Anyone who spends money on pixels is a retarded degenerate and should always be vilified as such. No matter how little of it there is, it leads to a degradation of gameplay and our games.People who want to pay real money for shit... pay real money for shit, no matter what.
Anyone who spends money on pixels is a retarded degenerate and should always be vilified as such. No matter how little of it there is, it leads to a degradation of gameplay and our games.
Its more advanced than you probably realize. Honorbuddy did what you're talking about and that was 10 years ago. That program injected itself into the memory and bypassed Warden (or so they thought) to get the data. Now they have pixel readers that never inject themselves into memory, reading your chat/combat log, and you have a small addon that is basically giving the players location to the AI. Its all very slick shit from the techy side of it - but its getting to the point that I dont know how any company is going to catch the bots "fairly." They can mandate that they are allowed to scan your computer, sort of like Secrets did for EverQuest P99 - but thats breaking laws across the world, much less a privacy issue in general.There was nothing disruptive for me, but I definitely can find areas crawling with bots on Wildgrowth. Places like the mines in elwynn. It is kinda hard to tell them apart because SOD is jam packed but they have interesting behaviors. They will auto-accept group invites for example and eventually drop group at random times, but you can invite them back immediately. I used this to my advantage a few times to complete quests. The interesting part to me was when they had questie notifications in the party chat in Chinese. They are actually questing and moving on in their own leveling process so they actually have some intelligence with things like quest drops and knowing when a quest is complete. You could invite them from anywhere and they will accept, you can follow and track them.
I think its where a lot of people will start late, or come back to the game later - and they cant just apply to a guild, get a spot on the raid team, and hoover up loot freely. "It ruins immersion" - to which I think is just a selfish point of view. Its like the returning player is putting the responsibility of gearing themselves on other people, when they've already taken a break once. Where is the motive for the people that have been playing this whole time, or the ones that geared up through GDKP to bring this person in? I know that if I went back to the classic server and expected to join Cupcaek's team, that I wouldnt be allowed back in until my gear wasnt complete shit.Gold DKP has been around, in World of Warcraft, since actual vanilla. It got very popular in Wrath, but it's been around forever.
It's bizarre that it somehow came under scrutiny now, especially since it's a system designed by players, and embraced by the playerbase at large, as a fix for loot disputes over the games inherently flawed rolling and master looting systems.
If you're a player that honestly thinks it's bad for the game and needs to end you're probably just an idiot. And Blizzard developers are idiots for pandering to idiots, wasting time and resources to fix a "problem" that doesn't exist.
The idea of having to rely on my dice roll..
Sure it does. Quite a few people in my old wotlk guild bought gold to support their degenerate gdkp habits.I agree and feel the same way about hentai enjoyers. Regardless, I strongly believe that gdkp does not turn hordes of otherwise non-rmters into fuckit lets buy golders. There are certainly going to be people that buy a bit of gold so they can gdkp with it, but I am convinced they are neither the majority of people nor the majority of gold buying - in fact probably a drop in the bucket compared to the whales who will rmt whether its gdkp or not.
Alt characters bro.Lol, degenerate GDKP habits. Hahaha.
How pathetic was your guild that members of the guild had to resort to skipping the raid lockouts with the guild to go run GDKP raids instead? Or was this some magical timeline where you could run raids for loot multiple times in a week?
What was the point of your guild exactly if not to raid together?
Degenerate GDKP habits hahaha. You should at least put SOME effort into your fake anecdotes.
Do you guys bemoaning GDKP even know how it works? Or why it was a thing in the first place? I don't think you do...
I don't know what to tell you. We had a number of people who where very open about their gold buying habits and would attend gdkps on other characters. We even had a player or two get banned for selling.And how did they turn GDKP into a casino that requires nothing but spending with no return?
What you are describing would have made them rich, some obsession with gdkp that they constantly needed to feed. They wouldn't need to buy gold at all.
Unless you're suggesting they'd just buy everything for no reason and then eschew the divvy at the end of each run.