World of Warcraft: Current Year


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yes but how good are TUJ and Wowuction at determining outliers for their mean data. Bastards posting shit for 9.9 mil and I'm guessing that's to fuck with crawler data.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
LFR serves its purpose. I can't imagine anyone who posts here actually needs LFR in order to see raid content, but a lot of casuals will never see anything past LFR, or maybe Normal as a stretch.

Completely agree with the mount(s) not dropping in LFR, though. It's just so mindlessly easy. Did LFR Gul'dan last night for an alt's quest completion and had someone standing on me the entire time while I was tanking him. No perceivable damage taken as a result. Luls.


A Mod Real Quick
Maybe I'm the minority but LFR should just go away , it's a terrible design decision. If you cant pug a normal raid then you shouldn't deserve to see it. As it stands I'd bet most people only do it because of legendaries and tf.
  • 1Barf
  • 1Solidarity
  • 1Picard
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
Its mostly for gearing alts and taking care of the super casuals. Go into some of the LFRs and inspect people then look at their guilds or activity. You'd be amazed.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
So I made a rogue just to see what all the sub fuss was about. its a really hard spec to play correctly but its really fun and rewarding when you get it right. long story short i hit 110 on Monday, Tuesday i got a legendary (class ring) from an invasion, i logged off after getting it, wednesday i logged on and did the kirin tor emissary and got another legendary (cloak), i did a few world quests, logged off. yesterday i logged on and joined our guilds heroic fun run and got a third legendary off sisters (ravenholdt ring). so thats 3 legendaries in 3 days. i dont know what loot god i managed to please, but he apparently is happy with me...also from Monday till today Rogue is 930...gear is hard.
  • 1Picard
  • 1Barf
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First two legendaries on a new character come very, very quickly. You did get 'lucky' with the 3rd. Clearing Heroic, a M10, and emissary/AP quests, I get about one legendary every 12 days or so on my Mage.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
yea its weird since i leveled with my wife while she was playing a shadow priest, she has done all the content i have with the exception of the heroic and hasn't gotten a lego yet. goes to show that RNG Casino is alive and well.

Also an update on our KJ Progress we are at 211 wipes and saw the darkness phase for the first time last night, KJ to 36%......long way to go.
  • 1Barf
  • 1Solidarity
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Meanwhile my mage is at 4 days played only one lego :v

and I don't do anything except specifically m+, lfr and normal tos with occasional world tour. BLIZZ PLS. I can feel it, it's so close, and I'm gonna get norgannons


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Maybe I'm the minority but LFR should just go away , it's a terrible design decision. If you cant pug a normal raid then you shouldn't deserve to see it. As it stands I'd bet most people only do it because of legendaries and tf.

in the current culture of gaming, if they removed LFR, they'd just make the normal raids easier and less involved. the entire point of LFR is that an immense amount of resources were being put into content that just was not being seen by the VAST majority of players. it's not really efficient when it comes to creating content.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Maybe I'm the minority but LFR should just go away , it's a terrible design decision. If you cant pug a normal raid then you shouldn't deserve to see it. As it stands I'd bet most people only do it because of legendaries and tf.

It's for casuals who want to see the story. LFR existing shouldn't bother you if you want to do regular raids. Just raid and pretend LFR doesn't exist. Elitist fucking pricks.
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  • 1Salty
  • 1Worf
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Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
i just wish the tier set didn't have the same graphic in LFR as it does in Normal-Heroic-Mythic. they did this in HFC, wish it would have stuck around. just make the LFR gear look like a generic set and keep the set bonus's.

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
also, i have no fucking clue what blizzard is thinking right now with WW and BrM.

Nobody brings WW's to kills (progression) because they have zero utility, and if they get targeted by more than 1 ability they require external cooldowns. the rotation is clunky and feels terrible. the new Tier21 set bonus is substandard and even after the nerfs i think WW are still better using older 2/4 piece bonuses.

with BrM the problem is different, the rotation baseline is fine, but with the T21 set we basically just spam breath of fire. thats it, thats the rotation, breath of fire if you're actively tanking. Blizzard needs to fix these tier sets, all of the following are infinitely better bonuses (current bonus is whenever you dodge you reset the cooldown on BoF, and BoF gives an additional stack of elusive brawler)

kegsmash give you a slight damage reduction (like 5% damage reduction, make it last 6 seconds or something, this also makes the dps shoulder legendaries that give you 2 charges useful in survival situations)
using purify'ing brew give you a + gooder stat (make it mastery so it effects elusive brawler)
keg smash reduce the cooldown of fort brew by xxx amount
fort brew also give an additional ability (like spawn 5 healing orbs, or a 50% heal or something)
tiger palm crits reduce the cooldown on xxx ability, or tiger palm crits give you xxx armor or magic resistance

there are just so many options they could do but went with the shit "phoned in" set bonuses.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So I made a rogue just to see what all the sub fuss was about. its a really hard spec to play correctly but its really fun and rewarding when you get it right. long story short i hit 110 on Monday, Tuesday i got a legendary (class ring) from an invasion, i logged off after getting it, wednesday i logged on and did the kirin tor emissary and got another legendary (cloak), i did a few world quests, logged off. yesterday i logged on and joined our guilds heroic fun run and got a third legendary off sisters (ravenholdt ring). so thats 3 legendaries in 3 days. i dont know what loot god i managed to please, but he apparently is happy with me...also from Monday till today Rogue is 930...gear is hard.

I played my alt priest for about two months without seeing a second one, reason enough to cancel my sub, because fuck them and their rng (no doubt it would have been a pile of shit anyway). I've had enough of this diabloesque xpack. I hope the new one is not a year away.
  • 1Worf
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Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
How are those battle pets coming along? I look forward to battling you this weekend.

Gotta get my Anub idol up to 25 then I'll take you on again. Remembered that I had Chrominius lying around and hadn't leveled it, so I used my alliance druid's free level 25 stone from the WoD garrison to get it to 25. That Anub/Chrominius combo is pretty sweet.
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