Well here I am. I am not going to say much because a CPO has been issued against me while I was out of town. I am sure it will not stick because it is full of so many lies and half truths. Hopefully I will be allowed to see my daughter sometime down the road because Rach not only listed herself but ALL the kids as the ones who need protection....... I have never once threatened her or the children in any way shape or form. I just want to say thank you for leaving the kids out of everything. They may not have the best "adults" in their lives, myself included because I was too ignorant to see what was happening but they are just that.....kids. I am still going forward with trying to get visitation with all the other kids and custody of my daughter. Alex as far as I am concerned will always be my son in my heart no matter who the donor was and he will know that even if I have to wait till he is an adult to tell him.
I know it seems pretty fucked up to air this shit out in a place like this but I am an open and honest person. I do not go to bars, do not party. Got all that out of my system when I was much younger. All I do is go to work in a factory and come home.....
Most likely I will not be coming back to this thread to post again....thought about going to the GWBYHT but hell what more is there to tell?
I will say this, I will be posting in other areas though, not about this crap.