World of Warcraft: Current Year

Grayson Carlyle

Golden Squire
Not sure if you caught it or not Grayson but Supermassive (top guild on our server, usually top 50 US) threw in the towel...just couldn't get that Mythic Blackhand kill.

Warlords of Draenor, the Guild Slayer.
I'm a former founding member, so I noticed. Though, talking to Shift, the guild would've died the week later with the bot bans anyway! There were a lot of fishing/herbing/mining bots being used when I played with them, though I don't know what stuff they've been into recently.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm a former founding member, so I noticed. Though, talking to Shift, the guild would've died the week later with the bot bans anyway! There were a lot of fishing/herbing/mining bots being used when I played with them, though I don't know what stuff they've been into recently.
I'm not surprised they were smashed by the bot ban in the slightest. Seems like raiding alliance side is drying up pretty hardcore. There's us (Pandamonium), Chaos Cabinet, and Hypnotic that are basically all that's left of any guilds doing mythic.


Vyemm Raider
Bot ban seemed to affect nobody here except it's hard to say for certain since at least a dozen people have stopped showing up over the last three weeks.


Not even a 'hardcore' raiding guild, but people are frothing at the mouth over the item level differences in Hellfire Citadel. Particularly Hunters. With their highest ilvl ranged weapon being 715, when Casters and STR DPS can get 725!


Golden Knight of the Realm
Not even a 'hardcore' raiding guild, but people are frothing at the mouth over the item level differences in Hellfire Citadel. Particularly Hunters. With their highest ilvl ranged weapon being 715, when Casters and STR DPS can get 725!
I didn't play between early WoTLK and just a couple months ago, so I'm wondering - when did the game really become 100% about ilvl? Leveling from 90-100 the gearing strategy was "whatever is higher item level" even if it means wearing strength gear as a mage, because you need item level to do anything. Players now identified (as in the post above) by spec plus item level alone. I'm just curious when it happened?


A Mod Real Quick
That shit was around in WOTLK too, but it was managed by addons. Remember gearscore being your gating to be invited to pug raids?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I have 698 ilvl but use gear that gives me 694. Can't get a mythic turnbuckle to fucking save my life. Also, why does my fucking armory always show the wrong transmog gear? That is so fucking annoying.


2 Minutes Hate
I didn't play between early WoTLK and just a couple months ago, so I'm wondering - when did the game really become 100% about ilvl? Leveling from 90-100 the gearing strategy was "whatever is higher item level" even if it means wearing strength gear as a mage, because you need item level to do anything. Players now identified (as in the post above) by spec plus item level alone. I'm just curious when it happened?
Ilvl is the new AA. It's how you level through raids. Noodle has the timing of it. I was in the same boat. Quit in WOTLK, didn't play until a few months ago (and quit again). I kept up with the game and I always though people clamoring about ilvl was silly. But I guess you need some sort of metric in this game.


A Mod Real Quick
ilvl is the quick and dirty way to know if someone is worth their salt.

Sure, you can fudge it, and people do, but in general it gives you a good idea of their experience level. The better way would be to ask for logs from previous raids, but in a pinch that won't work at all.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Honestly there is no right answer

1) People on PVP realms get butthurt because it reduces world PVP
2) "I walked to school both ways uphill in the snow" grumps want stuff to be tedious, so they hate flying
3) Makes it easy to skip content (this is a good and bad thing, depending on vantage point)
4) Makes it harder to do tasks that would normally be more tedious (see: archaeology, certain dailies, pet battle crap)


There is a right answer, it's make people do the content on the ground the first time through, then unlock flying for your 10 repeat visits.

They perfected this approach in WotLK and haven't done it like that since. Just have a BoA tome that requires lvl 100 to buy but can be used at 90. Or tie it into Nagrand quest completion since you can hit 100 before setting foot there at this point.


I didn't play between early WoTLK and just a couple months ago, so I'm wondering - when did the game really become 100% about ilvl? Leveling from 90-100 the gearing strategy was "whatever is higher item level" even if it means wearing strength gear as a mage, because you need item level to do anything. Players now identified (as in the post above) by spec plus item level alone. I'm just curious when it happened?
iLVL is the metric by which you judge how well a person should play/perform their given role in a raid. Sure, we all know people that play at 110%, performing at the pinnacle of their class/gear level, but most people maybe pull 75% of what they are capable of. And that is being (very) generous.

The 5-10 Item Level gap, if classes are 100% balanced so everyone is even in theoretical DPS (impossible), allows certain classes to perform better than others. Given that at this point, Archimonde has a One-Handed Spellpower Mace, a Two-Handed Spellpower Staff, and a Two-Handed Strength Sword, it will give the classes that get them a five to ten item level advantage. When it comes to weapon damage (and spellpower scaling), item level is absolutely everything when it is that large of a gap.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The no flying thing is dumb because there is nothing to do in the world at 100 so players flying does not alter content. Just make it trainable lvl 100 only or the end of the new zone's main quest chain.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
That storm of butt hurt over no flying ever again
Standard psychology 101: People tend to get pretty much pissed when you take away their rewards.

(the salt-on-wounds-rubbing of adding flying mounts on the store doesn't help Blizzard's position on their Vision? of the game)


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
the end of the new zone's main quest chain.
The normal answer would be that Draenor flying is the reward of the Draenor Loremaster achievement. Or, if you want it to be more of a "been there, done that" vein, say Draenor Veteran (requires Draenor Loremaster, 8 of the apexis dailies, and the Garrison Campaign).

As an achievement, it unlocks to all alts, provided your main did everything at least once.

But no. The Purity of the Game Must Be Maintained at All Costs!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Will see how i feel after 6.2 with no flying, if its anything like the state of the game right now, Blizzard can fuck right off.

Kinda ironic the WoW Token has made quitting easier, mine has 12 days left, normally I would have just let my subscription continue during dead times between content, keeping track of your billing cycle, logging into the website, cancelling and having to fill out feedback, too much effort. Now I let my token run out, when 6.2 comes out I'll click 1 button and bam back in the game, guess this means they don't get their extra $5.

Interested to know if anyone has actually had any friends come back as a result of the token, haven't seen a single guild member or friend return since it launched.