World of Warcraft: Current Year


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
GC should have never, ever mentioned how excited he was about this ifthiswas the unannounced 5.4 feature. Wtf?

Edit: Ok, I get that this is really cool for F&F guilds, of which there are many, many more than guilds progressing on hardmode encounters. That being said, he is dumb for not at least controlling the outlandish theories by saying, "We'd like to have a better solution for F&F guilds to raid in a more intimate, but casual, environment." I mean if it didn't pan out, he could have said, "It's still on the drawing board like tutorial single player dungeons and dance studio."

I hope someone gave him a stern talking to about never saying something like that again.


Trakanon Raider
To be perfectly honest, I'd much rather have the ability for all 14 guildies that are currently on to be in one raid than to have Tempest Keep turn into a 25-man current difficulty raid (and knowing Blizz, killing my ability to solo the old TK for Ashes).

I just don't know if I would be "excited" about it, even if it does potentially remove the complaints from DPS #8 that he isn't in the 10man the guild is running right now.


Molten Core Raider
I like the idea of this but it seems like they totally missed the boat, as someone in a friends and family casual ass guild, having too many people to fit in a raid group isn't often a problem, it's too little people most of the time, someone can't make it one night for some reason or another and we just end up pugging that slot or calling the raid. If they came out and said the flex raid system would work for like 7-8 people up to 25, then I could stand to be excited about this, as it is now, I don't really care.


Yea, our 10 man is weird, in that we can be down to 7 players one night and up to 14 another. I'm gone all next week for e3, and oddly enough about 4 other people are as well, for differing reasons. Then there are some weeks where everyone is home with shit all to do and we have to rotate people in for bosses.

If that's the feature, jesus christ. I was hoping it was something like, I dunno. Game changing. Someone was talking about the factions merging or whatever, which seemed far fetched but I thought it was a neat idea, considering how wishy washy all the horde vs. alliance shit is to begin with.

Anyways, fuck ghostcrawler. That guy is fucking blatantly retarded.

Edit: Wait, I'm confused. They said the ilvl of the gear you get is between LFR and Normal ilvl? What the fuck? I'm so confused as to what this does then? Is this not meant for your normal groups?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Edit: Wait, I'm confused. They said the ilvl of the gear you get is between LFR and Normal ilvl? What the fuck? I'm so confused as to what this does then? Is this not meant for your normal groups?
It's LFR - with your friends.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I can see it being used; but other than 11+ member family guilds that somehow haven't already fallen apart, I can't see anyone being excited about this.
Yep. We'd have killed to have this feature last year. These days, getting just 10 members is not a problem; we get peopleaskingto be sidelined "if not needed".

Speaking of which, any clue on when 6.0 will be? Are we really looking at 6+ months after Blizzcon, so May 14 or later?
Yup. I don't see them getting an expansion out before Q2 2014, and they're probably going to end delayed anyway. I remember the pandarens being playable at the demo area of Blizzcon 2011, and look how long it took them to get MoP out... (almost a year)


Stupid addition to the game. How many ilvls are in the raid game now? Ten?

Basically they have just proven that the only reason WoW is still alive is to be a testing ground for software now. They have an active user base to play with and they will do that until they get all the concepts they want tested for Titan.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I really don't see how its grasping at straws, there was 2 pages in the Wildstar thread about how scaling raids to how many are in your group wouldn't be feasible. Looks like it is, just on its own difficulty tier which is fine. It will be used.
I really hope they make it become the new standard for raids, as it would make it way more fun to raid a bit more like you want to. Maybe 15, maybe 12, maybe 13 etc. The only issue I would see with this is how they would scale the loot reward. If they use the shitty lfr system (as they say they are atm) then no real raid guilds will pay attention to it, but if they start scaling the loot based on the number of players, then people will probably find the optimal threshold for loot vs players and go with that. Interesting concept at any rate, will be cool to see how it plays out. Although 4 raid difficulties is still 3 too many. I remember trial of the crusader and look back at it in horror


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I'm curious if they're going to dynamically adjust encounters based on the specs of the participants. Does the damage increase as you add more people or just the hp of the boss? I know it will be easier than Normal so I'm probably overthinking this, but what if you have 2 tanks, 3 healers, and 15 dps?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I really did expect content scaling. Just not this. This doesn't add new content in the way I expected but does bring back the sort of ICC style of raiding. It will be used in my guild.

I'm not sure what they would have done to satisfy anyone here. Factions merging is a cold day in hell. If they can do this then why scaling for old raids? That would have been a lot of content.


It's basically going to be a tool for guilds to carry their alts through so they can have a larger roster for swapping out for heroics.

Oh and like 20 guilds that happen to have 12 people.


2 Minutes Hate
This is what they should of done:
Raid Scaling on all old raids and stick whatever ilevel of gear that is a step below the current tier so you have that content to gear up for LFR. Toss in weekly challenges for contests wordwide (steal the idea for what Wildstar is explaining).

Then scale up all the old heroic dungeons into raids and stick them on the LFR for people that need current heroic-dungeon level gear (do people still do these? I have no idea).


This is what WoW needed, a new way of doing the exact same thing again. Could do with a couple more dailies though


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
If they use the shitty lfr system (as they say they are atm) then no real raid guilds will pay attention to it
It is NOT intended for raiding guilds.

It's intended for the social guilds who face the weekly problem of whom to bench among their friends (as opposed to warm bodies in the guild that no one actually cares about).


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I like the concept, I'm not so sure about the execution. Another tier ounces really bad to me.

Being a somewhat casual player, I definitely like the idea of having a guild made of friends, that can raid wether 10 or 15 are online without having to recruit people we don't like just to fill out the roster, or leaving people out because everyone happened to log on that evening. That flexibly just sounds amazing to me, no stress of having to be on because the raid will be cancelled if I don't show up.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
They could have scaled old shit up to fucking 25m lfr lite faceroll and made more impact. All the solo folks could keep that version too it just wouldn't award scaled gear. Draegan is right on what should have been done.

They have the fucking tech. You don't need artists aside from MAYBE changing color pallete on old gear. I'm presuming the scaled shit would use the old gear models. Don't even have to scale tier gear. That's just transmog. The scaling of gear is a god damn spreadsheet or database macro or some shit. I don't know. I design reactors and don't program much but this seems a fucking easy home run to me.


2 Minutes Hate
If I were in charge here's what I would do:
Turn all Legacy raids into scaled content that drop randomized loot like D3.
Random Loot is an ilevel equivalent to Normal Raids (or maybe LFR equiv I don't care)
Random Loot can sometimes spit out a super optimized piece that might be as good as heroic gear or something. Give everyone a reason to do them.
No raid locks at all.
Give everyone something to grind using old content.
--Shit you might even convince me to put in some retarded ass quest/keying system so you can access these dungeons.
--Fuck maybe put in some awesome legendary quest chain that includes all these old raids. Scale them bitches from 1-25 people.

I would also create weekly achievements/races with shit like:
Fastest completion of all TBC Heroics for the week wins a really awesome mount/token/gear/random reward.
-Or something stupid like that.


FPS noob
next time some girl bitches about you playing MMOs, just point out that superman plays too! Fast forward to 58s


bet those cutting edge progression guilds are thrilled. running LFR, then flex-raid with 24 members, and then finally normal mode just to gear up.


Molten Core Raider
It's a neat idea, I probably won't ever take advantage of it because it would involve talking to people in trade chat, but it's a cool idea.

edit: it's definitely not a game changing bad ass mind blowing addition though. Just cool.