Ok so what ruined retail? Over emphasis on new systems and ephemeral content to provide progression in borrowed power instead of just, you know, actual content.you're also judging this entire system on the first level band thats 25 lmao
like im not gonna jerk off blizzard but its pre-mature to judge the entire system on what is to be an introduction to the entire rune system basically
There are a few of us Horde on Crusader Strike, yes.Seems like the majority (30+ ppl) are on Wild Growth (PVE) - Alliance.
Then it seems like there's a smaller contingent on Lone Wolf (PVP) - Alliance.
Dunno if Jasker & co stuck it out on Crusader Strike (RPPVP) - Horde, because this is the faggot streamer server and is locked and you can't create characters on this server.
I agree if amod can delete/reset the poll and change the answers so we can "vote" on what server we are all on that would be cool
Ok so what ruined retail? Over emphasis on new systems and ephemeral content to provide progression in borrowed power instead of just, you know, actual content.
Runes is just the retail disease applied straight to vanilla.
It can be done if there's demand.Is @Amod able to change and reset existing poles in a post? Might be helpful to have everyone able to choose where they ended up, maybe even with A/H distinction (if there aren't too many servers).
Whilst that's true, they (as developers) have shown us nothing (as consumers) to warrant any optimism it'll get more fun/creative in the future brackets. I think this is about 20% of the way there, and they should have leaned into the Classic/CrazyNewThing significantly more. Hunters were blowing up mobs... Great! I thought that was what this was supposed to be? Bring other classes up, tune hunters down (a bit, not nuke the entire build), make some of the shit broken for a while, etc. Instead, we'll end up at 60 and have a few flavor skills with Warriors destroying dps meters and Rogue/Lock tanks being kicked from groups for not holding aggro. If you're going to do Classic Seasons, bust your nut or don't bother. We already have Classic servers that offer near enough the same experience as SOD ostensibly. I do think/hope they'll take feedback from this first season and tweak it, I just think they aren't thinking "big" enough in a general sense. Give us Classic with baseline QOL changes. Give us Classic with each tier having epic/legendaries that fundamentally change how you play the class during "that season". Then gear up and level to the next season cap and do it all again.you're also judging this entire system on the first level band thats 25 lmao
like im not gonna jerk off blizzard but its pre-mature to judge the entire system on what is to be an introduction to the entire rune system basically
So, is there a place in a forum guild on a Pve server for a 40 year old who barely played classic WoW because he played EQ2, never raided in WoW until WoD can only play a few hours here and there(newborn baby,) but has the next 3 months off work for said baby?![]()
Sure!So, is there a place in a forum guild on a Pve server for a 40 year old who barely played classic WoW because he played EQ2, never raided in WoW until WoD can only play a few hours here and there(newborn baby,) but has the next 3 months off work for said baby?![]()
So wtf are people gonna do now? Farm bfd for X months?
I'm about the same. I was doing dungeons this morning and had another healy mage so they wanted me to just do damage. I went and got a damage meter so I could see what works best. That's when I realized I was barely beating the priest that uses a wand now and then
Insert joke about bad eq players here.
I don't know if there's some secret sauce, old lady reflexes, or if it is just runes. The only real damage related rune I have is the frost lance I never use.
I'm going to log in and do some rune hunting for sure. I was averaging about a third of the other mage's damage.