World of Warcraft: Current Year


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
-Glyph of the Floating Butterfly, Windwalker Fists of Fury can be channeled while moving but no longer stuns its target.

Yay, Blizzard stopped being assholes to raiding DPS Monks.

Oh wait, they took away Avert Harm and Healing Spheres, their only "raid utility."

Also, laughing pretty damn hard at Spear-Hand Strike no longer silencing from the front. THE FRONT OF THE NECK IS THE BIT YOU SPEAR-HAND STRIKE TO SILENCE THEM. In Draenor, are Monks silencing people by breaking their spines?


Vyemm Raider
Also, laughing pretty damn hard at Spear-Hand Strike no longer silencing from the front. THE FRONT OF THE NECK IS THE BIT YOU SPEAR-HAND STRIKE TO SILENCE THEM. In Draenor, are Monks silencing people by breaking their spines?
Uh, what? The silence is just removed. Just like every other silence in the game. Read it again and feel dumb and stuff.

And people whining about EVERY single little ability removed is exactly why this shit is going to wind up doing nothing and we'll be back to binding 1-7 and shift 1-5 and [tab]qwrtasdfghzxcvb and shift-wertsdfgxcv and mouse 345. (my actual combat bindings, no hyperbole. includes movement, targeting, etc but not UI shit) Those 42 fucking keys are not the answer to life the universe and everything else.

IMO the ideal class design would be one that mirrors the rogue, where roughly 1/4th of the time you aren't casting anything at all. (more for ass, less for combat) You should not have to fill every fucking moment with a keypress or a channel while playing any class. But they aren't going that far. They are just removing abilities that either have extremely limited impact in combat (oh no how can I live without my 1.3% mirror image deeps!) or are so rarely situational that you'd hardly notice they are gone, or abilities that never get used outside of PVP. And good riddance to that shit.

They really haven't gone far enough that I've seen. There are still piles of abilities that could be merged, made a talent option or just removed. Hunter has 2 rows of talents (so 2 buttons) that each contribute between 3.5% and 4% of your total dps. Whoopie? Putting in filler shit to round out those MOP talents is what put the skillbloat way over the top. And PVP has been bloated to the point of unplayable since Lich King. Would rogues give a shit if gouge and shiv went away? I could go months without needing to use them. All of that PVP CC crap is what makes PVP so goddamn annoying in the first place.

I didn't read the tank stuff much but do they still have between 5 and 7 2-3 minute emergency cooldowns that get used next to never?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The ideal class design was destroyed years ago. You're not getting any ideal class design unless you gut the entire game head to toe (and probably fire the whole design team in the process).
So what you're saying is that you preordered the xpac.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Im in the same boat with people that say they want even more abilities to be removed. A shit load of abilities can still be combined. There are plenty of games out there that are hugely fun that have less than 8 abilities total. Id be willing to venture a guess that a good 80% of WoWs player base doesnt even use half the abilities when theyre suppose to. Much less, use situation abilities at all. I would never want a game to go back to the EQ model of pressing slam, and only slam for a 15 minute fight. But Im sure as hell not a fan of having 2 action bars or more worth of abilities. Having 5 tanking abilities that all give you extra mitigation of some type is unnecessary, for example. Just have a shorter cool down, and longer active time on one or two of those abilities. Bam!~ Down 3 abilities between all tanks, already!

(Not to mention the side effect of having a more unique feel to classes because every class isnt a jack of all trades, now.)


Im in the same boat with people that say they want even more abilities to be removed. A shit load of abilities can still be combined. There are plenty of games out there that are hugely fun that have less than 8 abilities total. Id be willing to venture a guess that a good 80% of WoWs player base doesnt even use half the abilities when theyre suppose to. Much less, use situation abilities at all. I would never want a game to go back to the EQ model of pressing slam, and only slam for a 15 minute fight. But Im sure as hell not a fan of having 2 action bars or more worth of abilities. Having 5 tanking abilities that all give you extra mitigation of some type is unnecessary, for example. Just have a shorter cool down, and longer active time on one or two of those abilities. Bam!~ Down 3 abilities between all tanks, already!
GW2 is actually quite smart about how it manages abilities - you've got 5 (weapon based) + 5 (talent/skill) but you can swap between two weapon sets (for most classes) for ten weapon-abilities and swap weapons & skills out of combat. So you've got quite a restricted palette at one time but a decent variety to actually work from. I think Blizzard is trying to head vaguely in the same direction with the rationalisation of abilities - if you're spec 1, you only regularly used abilities A,B,C (etc) and never X, Y, & Z. So just make X, Y, & Z not available to spec 1.

Sure, the special snowflakes will bitch but they were the same ones who whined when they couldn't use terrible "20-points in each tree" talent builds either.


Ability bloat really is annoying as shit. How do warlock look in that department, currently? I'm thinking of firing up wow since I have nothing to play right now and I think my highest is an 85 lock. I haven't played seriously since WoTLK and dabbled a bit in cata/pandaland before getting bored. I really don't feel like playing the shift-tab 1-7 hotbar DDR game, but I can live with it as long as it's not EQ2 level of full-retard. I might just reroll anyway because I like playing tank/healer these days, but he's my vanilla character with all sorts of neat unobtainable achievements and stuff, that I end up playing every time I come back, so it's hard to leave him shelved.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Ability bloat really is annoying as shit. How does warlock look in that department, currently? I'm thinking of firing up wow since I have nothing to play right now and I think my highest is an 85 lock. I haven't played seriously since WoTLK and dabbled a bit in cata/pandaland before getting bored. I really don't feel like playing the shift-tab 1-7 hotbar DDR game, but I can live with it as long as it's not EQ2 level of full-retard. I might just reroll anyway because I like playing tank/healer these days, but he's my vanilla character with all sorts of neat unobtainable achievements and stuff, that I end up playing every time I come back, so it's hard to leave him shelved.
I played destruction for a little bit and didn't find it to betoooverwhelming. If you're just single targetting it's a very straightforward rotation. It gets messy when you need to aoe or manage multiples. Affliction was pretty good at the start of MoP, but I think it's largely fallen off with each patch. It didn't have many buttons, but you of course have to manage your dots and paying attention to procs for maximum effectiveness (snapshotting).


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Warlocks are fine because they have always been utility masters. In terms of rotations for DPS, you'll only need a few things on your main hotbar. But I'd never want to give up stuff like Eye of Kilrogg, banish, enslave demon, etc. They don't always have a main use, but the times when they do they are extremely powerful.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I'm glad to hear there are some who, like me, would like to see this go even further. I also wouldn't mind seeing more situational combat. I also think Kreugen is right with regards to not having to spam endless abilities. The playstyle that has been active since WoW went live: mashing buttons non-stop while you're in combat, is not the best game design. People whining over this need to take their aspergers medicine.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
My troll hunter has 14 different skills he has to juggle as survival. They call it a priority system. Every time one of the 14 skills comes off cooldown, you have to hit the button. There are a few procs that mix things up a bit but he was getting real tedious to play.
Add onto this situational abilities that you want to have access too if you land in the 1% of time that you may need it such as all the traps, call/mend/revive pet, flare, and shit like Camouflage that I've never learned to use properly (can it be used "properly" in PVE?) along with stuff like food that I also like to keep on my HB though I don't *need* to and yeah, it gets kind of bloated.

Would be nice if someone actually looked this up but I have a feeling the number of abilities has gone up about 50% since vanilla, and I don't remember anyone complaining of a lack of abilities back in those days. So yeah, about time for a prune.


Vyemm Raider
I'm sure there's a fair amount of rosy glasses here but I liked the EQ caster model. You had pages and pages of spells in your book but were only able to scribe 8 of them for immediate casting. Make 4-6 of them your core rotation giving you a couple utility/cooldown buttons. If you're hunter #2 on the raid you might pick different utilities than the first guy adding a layer of pre-fight strategy and giving you a chance to play differently each week if you wanted. As your raid gets better your spell choices might evolve instead of just going on cruise control.


Damn. New Tauren model/animations are looking good

Artcraft-Running of the Bulls - World of Warcraft



Think the worst part about the look of WOW is that old ass engine it still uses.

When you play the newer games like Realm Reborn and TESO they are so well optimized. You can have all these highly detailed models, and lighting all over the place, and your computer runs it very well.


Vyemm Raider
The engine has been overhauled a few times. They've added dx11 (mostly for performance gains), 64-bit, shaders, lighting improvements, etc.

The main thing they keep dicking us on is they still cannot give us the ability to turn down spell effects from other players for some fucking reason.