World of Warcraft: Current Year


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Ah, well whatshisface above said they're for transmog. I hadn't thought about that since the only "for transmog only" items I've encountered have been stat-less. I just saw that they were 450 or whatever blue max ilvl is and laughed.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If they were BoA that'd be cool, require level 85 twink your toon and shit idk.


Molten Core Raider
I bought the Klaxxi sword for my prot paladin just because I wanted a sword instead of an axe. :p

Haven't had a weapon drop in any LFR yet so I even upgraded it to 471!


I think I heard this somewhere before, but in a recent interview with lead quest designer Dave Kosak, he let loose this little tidbit of info:
Blizz Guy_sl said:
For Mists of Pandaria the quest team originally wanted to do a class quest for every class, but it would have taken as much time as doing an entire zone. The choice came down to doing Townlong Steppes or class quests, and the content that everyone could enjoy won.
Fuuuuuck they made the wrong choice on that one.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I dunno, I thought Townlong was more enjoyable than the majority of Kun-Lai. For me it was something like Jade Forest > Valley > Dread Wastes > Townlong > Kun-Lai. The warlock stuff doesn't look that terribly involved since they reportedly gutted half of it.

Edit: Forgot about Krasarang. I could've lived without Krasarang too. Bring on the class quests!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I hope it's not gutted and they just plan on stretching it out a bit over the patches. That special warlock "island" looked kinda cool.


I have not played in years, and never had a character above 20. I am a very casual player, and thinking about starting up WoW again for something to play. Would it be good to start up again now? And if I did, is there a server where you guys are all playing on?


Golden Knight of the Realm
I have not played in years, and never had a character above 20. I am a very casual player, and thinking about starting up WoW again for something to play. Would it be good to start up again now? And if I did, is there a server where you guys are all playing on?
In terms of server, I would recommend perusing highly active servers based on your preferred faction. While not perfect,Wowprogresswill give you a good indication of realms you should consider. This keeps your options open later in terms of looking for guilds or even participating in a more active PuG scene.

As for how the game caters to a more casual play style, tons written on the matter (good and bad) but even reading through the comments on the previous page, there's just a lot to do... really depends what your looking for but they've pretty much tweaked all of the game systems such that you can get a taste for dungeons, raiding, PvP etc. or commit to the "harder" versions of each content type (eg. random dungeons vs. challenge modes, Looking For Raid vs. heroic raid progress, random battlegrounds vs. rated/Arenas).

Personally, I think the raiding has been very, very good so far (includes what I've seen on the PTR - Throne of Thunder is large and juicy).


I have not played in years, and never had a character above 20. I am a very casual player, and thinking about starting up WoW again for something to play. Would it be good to start up again now? And if I did, is there a server where you guys are all playing on?
You won't find a better MMO that caters to casual players, especially now that achievement hunting, pet battles, old content soloing etc... gives you a shitload to do. As for a server, use locate a medium high - high pop server based on your choice of faction and pve/pvp. Do not pick a low pop server, and try to avoid the highest pop realms to avoid queues. Stormrage is good for alliance PVE, Thrall/Area 52 for Horde PVE, dunno about pvp.

Send me a PM with your account's e-mail address if you need ascroll of ressurectionto try it out for 7 days on your old account, get an instant level 80, and an upgrade to cataclysm.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
This week on one of the interview summaries on MMO-C, it was mentioned a new unannounced feature was coming in 5.4 (Siege of Orgrimmar raid patch) that will greatly increase the amount of content.

I'm wondering if they're going to implement player or zone scaling for older zones and raids for LFR/LFD type runs. Thinking back to the vast amount of legacy content that they could use to provide transmog and maybe random relevant trash epics in the bags (as they're already planning to do) would be a major upgrade in sheer volumes of content. I think that'd also pull on my nostalgia heart strings and make it a bit more fun than soloing.

This sounds like an obvious win for them if its the case.


I definitely appreciate the feedback, I already have Cataclysm on my account. I am still on the fence about getting back into WoW and dropping the cash for MoP (looks like I just missed a sale so its back up to $40). It does look like Stormrage would be a good server to jump on as you suggested. Unfortunately none of my friends play, and I really won't have anything to get started so it will be a fresh character on a new server for me. So it looks like it will be mostly soloing for a while.

Anyone here have any feedback on how the Pandarian race, or Monk class are? Or would it be better to head back to Hunter class, or even Paladin (from what I hear they are great classes for those that solo).


Depends on what you're looking to solo. If your aim is soloing old raids, nothing can beat a blood DK, with prot pallies, warlocks, hunters, monks and druids following. There's not much else in the game now that needs a certain class to solo. Most "elite" quests were changed to be soloable by everyone, and any dps spec can rip apart mobs at around the same rate.

I love my monk due to mistweaver and windwalker being pretty fun to play, but I really don't care for the brewmaster tanking.

@ Caeden: It would have to provide pretty frivolous rewards as there's no way they would spend the time required to scale/redesign the encounters to provide a sufficient challenge. If it was just for transmog stuff, what would be the point? We can already just go solo them for our transmog needs.


I think with 5.4 they are getting rid of factions, no more Horde/Alliance. Everyone is combined. Ok that can't be true. If it is you heard it here first.


NeoGaf Donator
I think with 5.4 they are getting rid of factions, no more Horde/Alliance. Everyone is combined. Ok that can't be true. If it is you heard it here first.
I don't see this happening at all, but I would not mind it one bit. The whole "alliance is for fags" was fun for the first couple years, but I can count on one hand how many world pvp encounters I've had since cata. Of course it might stem from the fact that there are no alliance on Illidan :p


This week on one of the interview summaries on MMO-C, it was mentioned a new unannounced feature was coming in 5.4 (Siege of Orgrimmar raid patch) that will greatly increase the amount of content.

I'm wondering if they're going to implement player or zone scaling for older zones and raids for LFR/LFD type runs. Thinking back to the vast amount of legacy content that they could use to provide transmog and maybe random relevant trash epics in the bags (as they're already planning to do) would be a major upgrade in sheer volumes of content. I think that'd also pull on my nostalgia heart strings and make it a bit more fun than soloing.

This sounds like an obvious win for them if its the case.
Mmm, level-scaled Legendaries. Imagine having to camp for a ilvl+ Sulfuras/Thunderfury/etc in every raid tier. What could possibly go wrong?

OTOH, Tier 1 through whatever DK armour would be nice, as would flame wreath in LFR.

I think with 5.4 they are getting rid of factions, no more Horde/Alliance. Everyone is combined. Ok that can't be true. If it is you heard it here first.
Only if the Alliance win. Two reasons: Firstly, it would piss the vocal "For the Horde!" crowd off something fierce. Secondly, it would shut the whining up from the "Waah the Alliance sucks" crowd as well, and probably piss them off as well (because they'll need to find something new to be the self-righteous victim about).


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I sorta agree if for transmog, then why? Maybe it wouldn't be just that. They did streamline some stats, so maybe they can scale the gear and just scale the damage. A waste of time, maybe, but they might just be trying to offer a tiny chunk of the epicness back (if you can consider LFR at any time epic). I don't know. Just a thought.

My main is a blood DK and fuck if I don't get frustrated at old content because I love transmog.


Molten Core Raider
Thinking about rerolling and playing with this chick. I haven't played in like 2 years so I'm really out of the loop. What 2 classes complement each other the best these days?


Molten Core Raider
This week on one of the interview summaries on MMO-C, it was mentioned a new unannounced feature was coming in 5.4 (Siege of Orgrimmar raid patch) that will greatly increase the amount of content.
Fully implemented housing with some form of putting gear and armor on display. Believe it!