World War Z


<Prior Amod>
Constantly shitting up the threrad with it over and over again wont change it, have an issue with it send an email to whoever in Hollywood who is making it.

So again, get over it.


<Bronze Donator>
While the post about China was way too dramatic, I really don't see a problem with that content. What's supposed to happen? The thread is supposed to die until the movie releases,thenpeople can post about how it doesn't live up to the book? Calm down bro. I'm not yet over it.


<Prior Amod>



Tranny Chaser
I think I'm really just mad at Will Smith. There are plenty of examples of adaptations that really, really good. The Forest Gump novel is awful. Devil's Advocate is likewiseawful.The films made from them are really good! There have been adaptations of some of Stephen King's works that were made from bad stories and are good and there are ones made from good stories that are still good.

But after I Am Legend and I Robot when I see someone isn't using the source material outside of the name I get nervous. With World War Z it's a bit of a downer because even if this film with Pitt is good there is still that awesome movie that is more faithful to the book that we'll never get. His production company doesn't tend to make shit, he doesn't tend to make shit, so if this actually is shit I'll be pretty surprised.


the budget ballooned to around $200 million.

While closing down the production in Malta, for instance,the wrap-up crew found a stack of purchase orders related to the cast and extras that had been casually tossed into a desk drawer and forgotten; the amount totaled in the millions of dollars.Marc Evans, president of production at Paramount, was shocked. He calls the overages an "unthinkable action" which needed to be addressed immediately. "It was literally insane. Adam [Goodman, president of the Paramount Film Group] and I believed we'd gotten out of Malta good, and I found out we weren't. That is a nightmare."

When it came time to watch the director's cut, Holson reports, the room was silent. "It was, like, Wow. The ending of our movie doesn't work," says Evans. "I believed in that moment we needed to reshoot the movie." After 10 minutes of polite discussion, everyone left. "We were going to have long, significant discussions to fix this," he recalls thinking.

On an aside, I think we've found a new potential job for Curt Schilling: head of Paramount.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Someone in this thread mentioned that apparently the original script was very close to the book, and actually good. I say fuck em. This is what you get for trying to do your own fucking thing and shitting on a good IP.

Sounds like Lindelof came in and scrapped everything and had no direction. Sounds a lot like LOST, actually. He has ideas that sound super cool, but absolutely no fucking clue how to end a story.

Ko Dokomo_sl

"He took me through how excited he was when he read the book, what was exciting for him, the geopolitical aspect of it," screenwriter Damon Lindelof tells Vanity Fair contributor Laura M. Holson in the June issue of Vanity Fair of meeting Brad Pitt to discuss the star's troubled zombie project, World War Z.
Well that right there explains why Brad Pitt was a terrible choice to make this film. He's trying to impress his (and Angelina Jolie's) activism onto the movie. He wants it to be a story about how we come together to save the third world, and has completely missed the key points about how we as individuals are scarred by world wide events.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Someone in this thread mentioned that apparently the original script was very close to the book, and actually good. I say fuck em. This is what you get for trying to do your own fucking thing and shitting on a good IP.

Sounds like Lindelof came in and scrapped everything and had no direction. Sounds a lot like LOST, actually. He has ideas that sound super cool, but absolutely no fucking clue how to end a story.
If you actually read the article, you'd see that Lindelof was brought in after principle filming was done. They made a movie, and it turned out to be shit, so they ASKED him to fix it.