Fuck off with your GDKP hate. You're inability to deal with other peopl's perfered play style is your own fucking problem. Get bent.
The original question was did GDKPs contribute to botting/gold farming/RMT/etc?
Abso-fucking-lutely it does I don't know how retarded/delusional you need to be to think that it doesn't? it's literally 99% of the reason for RMT in WoW.
To reiterate, I wasn't part of any mass reporting, just stating that it happened and it was the only server i've seen that didn't have public GDKPs and it also wasn't infested with bots/spammers/etc of any kind.
Was mass reporting them against the ToS? Yeah probably, but with faggot blizzard nowadays pretty much speaking your opinion on any topic in general chat is against the ToS so you can be reported for literally anything. You can be reported for stating the sky is blue because some faggot tranny gets triggered by the color blue and they can report you.
However i've ran in plenty of GDKPs in my time, back in classic vanilla and in WOTLK, hell I still run in a weekly GDKP for ICC.
I would (and did) gladly take not having any GDKPs on a server since it meant not having shit tons of bots/spammers/scammers/boosts/etc. The fact that a bunch of GDKP Gold buyers ended up getting banned in the process because the sellers were hacking their accounts and selling them their own gold back was pure lols, Win fucking win.
to be fair idk how many people got banned just from the mass reporting. That's the excuse people gave when they ended up not logging in for 2 weeks. They always claim it was because of "trade chat GDKP". They're always too embarrassed to admit they were buying gold from indonesian gold farmers.
So you had a setup where you abused an automated system in order to mass suspend anyone botting or suspected of rmting? That's the fairly obvious reason I'd think for a lack of market there. Gdkp is just a consequence of it.
No i didn't do shit. Just pointing out the lack of a RMT market was directly correlated to the lack of GDKP market.
Look, different versions of WoW have different economies, gold influx vs gold sinks etc, but for the most part there's basically no gold sinks that outpace intake from questing. Doesn't matter what version/phase of the game whether its 100g for lvl 40 mount or 5k gold for epic flying, the game's natural gold intake from questing to level to the point where you need that gold puts that in game purchase just within reach. Maybe you have to skip buying spells for a level or 2, maybe you don't get a mount til 41 and a few more quests, but there is absolutely no in game demand/reason for you to accumulate gold other than to buy loot. There aren't any natural in game gold demands which outpace gold generation. After about level 40 when rare BOEs are surpassed by even quest rewards, not to mention dungeon drops, there's pretty much nothing worth buying that justifies needing to have so much gold. GDKPs are the only reason why you would need to amass large quantities of gold.
Sure a handful of players play the game just to amass gold, that's the game for them, playing the AH -1 copper under cutting game, speculation on rares/mats/etc. They play the game for that so it's fine, but they aren't the ones buying gold.