World of Warcraft: Current Year


Lord Nagafen Raider
You seem to not understand what most of the botters are. They aren't the people using combat routines. They buy a bunch of battle chests when they are on sale and bot the characters up while on the free month and liquidate all the gold and sell it. Monthly ban waves aren't going to stop them. They usually get banned before the month is up from getting flagged in the system for playing 24/7. The only way to eliminate them right away is to actually hire people to watch the game with the GM tools. This is the first time they have detected HonorBuddy and it was only for a period for little over a week. They have the resources to stop it, they just aren't willing to spend the money to do it.
I know what they do, the difference is that nowadays they don't disrupt the game as much as they did in 2005-2006, when they were really fucking annoying, e.g. in felwood when you wanted to get a bunch of Felcloth, the satyrs were camped by these bots, same for Silithus in several spots.
They could kick them all out, it'd be bad for business, so they don't take action very often, as long as they don't ruin other players' experience.


You seem to not understand what most of the botters are. They aren't the people using combat routines. They buy a bunch of battle chests when they are on sale and bot the characters up while on the free month and liquidate all the gold and sell it. Monthly ban waves aren't going to stop them. They usually get banned before the month is up from getting flagged in the system for playing 24/7. The only way to eliminate them right away is to actually hire people to watch the game with the GM tools. This is the first time they have detected HonorBuddy and it was only for a period for little over a week. They have the resources to stop it, they just aren't willing to spend the money to do it.
Are these just assumptions on your part or do you have some official citation that backs up your claims?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Who knows if it's most, or even any noticeable percentage, but I know at least some people moved to running 5 man dungeons. They'll level up a normal group, and use HB to spam run a dungeon. The gold adds up super quick when you are getting the "random dungeon bonus" on all 5 toons, and selling off all the gear. Multiply this by dozens of 5 mans, and I read some were making millions a week, and many more millions a month in gold. Seemed smart to me, as you were in your own instance, and never with anyone else.


<Bronze Donator>
Mythic Kromog is a fun one. Takes a huge level of raid coordination to get those pillars down in time. Spent last night wiping on it. I would guess we get it tonight or tomorrow though. Progressing faster on this than we did on Hanz at least.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Mythic Kromog is a fun one. Takes a huge level of raid coordination to get those pillars down in time. Spent last night wiping on it. I would guess we get it tonight or tomorrow though. Progressing faster on this than we did on Hanz at least.
Your trainlord is patiently awaiting your arrival.


Pathetic Reaction Bot
Sorry Sorrows I hate that shit. At least you aren't doing it in half LFR gear like I was for early MOP progression. I quit so hard I even deleted all my addons and settings. That worked for a year and a half.

We got Kromog, the progression from "holy fuck we didn't kill a single pillar" to the kill was pretty fun. ~25 wipes, nothing too painful.

Last night I learned what it is like for people who suck at games. I felt like my brain was in a jar a million miles away - it's been like that at work for a week or so, too. I died near the end of almost every kill. Gruul? Thought I was safe, got hit by smash. H&F? Clipped a conveyor which pushed me into a stamper. (spreading out for the last % puts ranged into shitty spots for dodging anyway, we're expected to die or invul to solo stomps) Beastlord? Pinned TWICE while completely spaced out, and misdirected adds to no one and died because my focus was still set on a tank that wasn't even in the zone. If we hadn't one-shot him I'd have kicked my own ass out of the zone.

Granted, those were my only deaths and I was alive for every wipe. But I had absolutely no focus and it isn't because I'm bored or anything, it's really rare for me to phone it in - I never want to look bad.

I did offer to sit for every boss and apologized for being a space cadet. And I guess dying in the last moments of a win gets noticed less than dying first on a wipe, and we had plenty of people guilty of that. It's just weird to be playing and trying and then suddenly "oooh shiny." I guess now I understand how it happens to people. FFS, I almost started a boss without a pet and I have a bouncing fucking icon on my screen warning me when my pet is dead/missing.

Like I said though, same way at work. They messed with my meds and apparently it took away all my fucks. Plenty of work, but fucking about on the forum anyway.
Your trainlord is patiently awaiting your arrival.
Lol this. One of the few fights that make me glad we rolled our lockout on Black Hand to this week. Even though I need stuff from mythic farm still.


Vyemm Raider
Sigh - so I actually had to point out that making loot council decisions based on lowest ilevel is often just rewarding loot to the people who show up the least. Duh? That's just lazy, FFS. And just because someone bonus rolls something doesn't mean they are going to wear it - I've sold most of it to jeeves lately.

Basically I was told I need to just speak up about it the next time I want something useful, but they are aware now and know I've been shafted a bit. It's not like they don't want me around. I've never sat without asking to and I don't complain or ragequit or chat about stupid shit in he middle of the boss. Fuck it, loot council is a PITA anyway, I forgive them.

The regression hit a new low last night. I was playing Guaccamelee (a PSN+ game that doesn't suck, holy shit!) while listening to Beastlord wipes and wondering what in the fuck.

After our third or fourth oregorger wipe I was advertising in general for my new guild <Cock Merchants> It probably wasn't even noticed because there's just that goddamn many guilds desperately spamming.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Sigh - so I actually had to point out that making loot council decisions based on lowest ilevel is often just rewarding loot to the people who show up the least. Duh? That's just lazy, FFS. And just because someone bonus rolls something doesn't mean they are going to wear it - I've sold most of it to jeeves lately.

Basically I was told I need to just speak up about it the next time I want something useful, but they are aware now and know I've been shafted a bit. It's not like they don't want me around. I've never sat without asking to and I don't complain or ragequit or chat about stupid shit in he middle of the boss. Fuck it, loot council is a PITA anyway, I forgive them.
We've used EPGP for years. I know Loot Council is theoretically superior in terms of distributing gear 'strategically', but if you tweak some of the levers (eg. make catching-up easy for recruits, weight Weapons/Trinks appropriate, reset when it makes sense etc.) it saves you tons of headaches and doesn't really affect your progression in a meaningful way IMO.


Hate loot council. For me, if I apply to a guild and I see Loot Council I nope the fuck out. Too many friends, buddies, funnel and drama, no thanks. I earned 50dkp/epgpg/whathaveyou? Then I can spend 50. Everybody rolls need higher roll win? Fine by me too.

Loot Council may be better "strategically" but its lack of transparency is a flaw that I can't see past.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Zero-sum DKP. Go straight hardcore. Love me some of that.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
The secondary stat thing could use some clarification (or maybe I'm just daft). Are they saying there will be the possibility that an item's secondaries could roll any combination of values?

For example:
250 Multistrike / 50 Versatility
150 Multi / 150 Versatility
10 Multi / 290 Versatility

Or are they saying that the max total secondary stat could be higher or lower depending on the roll?


The secondary stat thing could use some clarification (or maybe I'm just daft). Are they saying there will be the possibility that an item's secondaries could roll any combination of values?

For example:
250 Multistrike / 50 Versatility
150 Multi / 150 Versatility
10 Multi / 290 Versatility

Or are they saying that the max total secondary stat could be higher or lower depending on the roll?
Sounds like they're going the route of what crafted items do, where it could roll higher or lower depending on luck. Which is effectively going to destroy any desire I have to worry about gear at this point.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
iLevel ramping definitely makes sense (for the reasons stated in the blog). It's pretty ridiculous to be struggling with a fight like Furnace for weeks and finally beat it... just to disenchant all of the drops.

The secondary stat randomization sounds like another element of RNG to go with warforged/socket/tertiary stat. I guess it'll be nice for when you've got bosses on farm, but I don't know that it makes loot truly "more exciting" (their stated goal).


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Or are they saying that the max total secondary stat could be higher or lower depending on the roll?
What they're saying is that they can design stuff to be +200/+50 or +140/+140 or +75/+180.

Notice that, the closer the two values, the higher the total: that's how item formula works (it's actually based on something like the total of all stats x^1.5 is fixed).
Sounds like they're going the route of what crafted items do, where it could roll higher or lower depending on luck. Which is effectively going to destroy any desire I have to worry about gear at this point.
If you look at wowhead, the raid drops don't have a range like the mission tokens do. They have static values, but more uneven stats, like+269 versa/+119 mastery.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Not sure if you caught it or not Grayson but Supermassive (top guild on our server, usually top 50 US) threw in the towel...just couldn't get that Mythic Blackhand kill.

Warlords of Draenor, the Guild Slayer.