World of Warcraft: Current Year


Blackwing Lair Raider
Do you have a rogue as well as a druid or a monk? Some of the stuff that is class specific like set pieces will count towards the unlock since it is account wide but will not be made available for classes who could not normally wear the item.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Do you have a rogue as well as a druid or a monk? Some of the stuff that is class specific like set pieces will count towards the unlock since it is account wide but will not be made available for classes who could not normally wear the item.
Yeah, my only 2 100s are druid/rogue, but I'm pretty sure there aren't enough class-unique items to account for the discrepancy. There are also specific items that I know are missing (my druid definitely had Earthwarden during TBC for example, but I couldn't find the model).

I did also log in my shaman, which has existed since Vanilla, so if the achievement is 100 looks across all armor types that makes sense I guess. That said, the shaman also only has 20-30ish looks in some slots. It seems impossible to me that I'd only have equipped that few items in any slot for a character that I've played since Molten Core was progression. /shrug


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Yeah, my only 2 100s are druid/rogue, but I'm pretty sure there aren't enough class-unique items to account for the discrepancy. There are also specific items that I know are missing (my druid definitely had Earthwarden during TBC for example, but I couldn't find the model).
If you've deleted it, it won't count. The only old items that are granted retroactively are those that had quests giving them. Anything purchased, crafted or looted and destroyed will have to be purchased/crafted/looted again.

(the BMAH seems shut down. Anyone confirm?)


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Anyone else noticing strange pathing issues with pets? It seems my hunter pet is always getting stuck behind objects when I'm running around in instances. Didn't notice this before the patch.


Golden Knight of the Realm
If you've deleted it, it won't count. The only old items that are granted retroactively are those that had quests giving them. Anything purchased, crafted or looted and destroyed will have to be purchased/crafted/looted again.

(the BMAH seems shut down. Anyone confirm?)
Ah, so I was missing something
. Thanks.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Something I haven't seen mentioned anywhere is the nerf to realm hopping. Apparently the only way to realm hop is the join the group of someone already in the zone you're trying to hop to. For example, I'm trying to hit the daily elites for the newly flagged WoD toys. In order for me to search other realms for Basten in Gorgrond, I need to find a group that has a group leader already in Gorgrond or I won't transfer realms. Even if I join someone else's garrison and transfer to that new realm, if I'm the first person in the group to zone into Gorgrond it will keep me on my home realm.


Confirmed Male
Still not happy about the undertuning? of HFC nerfs, or just the raid nerfs in general. Our guild was nearly getting ready to down Herioc Archi in house, no pugs, now we just got bitch slapped back to lower HFC, and even that is posing problems.

I understand everyone is relearning their classes, but even the 13/13 mythic guild PTR testers are confirming what I suspected, HFC is actually harder in 7.0 than in 6.3.x. New patch is coming soon that is supposed to bring another round of nerfs to HFC in 7.0.3, but people are still saying while the mobs seem to be melting easier, tanks are just taking an insane amount of damage than they were before causing guilds to bring extra healers, which in turn causes fights to go on longer because less dps.

I seriously dont understand the logic behind being ultra conservative on swing the nerfbat for HFC when you have less than 45 days left to WoD irrelevancy. Nerf the shit out of it, let folks start gearing up alts or mains in prepping for Legion. I see absolutely no negatives from doing this, as hardcore raiders are indifferent because either they are done with raiding until legion, and are just squirreling away gold or achievement whoring, and the casual community can get a taste of mythic gear for a month until they finish their first leg quest to replace it.

Not a huge deal, but just frustrating when you get excited that your guild might be able to do mythic lower, and now have to go back to herioc lower because prepatch...


Thanks for the info.

After looking into it, the recipe is sold by one of the daily rotating traders in the garrison.

Just need to wait for the correct one to spawn, ugh.
Or just buy it from your garrison quartermaster, they're always there.

The cost to make these is extremely cheap too; I wonder why they didn't just make them vendor bought items til Legion.


Vyemm Raider
Oh, and I mean to make a post eulogizing some of my long running, now apparently dead addons.

I definitely did not have to replace this much shit for MOP or WOD. But many of these haven't seen an update since WOD launch and aren't likely to get one.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yep, s'what happens when 3/4 of the player base says "Fuck this" and leaves, you lose the mod-makers too.


French Madman
My server/cluster has been overall shitting the bed since the pre-patch. Looks like too many people are back on and too many things are going on behind the scenes.

Phasing is buggy as hell (had to abandon a few quests while going through 1-50 on my new shaman because of it), weird lag all around (at the end of the fly path I sometime stay like 10sec on the mount before dropping on the ground) and so on.

At this point I'm fearing the actual Legion release, shit will hit the fan.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I checked out some of the changes to Brewmasters for Legion. They removed so much from the class
No expel harm, no death touch, no jab (hell, no more chi), no guard, no elusive brew, no more shuffle mechanic.


Will Alt's be able to do professions in Legion or will they have to be leveled up to do quests and get recipes? I have Tailoring/Ecnch on main, but wanted to drop Ench (around 400~) for Herb and make a alch alt to send mats to, but have been reading you will need to go out and do stuff to get recipes now.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What is seems like. To get recipes you have to progress through the quests and some of the quest have level reqs?


what Suineg set it to
Healing is complete AIDS right now. Just awful. Mana regen is insanely dumb and too low.


Im planning to main a resto druid, strictly pvp after I get 110... I mained a resto shaman in WOD, and used vuhdo. Is there anything better out there? Any other add ons that help resto druids? I was messing around on beta on the 110 pvp servers and it was pretty crazy trying to figure out whats what and how to manage everything.


Healing is complete AIDS right now. Just awful. Mana regen is insanely dumb and too low.
So much this. I'm ilvl 735 and feel about 700 after the patch. Surely it's some L2P on my behalf, but the mana situation really feels terrible now. Paired with tank changes, this makes for an entirely frustrating healing experience.