Avatar of War Slayer
I used both the two week IS Boxer trial and AHK with 1 month of a RAF account, right before they changed it from granting the huge XP boosts (Legion I think). It's been a while now, so I don't remember exactly how I had it set up, but I think it was mostly tank on box 1, healer on box 2 and then grinding instances for better xp, due to the RAF bonus.But the key broadcasting is through IS Boxer? I've been seeing people talk about using AHK or hardware KVM to get around the rule against key broadcasting that Blizzard put out in 2020 or something.
This is all just me reading about it though, I last played in 2018 apparently, and even then I only played for like 1 evening. Last I really played was WotLK when I quit immediately after getting my buddy his frostmourne or shadowmourne or whatever, lol