(Shhh, I like strawberry the best, it's always vanilla that's left behind)
I love all three mixed together.
And let loose the dogs (scarabs) of war. I dig it.The initial impression I got with the Sargaras cutscene at the end of the expansion was that the part of the sword's influence would be to drive a wedge between the Alliance and the Horde when peace was so close, driving everyone back to war as an act of revenge by Sargaras. The imagery seemed to fit and what would a gigantic evil sword do if it was stuck into a planet? Drive everyone on it mad.
Any content at level 120 is "end game" at the time it is released. With that logic, might as well wait until next expac for the catchup shit quests. But I agree with "going hard" not being a thing, especially after they nurfed artifact power gains, and without the legendary bullshit, even less incentive to do so. I can say that's bad for players like myself who feed into that time/reward basis, but good for the general populace. Whether its good for the game, probably not, but for the purposes of balancing the game, quite likely. But it's very possible they've discounted their number of no lifers. My resolve was pretty strong during Legion for that extra +200 proc, but the last several months it meant fuck all. And to be fair, it meant fuck all long before that. I may actually have to punch into M+, which may encourage me to play differently, even if I may not like it, to take advantage of opportunities to improve my character, which m+ honestly offered very little last expansion (for my class/spec last expansion when focused on raiding, several got bis from m+, I didn't). Still don't think folks should be required to split their efforts between the various avenues to maximize themselves. M+ players should get their best kit from that method, raiders from raids, pvp from pvp. Just like they fucked up with professions this expansion, they shouldn't be required to do dungeons or raids for patterns. It's an arbitrary effort to make folks do things in an area of the game that they don't want to do. Like making McCheese do mythic raids for a critical pet....The fact that they delay all the end game content until 3 weeks after the expansion drops means it's pretty pointless to "go hard" at all at the beginning of the expansion. Even Mythic+ won't be in until then. It essentially turns the official release into a cock tease.
Sylvanas saying "for the horde" felt like some contrived shit to begin with. There's something missing between Voljin calling her warchief and that that I feel the storytellers really missed out on that could have quantified and qualified her actions. Instead, it feels empty and agape, pondering. As far as the number of leaders who have been lost between the two factions, let's count them - llane wyrnn, varian, cairne, garrosh, Voljin.... Illidan refused redemption, except under his own terms. The fan video of him accepting the light was amazing and made me wished they had gone that direction, but it didn't actually fit his character. Sylvanas deserves that kind of redemption. If they relegate her to a raid boss, I feel that would completely disrespect her character. I see her sacrificing herself, ghosting it up with Voljin, and the current Hellscream taking the helm of warchief, settling and unifying the factions. World of Warcraft hasn't been orcs vs humans in over an actual decade. It's the warcraft against evil and destruction of their world that we've all fought for for so long.
But that's just me hop dreaming for peace, and I'm sure Blizzard will recycle shit to continue this arbitrary conflict. One day an orc will step foot into Ironforge...as a friend.
All that, and yet it was still secondary players that actually incited conflict from the beginning (sargeras, guldan, the darkness, voids, etc). Until Sylvanas burns the tree apparently of her own volition. Vanilla through Mists, no one's choice was actually their own. Again playing off the justified but likely corrupted mantra. I'll be very "surprised" if Sylvanas is operating of her own accord. But the grief runs deep. Jaina. The incorruptible could be where this ends up. To be fair, I'd love to raid fuck out of Khadbro into a ditch. I'd LFR that encounter just for shits and gigs.Sylvanas is stuck in a situation with no good ending. She fought the good fight against Arthas, only to have him raise her up as a Banshee purely as a dick move because he was butthurt she slowed him down.
She then spends the time from then until WotLK plotting her revenge on Arthas and trying to keep the Forsaken together. She finally get her vengance and suicides realizing she has nothing left to live for only to discover that there's no peace after death for any undead like her. They get to spend the rest of eternity wandering the Shadowlands; no peaceful rest, no drawn into the Light, just fuck you for having the misfortune of being revived as a zombie by a manchild with a frightening lack of common sense. The only thing that saves her is the valkyr make their pact to serve her in exchange from freedom from Northrend. Now she can at least revive her people, but her valkyr numbers are limited and they have to die to revive her.
So, right after she deals with this little shock to her system, Deathwing pops back up and the wall to Gilneas breaks open. Garrosh then figuratively and damn near literally holds a gun to head and forces her to throw her troops at Genn's forces, who are more than happy to employ guerilla warfare to bleed her troops; troops which she now knows are damned if they die. So she breaks out the plague, because she doesn't want to lose more of her people fighting a battle she really didn't want in the first place, only to get shit on for doing so.
So, she manages to survive Garrosh's stupidity and seems to be at least neutral with Voljin. Then the Legion invades and shit goes all to hell again. Now, while she always talked big about wanting the power of the Warchief, she now finds herself stuck with not just that, but all the responsibility that goes with it. Because she needs the Horde, the Forsaken cannot stand alone, no matter how badly she may want to. In Stormhiem she finds out about the possibility of getting more valkyr. Boom, problems solved; with those, she can keep her people alive, its all good. Till Genn comes in with his "MUH SON" and fucks all that up.
So now, while the Legion is gone, we are stuck back where we started before. Both the Horde and Alliance are still pissed at each other, with fresh fuel on the fire due to the first assault on the Broken Shore. So, when the Azerite starts appearing what is she going to do?
Well, she is going to make a grab for it. It represents a shift in the power balance and at this point she has nothing left but to keep fighting for survival. She has no other option and given that she is a pragmatic, if not outright ruthless and cunning general the best play is make the first move. She isn't naive enough to believe the Alliance would leave the Horde alone, especially not given the mood Jaina and Genn are in. No matter how much they may respect Anduin, if push comes to shove, I think he will find out that some of the Alliance may not put up with his shit nor will they ever forgive the Horde. And thus the cycle continues....
All that, and yet it was still secondary players that actually incited conflict from the beginning (sargeras, guldan, the darkness, voids, etc). Until Sylvanas burns the tree apparently of her own volition. Vanilla through Mists, no one's choice was actually their own. Again playing off the justified but likely corrupted mantra. I'll be very "surprised" if Sylvanas is operating of her own accord. But the grief runs deep. Jaina. The incorruptible could be where this ends up. To be fair, I'd love to raid fuck out of Khadbro into a ditch. I'd LFR that encounter just for shits and gigs.
Sorta, up until the point where she decides to burn the Tree, instead of just occupying it. That just makes her evil.Well, fuck. Maybe they should have hired you because that makes a fuckton more sense than how its presented now and you didn't have to change anything plot point wise.
The fan video of him accepting the light was amazing and made me wished they had gone that direction, but it didn't actually fit his character. .
Sorta, up until the point where she decides to burn the Tree, instead of just occupying it. That just makes her evil.
Lots of white knights on reddit rushing to the aid of the maiden being assaulted by the legions of basement dwelling neckbeards.
It was posted to MMO champion, but you'll have to dig, I can't find it very quickly either.My god the writing today was soooo incredibly cringe. I haven't experienced writing that bad since Elementary School. Pretty embarrassing.
Where is that? I can't find it.