Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
If you, Dear Reader, have read anything my wife has posted, you know she is vehemently against waste (zing!) and cloth diapers is the safer alternative for Mother Eywa. You've also been wondering if that handsome bearded devil in all of her pictures has an opinion on cloth-diapering. Well, I'm Ameya's husband, Jeremy, and I'm a cloth diaper convert. Prior to meeting Ameya, I had no real concern for how I was going to prevent poo-stains from covering my life. I was simply hoping that whatever method I chose would actually prevent poo-stains from attaching themselves to my belongings. Cloth diapers are it. Period. The end.
Bulwark: Cloth Diapering Armor
Now this wasn't my first diaper; infact, my coworkers at The-Place-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named-Yet-Rhymes-With-MayBellTree Shmorporation specifically encouraged me to change a lot of diapers in the infant room to prepare me for that event. For this I am thankful: it steeled me against some horrendously smelly bowel movements, and removed all hesitation about hoisting a pair of tiny legs up in the air in order to wipe some bottom. There is one crucial difference between the kids there and our kid here though; Killian is exclusively breastfed and his poo isn't bad smelling at all. Well, okay, I wouldn't bottle it and sell it, but compared to some of the blow-outs in 'sposies (by the way, never had a blow-out with cloth, even if the diaper is way too small) I witness(ed), holy crap (.) are we lucky! In that respect, cloth diapering is pretty awesome. It catches all the poo, and does a good job absorbing it with no blow-outs. Efficiency++.
Scrooge Loves Cloth Diapers Too
I understand a lot of families out there traditionally have someone in charge of the money. Maybe it's the man, maybe it's the woman. Maybe it's both. For our family, it's me. I'm actually kind of stingy in some regards, and very loose in others. I definitely didn't want to spend 11$ every 3 days for the next ~2 years to keep poop off of my carpet. I didn't mind, however, adding an extra load of laundry in every 3 days, and spending $200 or so for the first 3 months worth of diapers. Think about it. we managed to get enough diapers for 3 months for $200 when your average expenditure in disposables is $330 over the same period of time. Sure, some people might not care or might have that kind of money to throw around, but we certainly don't. But check it out: with proper care, washing, and sunning, those $200 diapers will last us another child or two! Uh, jackpot.
Men and Diapers
If you're reading this blog, chances are you're already doing your part in the relationship to change as many diapers as you can while mommy rests and relaxes and gets a few minutes away from your little Screamosaurus Rex. But, if you aren't. you should be! There's a strange, serene peace that sets in when you're wiping your sons little scrot' and he's looking up at you all calm. It's like "Hey man, thanks for preventing swampballs. I won't cry for the moment, k?" and as the father, you're just happy he pays attention to you. Enjoy these moments with your child. There's no shame in changing diapers. Do it often.
Running Out of Steam
Well, that's about it, I guess. I tried to keep it concise since I'd hate to show more personality and pizzazz than my wife and steal readers. She's terrified of that.