World of Warcraft: Current Year


A Mod Real Quick
My BM is only 82 but why change it? It's slightly different than other tanks and I actually enjoy it.

Not really surprised, they always have to change shit every expansion for the sake of changing


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I mean, they've had a hardon for simplifying BM for a while. Too much of a gap (according to them) between shitty players and great players in that spec for the two expansions it's been around. That's part of why the bubble-scooping got replaced by improving Guard, to simplify and consolidate the movement/timing requirements. A bad Monk tank started the class's history as tissue paper, while a great monk tank was an indestructible-to-physical-damage, high-on-the-dps-chart madness incarnate.

Which is a shame, because playing Monk in MoP was super fun, both BM, and, at times (HI THUNDER KING TRINKET), WW. It's depressing that windwalker is also changing to "memorize an opener, then hit whatever button's off cooldown because the staggered cooldowns create a natural rotation of combo-maintaining abilities"


Pathetic Reaction Bot
God forbid player's actual ability shows through when playing a class. What a shame.
What I love is rng still can completely separate players in terms of damage. Right now a good example is mm hunters. I can open close to 400k sometimes because of crit and talent procs going in my favor. Other times it can completely fuck me and I don't even break 150k or 200k on opener because I got little to no crits and no thrill of the hunt procs so I was focused starved.

Because of this, I can stay on par with someone of equal gear or drastically behind because he maintains a relatively equal amount of criteria through the fight and I'm as low as 60% in comparison. A big issue in this and multistrikea I'll only crit the multi and not the initial hits. Hopefully the removal of multistrike (i think I saw them say it was being removed) will begin to help this.

Player skill in rotation and uptime should be the factors in damage discrepancies, not luck.


Trump's Staff
God forbid player's actual ability shows through when playing a class. What a shame.
It does tend to suck for the good players when groups have gotten a series of shit Monk tanks and then simply stop inviting them to anything. Before the massive Monk Guard/stagger buff way back in Highmaul it was pretty common to see pugs post "LF1M tank NO MONKS"


A Mod Real Quick
Back in HM/BRF I almost rerolled a monk because a good monk tank in PUGs was putting me absolutely to shame with similar ilvl. DK's at that point there wasn't much room to tank better, just managing cooldowns and death strike maximization for the bubble. Seemed like monks were able to actually perform better based on player skill.


Registered Hodor
For anyone who's done the Blood Infusion quest for Shadowmourne, you should be able to do it with just one Warlock helping right? Soulstone has a 10 minute cooldown but lasts 15 minutes so you should be able to bite just them 3 times.

Cast soulstone, wait til it's almost off cooldown, engage Blood Queen, get bit, bite warlock, warlock dies.
Warlock resurrects, casts soulstone again, you bite, warlock dies.
Warlock resurrects and you bite last time.

That should work unless I'm missing something right?
I don't think this works because of the changes they made to combat res in WoD (limited to like 1 per ~9 minutes in a small raid). According to wowhead comments it's possible to duo with a shaman though (I guess their reincarnation gets around the combat res restrictions?):

Since 6.0.2 has messed up the brezzing of people in raids, the way to duo this as a DK is as follows:

DK pulls, gets vamp'd.
DK bites Shaman
Shaman dies
Shaman reincarnates right before next bite is due(Don't reinc too early and die from low hp)
DK bites Shaman again
Shaman dies again
DK brezzes Shaman
Shaman takes rez right before next bite is due(Don't accept too early and die from low hp)
DK bites Shaman again.

Kill boss.


It does tend to suck for the good players when groups have gotten a series of shit Monk tanks and then simply stop inviting them to anything. Before the massive Monk Guard/stagger buff way back in Highmaul it was pretty common to see pugs post "LF1M tank NO MONKS"
Yes I remember this. In fact I started to lead my own PUG groups as a BM tank with a buddy who had a Warrior Tank. Our Pug Groups finished High Maul about 2 weeks after the our main guild did on heroic and we were like 3rd on server...

Sadly our guild fell apart shortly there after.. I recently re subbed and now just do garrison gold stuff. but Noodlemods Casual guild does sound interesting.


Got something right about marriage
I stopped from about 6 months after Cata release til last month. Skipped MoP completely and after doing some archaeology farming and levelling a few characters through it I'm a little disappointed I did skip it. The entire continent looks and feels so much better than the entirety of the rest of the game.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I stopped from about 6 months after Cata release til last month. Skipped MoP completely and after doing some archaeology farming and levelling a few characters through it I'm a little disappointed I did skip it. The entire continent looks and feels so much better than the entirety of the rest of the game.
I liked MOP almost as much as Wrath. WOD wasn't bad, and neither was cata (though the complete upheaval of the old world was pretty awesome).


The Scientific Shitlord
I skipped most of BC due to the flagging and rep grinds. Did KZ once or twice and noped the fuck on out of there. Came back at the end for WOLK. Got a toon maxed, then quit again until they added derpfinder. Played pretty steadily through cata and mop. Took a 6 month break last year after last wing of brf hit lfr because garrison farm was boring as fuck. Came back last fall, and have been pretty casual since then. My guild raids 2 nights a week, and Noodlebutt raids on Friday. Otherwise I do my 16 garrisons every day to collect gold and I do 1 derpfinder for my active toon. Legion sounds interesting to me. I will definitely be getting my hunter to 110 ASAP and BM/MM/Fishing artifacts capped. My various tradeskill toons will get to 110 too. Waiting to see what new garrison looks like.


The Scientific Shitlord
You passed on the best raid in the history of the game?
As a lock it was a fucking nightmare trying to get guildies to help with flagging and rep groups for keys and all that shit. When I got to KZ and saw the ring quests were yet another rep grind it took all the fun out of the game for me. I did farm the hell out of all that later, though. Got all the T4-T6 stuff on my hunter and lock.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I stopped from about 6 months after Cata release til last month. Skipped MoP completely and after doing some archaeology farming and levelling a few characters through it I'm a little disappointed I did skip it. The entire continent looks and feels so much better than the entirety of the rest of the game.
Yup I am the same there were a lot of neat toys and the zones seemed really well made for what I did. But given how fast you level out of it just really impossible to really get the feel of doing it any more so kinda kicking myself I did not jump back in for pandaria. The gap between cata and pandaria killed my mmo desires for a while.


Got something right about marriage
I didn't know spirit lodge work orders could drop naval mission instant complete scrolls until just now so I never made one...

I've been doing everything wrong on the 5 shipyards I'm running. Le sigh.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They don't speed up the spawn timer for missions in shipyard so they are rather pointless.


Hey guys, did you hear? Jesus Illidan the Holy is going to save us all using his holy Warglaives of shitty-fanfiction-writing
The absolute funniest thing about that book is that it retcons TBC from "Heroes boldly venture forth to save Azeroth from the Burning Legion" into "Burning Legion plays crazed murderhobos for patsies, gets them to eliminate a major threat to the Legion who only ever meant well".


<Bronze Donator>
I stopped from about 6 months after Cata release til last month. Skipped MoP completely and after doing some archaeology farming and levelling a few characters through it I'm a little disappointed I did skip it. The entire continent looks and feels so much better than the entirety of the rest of the game.
Was out from Wrath till towards the end of MoP (5.2 I believe?). Originally thought Land of Panda's looked wack, but I actually enjoyed what I played enough to throw together a 10 man mythic group and clear SoO. After a month or so of WoD I was missing Pandaria pretty badly. Really was a decent expansion.