World of Warcraft: Current Year


Blackwing Lair Raider
Okay logged on for the first time in a couple years. Did they do something horrible to heal targeting?

Using my Mistweaver I used to target a bad guy and would cast soothing mist or whatever on whoever that badguy was targeting. If I wanted to heal myself I could clear the target and then it would auto cast the ability on myself.

It seems now that I end up autocasting on myself if I have an enemy targeted but if I disable 'auto self cast' then I don't cast anything. If I want to cast on the target of my target I have to manually select them? This can't be right can it?

That's a strange way to heal, and probably not very effective these days. In general, especially in 5-mans, tanks won't need much healing if any. You're mainly gonna be healing everyone else from aoe damage, which as a mistweaver is gonna come from fistweaving, spreading renewing mists (can usually just cast this on yourself in between fistweaving and it'll jump to someone quickly) and then spot healing with vivify/enveloping mist as needed. Mouseover casting onto unit party/raid frames is the way to go, using clique addon or they have a built in version now too.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You cant see any reason on why someone would want to heal the person something is attacking?
Seems like a real convoluted way to heal. Bar goes down, bar goes up. Use a mouse over macro. Guess who is going to be attacked, the tank. Sounds like some boomer gamer shit to me. Or maybe some controller setup. That's why I asked.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
For what it's worth, I use to have a macro set up on my paladin that it would use word of glory on my target's target. In most cases, that would be me, but every so often it would help in group content.

However, they made word of glory interfere with my rotation so if I wasn't hurt badly, I wasnt wasting a global cool down on a heal.

I get the desire to want to set up heals that way, I just don't see the point anymore, especially as a healer when you are just constantly switching targets to heal anyway.

Even if you think, "well, I want to heal the target that the bad guy is beating on." That makes sense on paper, but in practice the main tank usually takes the least damage as others have pointed out. You don't really ever panic heal the tank, you panic heal the guys taking cleaves and standing in fire.


Trakanon Raider
Seems like a real convoluted way to heal. Bar goes down, bar goes up. Use a mouse over macro. Guess who is going to be attacked, the tank. Sounds like some boomer gamer shit to me. Or maybe some controller setup. That's why I asked.
Yea just use mouse over macros. As someone said tank are self sufficient in modern WoW with some exceptions. In high keyd you still need to heal the tank, and it can be worth to have macros to directly heal him (actually quicker than mouse over) without targetting. I use alt modifier to heal tank as party1


Avatar of War Slayer
Okay logged on for the first time in a couple years. Did they do something horrible to heal targeting?

Using my Mistweaver I used to target a bad guy and would cast soothing mist or whatever on whoever that badguy was targeting. If I wanted to heal myself I could clear the target and then it would auto cast the ability on myself.

It seems now that I end up autocasting on myself if I have an enemy targeted but if I disable 'auto self cast' then I don't cast anything. If I want to cast on the target of my target I have to manually select them? This can't be right can it?
My target's target heal was always a macro (since at least WotLK). I only used it on my feral when I wanted to be lazy and needed to dish out pathetic heals to do more damage. I think I originally set it up for PvP on druid DPS.

Once they nerfed powershifting, I pretty much quit playing feral, so dunno if anything has changed for that type of macro.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
If you like tanking DF might be one of the best expansions for it. Every tank plays well and has a certain style that accels at niches. Doing M+ never die with Warrior. Raiding? Never die as DK. Wanna put out stupid amounts of damage, Brew putting up good numbers. Need to carry some scrubs who won't interupt? Pally fills that niche. Most tanks have been rated A or S by many different high ranking players and while I've only played War/DH/DK much in SL in M+ and raids but each of those specs is insanely fun. Warrior is in an aboslute god mode right now for tanking M+ but they recently tuned bears for some insane amount of damage so I'm trying to test my Druid in some M+s before see if I want to main it. Gonna try to have at least 2 tanks and right now its feeling like War/DK

Hopefully they really meant it when they said this is going to be the alt expac. Seasonal M+s gonna be pretty fun too with them constantly swapping in legacy dungeons. Although not looking forward to getting one shot in +18s on Tyranical in Halls.
Just curious, but what is it about Druid you don't like in comparison to Warrior? I really enjoy all the Warrior changes and am thinking of maining it, but I'm leveling a Druid now to get a feel for how it is in comparison, as my only worry with the Warrior is the lack of spec "diversity" compared to the Druid. So far, I really like Druid, but Iron Fur seems like a PITA (rage cost, mostly) to keep up compared to shield block on Warrior. That's the only thing I don't enjoy so far with Druid.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Im unsure if its just the free weekend, but Im not sure if the FOH guild on Hyjal is deleted or its just that I didnt buy a token to play and so it wont let me interact with the guild stuff? Either way, I dont know why it would matter since we havent really done much of a guild thing since Legion. I still havent cared enough to buy the expansion, myself.

The expansion just seems to be missing "something"... or, its just the direction the devs are taking it is too big of a departure and its making it feel alienating to me. You have your Raid pillar, which is supposedly going to be brought down in difficulty. Thats fine, I havent cared about Mythic raiding since WOD. Mythic+ goes up to +20 now for rewards. You have half the DF dungeons that you do during leveling and a mix of older expansions dungeons for Mythic + and they'll switch them up .. per season, iirc? I've enjoyed the bit of the raid Ive done and the DF mythic+ dungeons. There are obvious dungeons that people are going to delete their key if they get it, though. Not because its hard, but because I can already tell that a couple of them are going to be fucking slogs on your 20th+ clear.

Then, they have the Over World pillar, where you gain rep in the Covenant style similar to SL's. Pair that with the overhauled (pretty good, actually) professions and you have the "option" to play that content instead of the first two pillars. Dragon Flying has a lot of puzzles etc. that you can do for rewards, too. I suspect itll end up being for casuals and hardcore alike. Casuals only doing it, and hardcore doing it when theyre waiting to do a Mythic+ or raid.

Other than that, the story.. just seems fucking uninteresting, second rate "How to Train a Dragon" kind of lame (as the cinematic linked above shows). Theres a dragon aspect that just pops up out of nowhere as the new big bad and it looks fucking retarded. Theyre going for some kind of cartoon look without the Warcraft stylization and its just so fucking noticeable that its kind of a turn off. I'm sure this elemental ratatouie dragon or w/e its called will lead to something bigger, but its just not very interesting as it presently sits.

What Ive been struggling to understand about the expansion is.. where the fuck all the extra devs work went too? There is plenty to do for the first couple weeks, just like SL's - but ... the team was doubled since then, so.. wheres the extra content? Are they already working on 10.1? Im just expecting more from a launch because what Ive seen so far just isnt that much.
They hired all those Twitter code monkies, i guess. So you know how that is going.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
BoozeCube BoozeCube I know you loved this expansion, but my friend maybe it's time to let it go and rename this thread accordingly.

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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Got to level 60 (again) on my old mage. Took a small fraction of the time it took the warlock. All I did was sit in Badlands tagging mobs and looting essences/motes. Instantly went from 130ish IL to 252 IL when I hit 60. Invasions are waaaaaay OP on rewards for the effort required. I think I still have enough currency to make a second character 252 as well if I wanted to (I don't currently).

Now I just need to make some time to run all the raids tomorrow and I'll meet my goal for this thing before DF drops.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Just curious, but what is it about Druid you don't like in comparison to Warrior? I really enjoy all the Warrior changes and am thinking of maining it, but I'm leveling a Druid now to get a feel for how it is in comparison, as my only worry with the Warrior is the lack of spec "diversity" compared to the Druid. So far, I really like Druid, but Iron Fur seems like a PITA (rage cost, mostly) to keep up compared to shield block on Warrior. That's the only thing I don't enjoy so far with Druid.
Ironfur just doesn't feel good. You spend rage to get armor and you don't really feel it as when I spend rage on IP I definitely feel it. The damage does seem pretty damn good though in druid. However the mobility wasn't as good as warrior and linking your charge to your interrupt feels meh to me. Although the charge interrupt has been useful to me on occasions where as I try to interrupt on the warrior and I'm out of range and it blows the CD (wish they would change this shit).

However pulling huge and blowing cooldowns does feel great on druid. I'm still up in the air I have no idea what I'm going to play honestly.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Did about half the raids in Shadowlands. These raids actually seem pretty cool, at least on a first go. Remind me a lot of Legion raids.

Not sure why Sylvanas isn't the final boss instead of this new weirdo. Seems like they're building her up to be the final boss, at least as of the halfway point.

What is "lust" and what is "soaking"? I'd ask in a raid but I noticed anyone who asks any questions gets like roundly mocked in WoW. It reminds me of Idiocracy when he suggests drinking water and they all mock him for wanting to drink from a toilet.

"This guy doesn't know what lust is! What a dumbass!" "And he talks like a fag!" before everyone goes flying off of cliffs and shit.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Ironfur just doesn't feel good. You spend rage to get armor and you don't really feel it as when I spend rage on IP I definitely feel it. The damage does seem pretty damn good though in druid. However the mobility wasn't as good as warrior and linking your charge to your interrupt feels meh to me. Although the charge interrupt has been useful to me on occasions where as I try to interrupt on the warrior and I'm out of range and it blows the CD (wish they would change this shit).

However pulling huge and blowing cooldowns does feel great on druid. I'm still up in the air I have no idea what I'm going to play honestly.
Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of the Ironfur mechanic either, especially compared to the 100% uptime insanity of shield block. But, Ironfur does act as a decent spender to proc After the Wildfire, which is pretty nutty group utility.

I'm still very up in the air on what I want to play as well. On one hand, the Warrior felt like absolute ass to me leveling up, until about 45-50ish, right around the time I got the Indomitable talent. Ever since then and onto 60 it has felt really good in dungeons, your tankability/sustain is crazy good. Damage is probably around the bottom tier of all the tanks, but it still feels like you can put out decentish numbers.

Druid on the other hand was kind of the opposite. They felt really good in the middle tiers of leveling, but something just feels "off" about them at 60. I think a LOT of it is how their talent tree is setup. A LOT of your additional sustain and "cool shit" group utility is locked behind those last few points now, with them swapping around talents AGAIN and moving all the badass moonfire shit further down. It doesn't allow you to get a lot of those cool "tools" anymore until we can hit 70. But, their damage is still pretty damn good and probably second only to Brewmasters? I guess maybe a really insanely played Blood DK might be able to put out a tad more as well?

That said, I'm still a bit up in the air. I'm leaning Druid, just because they tend to scale really well and I like a lot of the extra "utility" they have(i.e. battle res). So, I think they're only going to get better throughout the seasons, whereas I think Warrior feels amazing NOW, but is going to falloff later on. I still have a Disc priest I'm trying to level/test before Monday just because they seem really interesting finally. I'm not sure they're going to be all that hot in Mythic+, but they should still be one of the top raid healers because of atonement.