Never experienced this on Wildgrowth Horde SOD. Even when it was at its peak busy times. Maybe I outpaced the bot armies? But I leveled five 25's (soon to be six) and never ran into anything that was disruptive to my play or leveling path.
I found the botters in EQ to be far more disruptive to my play experience because the systems of the game made it so. And I wanted those fuckers nuked from orbit. So I get the rage on the topic, but not in WoW where the game systems mitigate the impact for players like me.
You asked for a compelling argument, were given multiple valid reasons, then you decided "Hurr durr I don't see it....durr" Ok fucking retard go back to licking windows, just because you are too blind and/or dumb to notice shit doesn't mean it isn't happening or doesn't impact you or the server you play on. If you kill mobs, do tradeskills, or ever open the AH then yes you are detrimentally impacted by botting and other RMT behavior.
And like most compelling arguments it’s predicated on bullshit. I’ve never once encountered bots monopolizing questing spots, they do the majority of their mob killing inside instances.
As for open world nodes, even in the unlikely event that bots have stripmined them it actually makes tradeskills easier to do because it’s more efficient to just buy the mats than collect them yourself.
Look at this retard.
The most compelling reason against bots is that it destroys the economy but more importantly your individual relationship to it. It floods the market with anything bottable, including tradeskill items from nodes, so yes that hyper inflation of mats it does make it "cheap" to level tradeskills (though the effect of that is that everyone levels tradeskills so it's no longer as valuable and you can't earn money from tradeskills anymore) but more importantly that's a fools trade.
The average player generates gold from 2 sources, a: questing while leveling which is a finite resource and ultimately irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, and b: farming, whether for mats/items to sell to players or trash to sell to vendors. Botting/RMT activities result in 10x the amount of raw gold in the economy because a bot running 500 clients per box is generating 500x more gold than you are just from vendor trash, and they are doing it 24/7 completely automated.
The result is players ability to generate gold is massively deflated because bots keep anything farmable cheap AF on the AH and due to the order of magnitude increase in total gold in the economy anything you'd want to buy with gold (rares, boes, etc) becomes massively inflated.
Before where you could spend an hour farming herbs/killing mobs to afford your consumables for the whole raid week or poopsock for a weekend and earn enough to buy that +1 gooder sword but now your time is only worth 1/10 as much as it was before bots and the items you want to buy also cost 10x so you are left with very little methods to legitimately earn gold in game.
Like I said before I don't have a problem with GDKPs I actually run them weekly myself but you're a fucking idiot if you don't see the direct causal relationship between GDKPs and RMTing and I am super excited that they are at least pretending that they will try and do something about them.
Not to say the arguments for GDKP aren't valid. It's nice to at least get something from your lockout if you don't get any loot, and yeah it's nice to offer incentives to keep geared players playing. I mean maybe don't feed all the best drops to your tanks right out the gate and then complain that none of the tanks in guild are showing up to raids later down the road? but yeah, it provides motivation for geared players to keep playing. But given a choice between convincing some spoiled timmy to keep raid logging for a few extra weeks or getting rid of botters i'd choose getting rid of botters 100 times out of 100 so yeah, if they can actually legitimately enforce no GDKPs then fuck yes, do it.
80% of people who participate in GDKPs do so for good and valid reasons. However the other 20% are bad actors which contribute to or participate in the RMT that destroys the game for everyone else. Some of them are just whales swiping CCs and feeding the bots, the others are organizers/etc who are skimming or taking their organizers cut and just turning it over to the gold sellers themselves.