World of Warcraft: Current Year


That's just the dude who stalks me that has been crying for months about the same dumb shit. Remember hes the guy who watches videos and knows better than people doing it? Commenting on that drove him into a frenzy and now were "lOLLL MLG proz, man childs, pro wow gamer and all bads"

@That channel causes so much drama and Fart loved that everyone thought it was me, I just enjoyed the shit show of people wigging out.
The path of the wicked intersects with the path of the devout.


A Mod Real Quick
Started levelling my monk again. I decided to go tanking for levelling to 90 just because I'd rather set the pace than be stuck with some shithead slow-ass tanks. I'm loaded with Heirlooms (I don't even think you can buy the ones I have anymore) and it's laughably fast. I can run a decent group through most dungeons in 5 minutes or less while gaining 1-2 levels. My DPS is always double or triple the next DPS and I barely need healing.

It seems to be that at this level (sub-40), tanking feels way too simple. I toss this barrel or brew or whatever at a group (40 yard range is absolutely ridiculous), light them on fire, guard/expel harm, punch shit and that's it. I hope there is more to it as I level.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I am sad at the minor utility nerf for Shamans. Kind of confused as well. I am not sure yet about the retool for Echo of the Elements. Not impressed really.
I think the echo of elements retool could be very handy. The problem with it now is there are small windows in which to dump the extra attacks and due to priorities and GCD its very easy at the current levels of haste to waste a lot of these procs for no gain. If you can bank charges this allows you to both not lose the procs and still allow you to use them sensibly and smooth out gaps in the rotation so you are forced to do less hard casting of lightning bolt at low charge levels or /shiver use frost shock.


Vyemm Raider
Anyone have any hookups on Area 52? There's so many guilds spamming for recruits, all of them with 3+ hunters. And call me spoiled but I don't want to regress to wiping on H Imp.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Got my monk to 100 and I have no fucking idea how to heal on this asshole.
Very quick, healing meter number padding guide: Start downloading Renewing Mist Tracker, spec into Pool of Mists, when you have at least 6+ mists on the raid, use uplift, otherwise find new targets for renewing mist or use focus tea to get more bounces from them.
Statue always down, use Soothing Mist and spam Surging (usually on tanks) to build Chi quickly. If you have to tank heal, cross your fingers beforehand. If you take chi brew you can chain cast 4 uplifts for massive number padding, I mean raid healing, estremely good if you manage to do it with 10+ mists around.
If you can spare the mana, rushing jade winds equals to a retarded amount of ae healing. Just to show the world who's the badass you can chain two RJW while you spread mists, then chain 4 uplifts, then use Revival (3m CD) and look at your numbers, it's fap worthy for some people.

Jokes aside, monk healing is fun, when doing easy content, spec Chi Explosion and go Crane Stance, it's a lot more fun to juggle the two stances, but you have to get used to it a bit.

(I'm a offspec mistweaver, was main spec in the old pandaria version, so bear with me if I wrote some bullshit).


Blackwing Lair Raider
Monk healing is pretty straight forward for basic healing. The main tricky part is learning when you can/should go fist weaving mode. Fistweaving tends to be really good for lots of raid healing for lower numbers. Normally though you are going to be in your normal healing stance. Big things as the previous poster mentioned keep the statue in play ALWAYS keep mists circulating and then put the beam of love on the tank taking damage and throw surges to build CHI and uplift to pad the hell out of your numbers I mean heal the raid.


Toe Sucker
Miele is mostly right, but.. you need to change play styles completely when you're in raid content versus 5 man content.

5 man: almost never use uplift.. it blows when it only hits 4-5 people, you're better off using 3 chi to enveloping mists the target instead, swapping target.. channeling soothing mists and build more chi with surging mists. The hardest part about 5 mans is when multiple people start to dip because you only really have revival which isn't very good in 5 man content, and virtually the only decent aoe "heal" you have since uplift is very underwhelming on 4-5 people.

Raiding: what Miele said, except don't use chi brew.. it's less chi gained per minute than power strikes is by a large margin.

Fistweaving is hit or miss, unless you're geared it's very, very shitty and almost entirely worth ignoring until you are. It is good however in raids on almost every fight where you can lust on pull, help out by doing 30k or so dps, gain 12 or so mana teas then swap to the normal routine.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So I basically drop down my statue, throw a mists out, channel my deal while surging if necessary then mist again? Do I want to keep all my mist charges on cooldown? Is surging the default way of gaining Chi or am I expected to go up there and whack some shit for Chi?


Toe Sucker
Renewing mists is kind of a finicky thing that differs depending on if you're doing 5 mans or raiding.

In 5 mans you'll basically use it on cooldown by means of generating chi to use on enveloping mists, or the very rare Uplift.

In Raids you'll want to consider:

Is it already up on ~9 people?

if yes, how many charges do i have? if more than 1.. use it anyway.
if no, use enough charges to get you ~9 people with it.

try and pool 1 charge if you already have ~9 so you can TFT > Renewing Mists onto a raid before heavy incoming damage, then uplift the shit out of everybody.

Thunder focus tea will make it jump to 5 people instead of 3, so you'll always want to use this on cooldown.. specially since it's a very large factor in our 4P bonus coming in BRF.
Expel Harm is another you'll want to use on cooldown, as it generates chi, triggers power strikes and also heals yourself (even if you're fully healed, use it)

Surging is a very large portion of generating chi in 5 mans, but not so much in raids.. you'll most often use RJW, expel harm, renewing mists, and maybe the occasional surging to generate your chi, but for the most part you aren't going to be casting it unless your tank or somebody dips dangerously low.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Started leveling my ele sham alt and holy shit am I loving it. Is it true that ele is gimp ATM? I mean, I'll keep playing him regardless but I'm curious. I really love the updated spell effects for them and the rotation feels pretty fun.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think Mythic Tectus is nothing but elemental shamans on the top


Meant enhance not ele


<Bronze Donator>
Started leveling my ele sham alt and holy shit am I loving it. Is it true that ele is gimp ATM? I mean, I'll keep playing him regardless but I'm curious. I really love the updated spell effects for them and the rotation feels pretty fun.
Agreed. Really enjoy the rotation and their spell animations make them seem like gods. The think with their DPS is scales with ilvl so much that they're very shitty until you get gear and even then they aren't a top DPS class right now, but I think in a real competitive raid environment you probably do enough random raid healing to make up for that.

If you're able to spec both ele and enhc you'll do great damage overall, but thats mostly because enhc is incredibly OP with multiple target damage right now.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Also while leveling my monk I felt like I was getting screwed on quest upgrades. Turns out I only thought I dropped my rax for a mill. Serves me right for being mostly buzzed the entire time I was leveling.