World of Warcraft: Current Year


Got something right about marriage
For anyone not getting legionfall rep tokens from your mission board it's likely because all your active followers are at ilvl 900.

Deactivate one of your ilvl 900 followers and activate one that isn't 900 yet. Just make sure to get that follower to 870 to get the 2 token missions.
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Some poopsocker probably has a point in concordance already

Also if you can log on in the next 3 hours do so, there's 4 easy 1 target kill wq for the highmountain invasion that give 1 mil AP each. even if you dont do the scenario, you're not gonna beat 4 mil ap in like 10 mins

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
i think if you played 24/7 you still wont have concordance currently.

they set the bar so high that i doubt anyone will get it until at least 34-35 AK.

I'm at 43 points in my wep and thats just from doing the high AP WQ/order hall quests etc, the grind hasn't been terrible. my goal is 1 point per week.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
still no fix to my invasions not showing up - here is the response i got.

I'm Specialist Game Master Zicneiross, but you can just call me Zic. :) It's nice to meet you! I'm terribly sorry to hear about the issues you've come to face with the Demon Invasions, and the World Quests they spawn not showing up for your Monk. This is the brand new content that just came with 7.2 so I totally understand if this has created a bit of frustration for you, since you aren't able to participate while this issue is happening.

We do have a couple reports from other player's suffering from the same issue as you've described. It seems fairly rare at this point, but we are collecting all the reports we receive so that our QA team can investigate the situation and report their findings over to our Devs who can then try and create a fix for it. To be a little more transparent here, the situation here is a bug with your particular character, not a technical issue with your client. It's awesome to hear that you troublehooted the issue a bit on your own, with some really good steps, but I'm afraid those steps can't resolve this particular problem. I even logged into the character from my computer here and could not see the World Quests either. I could see the icon on the map notifying me of the Invasion going on in Stormheim right now, but you still had all the normal World Quests available in that Zone, not the ones for the Invasion. Those World Quests 'should' swap out for special Invasion world quests, but the bug is making it so that that's not happening on your character.

I'm afraid that us in Customer Support do not have a true way to resolve this bug on your character. I did tinker around with a few things which I thought could maybe help out, but sadly I couldn't get it working. That being said, I did send up a report for your character so that it will be tracked with all the others suffering from the same issue.

I know this issue has probably taken more of your time than you'd like, but we would also really appreciate it if you could send up a bug report yourself as well. Using the Bug Forums would be ideal, that way your report is public facing to the community, with a chance to have one of our Devs or Community Managers chime in with any updates on the issue:

Once again I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience with this my friend. I hope that QA and Dev can work together to roll out a fix for this soon, since it is effecting many people. I guess on the bright side, these Invasions were removed from the criteria for the new Pathfinder achievement to fly. While it sucks not being able to do the Invasions right now, at least it won't hinder your ability to fly in the Broken Isles. :)

If there's anything else we can look into for you in the meantime, please let us know


i think if you played 24/7 you still wont have concordance currently.

they set the bar so high that i doubt anyone will get it until at least 34-35 AK.

I'm at 43 points in my wep and thats just from doing the high AP WQ/order hall quests etc, the grind hasn't been terrible. my goal is 1 point per week.

Yeah i took a look at the wowprogress ap rankings to check, WoW US Artifact Power Rankings :: WoWProgress - World of Warcraft Rankings and the highest guy has 761 mil which is around 48 points. You need 1.7 billion for the first concordance already. It should be a while still


French Madman
I'm currently catching up on the Suramar campaign I missed (didn't even have Good Suramaritain) and I'm enjoying it. Except for the dumb roadblocks they could have at least removed with 7.2. Having a quest to do 10 WQ when I just cleaned the zone to finish the rep is not that bad, I had to wait for the next day....but god damn the quest to complete 5 OH missions.

I've really enjoyed the Nightfallen story though.

Edit : And talking about time sinks, I just remembered the fucking Illidan quest where I have to get 40 souls from dungeons. Ok I heard it was 80 previously, but still a pain in the ass.
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French Madman
Soooo, command center unlocked in EU realm, and it's shit.

The Cathedral WQ doesn't even award reputation, and the "Challenge mission" in the Order Hall is 2+ days for an AP token worse than a 4h mission.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, fuck that soul quest. They should at least change it so raids drop the soul fragments as well.

Sucks to hear that about command center. Seems like the nether disrupter is the best one. The seal refund seems to proc a good amount and the world boss drops some nice AP/items if you have sub-900 item level stuff.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Yo, need an Ice Burn in here!

The seal refund only works in the Broken Isles anyway.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Yo, need an Ice Burn in here!

The seal refund only works in the Broken Isles anyway.
I've heard it works in Broken Isles instances as well, but I haven't cared enough to look because my raids are tues-thurs.


A Mod Real Quick
I bonus rolled the world boss and got a 900 cloak. Can't really complain

This is a dumb question for the monks based on my feels data.

Is special delivery bugged? I tested over an hour and it seemed like I was getting them at like 75% rate rather than 30