I could farm old raids solo for mounts/pets/etc with multiple chars, or run openraid stuff for old legendary/glory achieves I never did. But its super easy, and will be even easier in 5.2 as you will be able to get faction rep with just your farm - dunno how much, but I figure 5 mins a day across a few chars will be an easy way to unlock some recipes. Plus in 5.2 you will be able to buy 476 PVP gear for honor and 470 weapons, skip dungeons and just do PVP and LFR and 5.0 LFRs will have higher drop rates.

Also once you do unlock revered on your main the rest are a lot easier, I did klaxxi last weekend on my pally to get the BS patterns and it took a little under 2 hours to go from neutral to honored (all the patterns are honored) with just regular dread waste quests.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I have 3 chars over 480 and 1 is over 460. The one just over 460 doesn't do ANY daily's other than tillers, never has. It's not hard to get to 460 for LFR.


Tranny Chaser
It took me a couple days last week once I was 90 to get 460 for LFR and then I was able to get to 470 for the Heart of Fear / Terrace of Endless Springs raids this week.

Running a Warlock up now and since queues are much longer Im actually questing a bit in Outland. Boy the burning crusade stuff has not aged well. I can only hope that Outland gets a do-over with the next expansion (since it will almost certainly be Ethereal / Planar in nature) and they just carve out a couple zones with updated plotline and quests to level 60-70 in and shitcan the rest of it.

While the Horde has at least gotten some Blood Elf intrigue of late I think the Dranei have been completely forgotten as have the Naaru

I will say that I am having far too much fun with alts and LFR gaming in WoW. Much more so than in MMOs where I am supposedly actively raiding and such.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
I'm confused by the faction grinding it seems like in the time it would take me to get exalted you would already get high enough gear lvl just from heroics to do the LFR making the faction items pointless. I've been doing the klaxxi faction and I'm like half way through honored. Doing every daily only gets me like 1200 faction a day, keep feeling like I'm missing something, how is my time not better spent just doing the heroics?


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I'm confused by the faction grinding it seems like in the time it would take me to get exalted you would already get high enough gear lvl just from heroics to do the LFR making the faction items pointless. I've been doing the klaxxi faction and I'm like half way through honored. Doing every daily only gets me like 1200 faction a day, keep feeling like I'm missing something, how is my time not better spent just doing the heroics?
The hilarity is Klaxxi has some blue shit at Exalted that nobody on the planet has probably ever purchased.


FPS noob
the blue klaxxi weps are meant for transmog, not actually using at 90 (yeah doesnt make any sense to me either but whatever). thats pretty much the main reason to grind out the factions, to get the few mounts, pets, transmog items, and crafting recipes out of them. the valor gear is better than anything you can get out of 5 mans, but none of it is really that important.

I'd be suprised if patch 5.2 comes out next tue since they seem to be still iterating on PTR. It also sounds like the LFRs for the new raids wont open up for at least 2 weeks, which sucks


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It does suck, but at least it sounds like there is some stuff to do besides dailies. I want the lightning forge opened ASAP so i can make my 2 person engi flying mount.