World of Warcraft: Current Year


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
This post instantly teleported me back to memories of spawn camping in FFXI, and Lu Shang's fishing rod... o_O

Before I went to sleep last night I set up Razer Synapse to spam my macro to target the Slime, cast judgment, and use the Loot-A-Rang in case it died out of reach. It didn't even spawn once between midnight and 8 AM. I'll definitely be waiting until there's an orb type fix implemented for this. Corrupted Ashbringer looks good, but not 1999 good.


Trump's Staff
I think TJT is the only BM Monk I've grouped with since Legion came out. Seemed to do just fine but I'm just a DPS pleb so what do I really know! If we don't wipe, success!


The Scientific Shitlord
I get blown away by the tanks that don't use active mitigation. Demon Hunters and Paladins are the main offenders.

DH you pretty much always want to be using your mitigation button because it also boosts your dps.


Got something right about marriage
Druid you better always be using your button because it's basically free.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
After sleeping on it, and re-reading my post, it certainly comes off as bitching about wanting a fucking cookie. However, that was not my intention.

Mryd said it well, that it's just fucking stressful as fuck, and if you fuck up, the group wipes, and it fucking sucks. Most of the PuGs I've been in don't even blame me, and even last night, the group that was frustrating said better to learn the mechanics now than on higher M+ levels. They were cool, but it still sucked ass being so stressed out in which I always felt was a relaxing environment. I mentioned this to a guildy last night, that the higher the M+, it doesn't get more stressful for a DPS, because they just keep doing the same rotation and pumping out higher and higher DPS. The "don't stand in shit" mechanic doesn't change.

I feel the higher the level goes on Mythics, the more stressful it gets for a Healer, and I feel there is a disparity there. That difference was just getting to me enough last night that I decided to bitch about it.

Hell, just on the base mythics healing is turning my hair gray. Eye of Aszhara, jesus christ, half those fights are like someone thought, 'how can we make this shitty for healers??? LETS DO IT THIS WAY!' That snake can eat a dick.

Alright, whining over.


Trump's Staff
I don't know if the weekly events were in beta but Tuesday will see the start of the World Quest weekly event, giving increased rep gains for world quests.

Does anyone know if this will include the rep from an Emissary turn in? Wondering if I should save my Sunday/Monday emissary quests to do on Tuesday for some additional rep...


Trump's Staff
Last night was my groups first xavius kill. ZyyzYzzy died at the beginning of P3 so I had to tank the boss the whole phase. Had 10 stacks of his debuff meaning i took over a 1M damage per second. Somehow we won...
Warrior right now is probably the most overpowered a tank has ever been. It's worse than Brewmaster in BRF and ranks very close to 3.0 DKS.

M10s basically require Warrior right now. There are many mechanics where Warriors take 0 damage from things that one shot other tanks.


<Bronze Donator>
Even worse than than when bear druids almost stacked 100% avoidance in TBC and DKs definitely did in WoTLK?


A Mod Real Quick
You know why warriors are OP?

Because Blizzard can't just leave shit the fuck alone. Why did they redesign warriors and give them Ignore Pain? BY DESIGN Ignore Pain is overpowered. It's an absorb that ignores 90% (100%) of all incoming damage based on rage. Then they let you use Ultimatum/Vengeance to reduce it even further (30 rage, now something else).

Warriors were always built like rocks. We took damage, had some active abilities to mitigate and that was it. They gave us this shit, like a fucking meth head smoking some crystal in a back alley. I can't even understand how blizzard did not have the forethought to know this would be overpowered. I just can't fathom that a bunch of people sat down at a table and said "you know what, this feels right."

So what will happen is what always happens. They'll nerf IP into the ground, DK's will become tank #1, warriors will sit in the middle, and druids will sit on the ass end. I wouldn't even be surprised if they buffed DH to the #1 spot just so people actually use them as raid tanks. Same thing with Monk tanks in WOD.

Here's an example about how OP we are. Look at my healing on Xavius as warrior... 97% for my ilvl so obviously I am one of the best players ever, but just look at that shit. look at the damage I took vs absorbs

Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft

I can't wait until next expansion when they take away Ignore Pain and completely redesign the entire class for no goddamn fucking reason.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Does anyone know if this will include the rep from an Emissary turn in? Wondering if I should save my Sunday/Monday emissary quests to do on Tuesday for some additional rep...
No idea, but I would not be surprised if it did not include a fairly large rep token ala-Kirin Tor for the weekly quest.

I'm about 100rep from all revered (why aren't we getting rep from cleaning that Warden's Vault mess?), so don't really need rep boosts. I'm going to get full exalted one day, but I don't need to hurry yet.


On the verandah
Before I went to sleep last night I set up Razer Synapse to spam my macro to target the Slime, cast judgment, and use the Loot-A-Rang in case it died out of reach. It didn't even spawn once between midnight and 8 AM. I'll definitely be waiting until there's an orb type fix implemented for this. Corrupted Ashbringer looks good, but not 1999 good.

Amen. I played FFXI with a small static group of friends/workmates until we all moved when WoW launched. Enjoyed the hell out of it, mostly because of the people, and the only mmo that made me feel "panic" at the thought of dying, heh.
My god what a grind... would never do that again, but extremely fond memories none the less.


A Mod Real Quick
Isn't that a healing done log? For some reason it sees IP as a self heal?

Otherwise this damage taken graph doesn't really make sense:

Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft

Or with this "external healing taken" graph:

Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft
It sees it as a self heal because it essentially is in a way. It mitigates 100% of the damage I should have taken so it's effectively a heal I guess.

I think regardless of that it will still show up that I'm taking mass damage


Tranny Chaser
I'm at exalted with Nightfallen now and just stuck behind the Xavius step to finish off Good Suramaritan. Since the LFR version of Xavius isn't open for another month I tried joining a Normal raid, but that went poorly.

I think part of the problem with the spec guides / sims is that they don't properly account for movement in the fights. Gone are the times when you had to make subtle movements to avoid stepping in things that happened infrequently. Now there's a plethora of stuff being thrown all around constantly and you need to be on the move in order to compensate. In highly organized guild runs they can probably control placement well enough to keep this at a minimum, but for everyone else you have the melee running all over the place and casters not too far behind but unable to do anything while in motion.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
Leveled fishing from 1-800, got my angler and currently prestige 1 level 29ish, this was the most frustrating g weekend ever.

Guess I should farm a waterstrider now.


A Mod Real Quick
I'm at exalted with Nightfallen now and just stuck behind the Xavius step to finish off Good Suramaritan. Since the LFR version of Xavius isn't open for another month I tried joining a Normal raid, but that went poorly.

I think part of the problem with the spec guides / sims is that they don't properly account for movement in the fights. Gone are the times when you had to make subtle movements to avoid stepping in things that happened infrequently. Now there's a plethora of stuff being thrown all around constantly and you need to be on the move in order to compensate. In highly organized guild runs they can probably control placement well enough to keep this at a minimum, but for everyone else you have the melee running all over the place and casters not too far behind but unable to do anything while in motion.
Are you Horde? If so you can join us Friday for a full clear


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Hell, just on the base mythics healing is turning my hair gray. Eye of Aszhara, jesus christ, half those fights are like someone thought, 'how can we make this shitty for healers??? LETS DO IT THIS WAY!' That snake can eat a dick.

Alright, whining over.

I thought it was bad, but after a few times when everyone knows whats up you just plow through it.

Fuck the snake boss though and fuck the seagulls that aren't even KOS mobs... but can wipe you singlehandedly.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Kill the Snake boss before you kill Lady Hatcoil. No Seagulls to clear for the Snake.