And just in case people forgot what a clusterfuck it was, these were some of the more minor things necessary for the AQ gate opening:
90,000 Copper Bars <- BOTH SIDES
22,000 Tin Bars <- HORDE ONLY
28,000 Iron Bars <- ALLIANCE ONLY
18,000 Mithril Bars <- HORDE ONLY
24,000 Thorium Bars <- ALLIANCE ONLY
96,000 Peacebloom <- HORDE ONLY
19,000 Firebloom <- HORDE ONLY
26,000 Purple Lotus <- BOTH SIDES
20,000 Arthas Tears <- ALLIANCE ONLY
33.000 Stranglekelp <- ALLIANCE ONLY
180,000 Light Leather <- ALLIANCE ONLY
110,000 Medium Leather <- ALLIANCE ONLY
60,000 Heavy Leather <- HORDE ONLY
80,000 Thick Leather <- BOTH SIDES
60,000 Rugged Leather <- HORDE ONLY
10,000 Lean Wolf Steaks <- HORDE ONLY
20,000 Roast Raptor <- ALLIANCE ONLY
14,000 Rainbow Fin Albacore <- ALLIANCE ONLY
17,000 Spotted Yellowtail <- BOTH SIDES
10,000 Baked Salmon <- HORDE ONLY
800,000 Linen Bandages <- ALLIANCE ONLY
600,000 Silk Bandages <- ALLIANCE ONLY
250,000 Wool Bandages <-- HORDE ONLY
250,000 Mageweave Bandages <- HORDE ONLY
400,000 Runecloth Bandages <- BOTH SIDES
Hahaha. I'm reading this and did we really farm all that shit? It's worse than I thought.
Whenever I think back of old school raiding and 'the good old days', I remember AQ fondly. Good times were had, headphones blew up on first C'Thun kill... but I ran AQ40 the other day for Kalimdor's Revenge and reading this thread... fuck, what a bad zone. I was talking to a mate recently, he didn't believe me when I said that potions, elixirs and flasks stacked! "That is so harsh". Yeah.
I never understood AQ either. In comparsion to Naxx, it felt so rushed and Blizzard hardly seemed to know what they were doing at the time. For some reason we had issues on Huhuran... another fucking resist fight. I was one of the soaks so had to farm Maraudon for NR trinkets and craft some more resist gear. Still, it wasn't that bad. C'Thun trash was. What were they thinking when they put that in? Only to reach an unkillable C'Thun. Worst of all? They put +spell damage on Striker's gear... for arcane shots. We hardly ever used it.
But as much as Naxx gets praise, it was a brutal zone for progression guilds. Most of the bosses were fun, especially Patchwerk and Heigan. 4HM was brutal. Gear your tanks in 3/9 T3 and hope for no resists.
Back on topic though, MoP. I quit right after Ulduar was released. I played in a World Top 10/20 at the time, and Wrath was a huge let down for me, personally. Raiding Ulduar on PTR burned me out, so I quit.
I recently started playing again with some collegues and liking it so far. Levelling was pretty cool, all the zones are nice and some great quest lines. However, it really feels like a totally different game. This x-realm LFR and dungeons thing. You group up, kill shit, everyone leaves. It's pretty efficient but there's no social aspect whatsoever anymore. Most people don't say hi or k tnx bye anymore. It's fucking terrible.
What annoys me the most about MoP - besides the super oversimplified gameplay - is the gated rep. I have no interest in joining another progression guild so I am stuck with crafted stuff and LFR. What a pain in the ass. Took me 2/3 weeks (maybe, idk?) to get revered with Golden Lotus and now I have to grind some more dailies for some other shit faction? Ugh, terrible design.
They got the game right in BC, maybe add some minor elements from Wotlk/Cata/MoP, be done with resilience (fuck you PvP faggots) and you have yourselves an amazing game.
Also: ganking world buffed guilds on their Loatheb kill night was awesome.