World of Warcraft: Current Year


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
MM hunter works fine with or without pet. If you aren't having joy with lone wolf drop it and keep black arrow. The black arrow pet will let you keep your real pet alive even when sniping elites. That's how I did it up on beta anyways. Trying lone wolf and sidewinders on live now, and it is going pretty well so far. BM pet is a lot stronger, though, and it is really really good for questing at 110.
Totally forgot that I could get a pet back from just speccing out of Lone Wolf. Oops!! Did that, and also kept Black Arrow and it's doing much better now. Also switched my pets spec to Tanking, instead of Cunning. Should be just fine from now on, however, the allure of 2 pets, and Thok as a pet, I think I'm still switching to BM. Should have thought this through a little more!

As for the alts thing, I say do what you want to enjoy on that particular day. It's how I was leading up to Legion. I didn't get tied down to one class or other. I would login and just decide on the spot who I was leveling or playing that day and go from there. If Guild needs something else, I'd switch, whatever. I still am guilty of it, but I get so tied down to have to do 1 class, 1 spec all the time, and get so focused on that, I end up forgetting that I still gotta have fun, and if the alt life is fun, who gives a fuck?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
Lone Wolf is great, but without Frost Trap or Aspect of the Cheetah to kite, not having a pet can be a little difficult for questing. Its probably more useful in dungeons or raids where you have a tank and can just cut loose.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I don't give a fuck about PVP in this anymore. There are better games for that. WoW for me is questing through the zones, doing a bit of grouping and LFRing the raids and working on collection stuff like pets/mounts etc.


Thinking I'm going to need to go back and do quite a bit of side quests. Just Highmountain left and I just dinged 107.


Molten Core Raider
Thinking I'm going to need to go back and do quite a bit of side quests. Just Highmountain left and I just dinged 107.
That might potentially still get you there. With that being said I am assuming a bunch of people are just doing the absolute main quests and nothing else because I just finished Stormheim, 2 dungeons and what ever class quests have been available for me to do so far and I am about 30% away from 105, only having completed one zone. Plenty of xp to go around if you do the side areas and bonus areas (which you really should for the order resources).
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
There are so many little quests and shit, and Highmountain felt like that shit would never end. You will be fine there, pretty sure you could bang out 3 levels in that zone and if not oh well. The zones themselves look amazing and there are a ton of cool Easter eggs everywhere.

Still the biggest XP boost you get is from finishing up a zones story arc, they all lead you to a dungeon and a quest that's about 150k xp and ilvl 800 gear usable at any level. So I would recommend at least knocking out the main lines before moving on.


There are so many little quests and shit, and Highmountain felt like that shit would never end. You will be fine there, pretty sure you could bang out 3 levels in that zone and if not oh well. The zones themselves look amazing and there are a ton of cool Easter eggs everywhere.

Still the biggest XP boost you get is from finishing up a zones story arc, they all lead you to a dungeon and a quest that's about 150k xp and ilvl 800 gear usable at any level. So I would recommend at least knocking out the main lines before moving on.
Yea. I have just been doing the quest arcs for loremaster then running the dungeons. It is nice because I need the 4 dungeons for druid class hall quests too.


Murder Apologist
You will need to hit friendly with each zone anyway, so just rush the Pillar of Creation line then move on.


what Suineg set it to
Not having everything on breadcrumbs in tightly knit quest concentration camps is a nice change of pace. I'm still finding random stuff in odd parts of the world. In fact I can't remember having that since vanilla, really.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Lone Wolf is great, but without Frost Trap or Aspect of the Cheetah to kite, not having a pet can be a little difficult for questing. Its probably more useful in dungeons or raids where you have a tank and can just cut loose.

I would sort of agree. Lone wolf is probably ideal for raiders but for soloing having a pet to buy even a couple shots of the guy not right up in your face is likely worth it. Pet plus black arrow should be enough for you to blow most solo stuff up without ever getting hit.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Anyone have a good guide or advice for saramar? I did the story line up to where you need honored to move forward but I'm 2k short. Is it just the world quests, the army training and finding withered to feed for rep or am I missing a quest hub somewhere?


French Madman
Anyone have a good guide or advice for saramar? I did the story line up to where you need honored to move forward but I'm 2k short. Is it just the world quests, the army training and finding withered to feed for rep or am I missing a quest hub somewhere?

Nope that's it as far as I'm aware. There are one or two other quest hubs but they do not give Nightfallen rep, so you have to rely on farming it via World Quests/Emissary Quests.

On another note, the whistle you get is really a great thing. One of the huge pain of "no flying" is always getting back to the quest hub, and it makes it a non-issue.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Man this expansion keeps blowing me away. Loved every second of Azsuna, moved onto Stormheim and at first was a bit put off by the generic tauren/vrykul vibe (felt like a WOTLK rehash), but by the time I got to the top of the mountain and into the Helheim and the Halls of Valor stuff I couldn't stop myself from constantly taking screenshots. Just started Valsharah and the instant I landed I was in love. This place is fucking beautiful - this is what Ashenvale should have been.

After the blandness of WOD and the overall shittiness of MOP's outdoor zones (I hated them so much I did 86 - 90 through dungeons), I'm just loving the fuck out of this expansion. The lore stuff is probably as well done as it's ever been in this game. I'm only 106 and I've actually stopped doing the order hall missions which grant XP because I don't want to hit 110 without a chance to explore all 4 zones.

Blizzard nailed this shit. Didn't know they still had it in them.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I would sort of agree. Lone wolf is probably ideal for raiders but for soloing having a pet to buy even a couple shots of the guy not right up in your face is likely worth it. Pet plus black arrow should be enough for you to blow most solo stuff up without ever getting hit.

Yeah I got my MM artifact last night after starting with Surv and like Crone I died during the artifact quest. Mostly I think I was just out of practice and started to panic when mobs got in my face and I couldn't just crank them in the face with a giant spear. I had specced out of Lone Wolf already but I forgot about Black Arrow, I'll try that when I go back on. I'll probably mostly use MM as a raid spec anyway if there's a glut of melee. Surv just seems better so far for questing, and is likely as good or better in 5-man depending on how the damage tuning is at 110 (aoe isn't very good though, so that could be an issue there).


<WoW Guild Officer>
Nope that's it as far as I'm aware. There are one or two other quest hubs but they do not give Nightfallen rep, so you have to rely on farming it via World Quests/Emissary Quests.

On another note, the whistle you get is really a great thing. One of the huge pain of "no flying" is always getting back to the quest hub, and it makes it a non-issue.

Thanks! Thought I was losing my mind last night. I ran around looking for quests that awarded nightfallen rep and couldn't find anything. So I guess it's world's for rep then regular dungeons to get to ilvl 810 to do heroics? Also ive just been healing in shadow priest gear, can I do that in heroics or should I farm a few holy pieces for that? My main specs sp but I get insta ques healing.


French Madman
Thanks! Thought I was losing my mind last night. I ran around looking for quests that awarded nightfallen rep and couldn't find anything. So I guess it's world's for rep then regular dungeons to get to ilvl 810 to do heroics? Also ive just been healing in shadow priest gear, can I do that in heroics or should I farm a few holy pieces for that? My main specs sp but I get insta ques healing.

Yup, do world quests for rep and gear up to 810, then heroics.

Gear is the same for every spec now. Stat priority may differ, but it's hardly an issue for running heroic dungeons. So just use whatever you have.