World War Z


Book was phenomenal; because it puts it from different views you accept it more readily. It was haunting, because it put a zombie invasion in real terms. Most zombie flicks tend to have this very "Woah, isn't this fuckingweird? tone to them, and while world war z did, but it was more in the vein of, "Isn't this fucking weird that this is essentially a crazy war that EVERYONE has to fight?"

One of my favorite parts from the book that I don't think we'll get to see:

The boy who talks about being hooked up to the internet constantly and just absorbing facts; he only finds out the war has reached him when his parents stop leaving food at his door. Opening his door into the hallway and there's a "siafu" outside was nuts to me. In his room it was his own little world, so isolated from everything else. When he finally emerges the world has changed.

The fast zombies always kind of frighten me; I'm sad they've veered away but seeing them climb up that boat caused a very raw, visceral reaction in me.

Related: (Love this graph btw, because man do I get into arguments about zombie vs infected movies.)



Big fan of the book here. Pissed off they deviated so much from the book. It's sad that many of the stories and events from the book won't unfold the same way in the movie since the fast zombies change everything.

That being said, I will gladly wtch any zombie-related movies. So I'll go watch this, forgetting it's related to the book, and just see it as Brad Pitt vs Zombies.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I have not read the book yet but it sucks they seem to be turning this into a more typical zombie film. That being said I am always happy with a great zombie flick.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The Superbowl ad for this is awful. Awful in that it's awful while simultaneously downplaying the overall awful.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
At the bar last night after this trailer my buddy leans over to me and in a low voice says "I don't want to sound like an asshole, but does the Z stand for something or is it like some Roman numeral?"

This is a guy that's pretty GD smart. It was awesome.


Vyemm Raider
I'm reading this now. Sadly the book doesn't get into detail in about how they could have cleaned out California to start their big rebuilding/rearming phase. It had me consulting a map to puzzle out how the army sitting in the Rockies somehow makes the entire west coast into a safe zone. I conclude that they first kited all the zombies from washington through cali all the way south, then east, then back up north so they'd all get stuck on the eastern slopes with the rest of the horde. Otherwise they would have been stuck on a mountaintop surrounded on all sides with no food or ammo just like all of the other safe zones.

Just another thing that fast zombies would make impossible, I suppose.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh come on you bunch of curmudgeons. I am happy that zombies are actually getting the big money, big star bonanza. It means that more and higher quality zombie movies will come out instead of the slew of horrid ones that are all over Netflix. Sure, this movie is not copying the book but it still means a better future for zombie flicks in my opinion. I would think that the people behind the book would want something closer to what they wrote done in the future and perhaps are using this movie as a cash cow. I actually think the book would be a better TV series on like HBO personally and not on the big screen at all. If World War Z makes a good amount of money the IP will be used again guaranteed and perhaps made even better than it would have had the true to book adaptation been made first.


<Gold Donor>
I think you're way too optimistic. A movie starring Brad Pitt is pretty much the pinnacle this IP is going to reach anytime within the next decade or two. It *may* spur some bigger budget zombie movies, but I sort of think that THIS movie is a result of all the zombie hype, not this movie hyping more in the future. Zombie movies have been riding a high for quite some time now, and this is probably about the biggest it is going to get. And if it doesn't make half a billion dollars and/or gets panned in reviews, it might kill any other big budget attempts. No one knows, obviously, but to say that they are purposely riding this as a cash cow to make more seems pretty off-base to me.

Ko Dokomo_sl

I really want to see what JMS wrote for the original script. Moriarty from AICN got to see it and this is what he said.

This isn't just a good adaptation of a difficult book... it's a genre-defining piece of work that could well see us all arguing about whether or not a zombie movie qualifies as "Best Picture" material. The book is an oral history of the great zombie wars, compiled by a nameless editor as part of a government report. The book is all of his unfiltered data, since much of it was censored from the official report. That's all the narrative that the book offered, but it was enough for JMS to use, and the result is much sadder than I would have expected. In the first five pages, we see GERRY LANE collecting stories, and the first two interviews are with a flight attendant and a border guard. Both manage to play as horror shock beats, but the way they're told also sets the tone right away... JMS is after the human truth underneath the horror, and in a way, that makes it much, much harder to take. The world of the film reminds me of CHILDREN OF MEN on the page. Realistic but set in the near-future, in the aftermath of the zombie wars. We see a flashback to Gerry being given his assignment to write a report about "where the system worked, where it didn't, how and in what ways the various organizational infrastructures failed." It's a politically shitty job because no one wants to know that they were responsible for anything that went wrong. Gerry's hesitant because it's going to take at least six months away from his family, just as the world is starting to right itself. He takes the job, and as he travels to his first interview, we see how hard travel has become. I hate going through airport security these days, but at least I don't have to strip naked and subject myself to a blood test. Yet. JMS does a great job of etching the details of a world that has already faced its darkest moments and is now trying to put things back in order. His first stop is China, and right away, he can see that it's not going to be an easy job. His first subject, Dr. Tsai, is supposed to be interviewed through a "translator," despite the fact that he speaks flawless English. Tsai's account of his first encounter with zombies at New Dachang is awful and horrific, and right away, it's apparent that a combination of bureaucracy and military strategy is responsible for a sort of passive evil, and Tsai feels enormous guilt about it. He leads Gerry to his next interview, which leads him to his next, and one of the things that the script does so well is depict survivors who are starting to wonder if survival is a victory of any kind. There's a story about black market organs that is just brutal, an off-the-record conversation with a CIA friend, and an insane beach sequence that I can't wait to see on film. All in the first 50 pages.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What could have been...until some fuckin' money man said "NEEDS TO BE MORE BAY-LIKE!"

Kind of bummed it's through Brad Pitts company, means on some level he ok'd all this shit. He's the driving force behind it as far as I know.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I just finished reading the book, and to be honest, it seems like making a movie out of it was a pretty ridiculous task to begin with. It seems like it'd lend itself to more of a mini-series or something instead. Not a whole lot of reoccuring characters, just a story about the world.


<Bronze Donator>
I dont know. Follow around the interviewer and have it seem like a mock documentary. Flashbacks from the people he's interviewing. You could even force in some character interactions (military leaders from different countries or whatever) if that was thought to be necessary. I think it would have been perfect. The paragraph Ko Dokomo quotes up above sets it up nicely I think.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Aye, a HBO(or one of the other Pay TV Channels) series would have been the preferred way to bring this book to life. I wonder if there just wasn't any interest from them or the author just took the biggest money offer he got. 95% of authors do the latter which is a shame. Can't really blame them but if it was me I would care how my book is presented in movie form.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I have read this book three times. Once every year over the past three years. Every single time I have taken away something different from it. I attribute this mainly to the fact I have grown up a lot over the last three years. Needless to say, it's become one of my favorite books.

I am... excited? To see it made into a movie, because I tend to enjoy movies for their stories, not the stories they were based off of. But at the same time... this movie could have been so much better. I just dont know how they could pull it off.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
New trailer out today.

I like that they've turned it into a fresh take on zombies (the swarm) but why the hell do you need to call it World War Z? People who haven't read the book don't know what the difference is and people who have read it (like me) will be pissed that it has strayed so far from the intent of the book.


Tranny Chaser
I'm very happy to have a big budget sequel to the Dawn of the Dead remake but I remain cautious. If some people here see it and like it and some of the reviewers I follow like it than sure but I'm not going to be in line day one for this.

I like that they've turned it into a fresh take on zombies (the swarm) but why the hell do you need to call it World War Z? People who haven't read the book don't know what the difference is and people who have read it (like me) will be pissed that it has strayed so far from the intent of the book.
I've asked that question with many an adaptation and I've never gotten a good answer.


i'll see it just see what they plan on doing to stop millions of fast moving zombies that need to be taken out with a head shot I don't know of any scenario where the living win against running zombies.