A Mod Real Quick
I'm gonna stream myself jerking off and you guys are gonna b outside my window crying that I'm affecting your pornos
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I'm gonna stream myself jerking off and you guys are gonna b outside my window crying that I'm affecting your pornos
I honestly wouldnt even know streamers existed if it werent for people on this board who constantly link to them.I'm gonna stream myself jerking off and you guys are gonna b outside my window crying that I'm affecting your pornos
I mean there are good reasons to roll either faction but the travel time to a raid zone once a week is the weakest one I have ever heard.
Uh, what the fuck are you talking about. Blackrock mountain is equally accessible as of 1.12. It sucked prior because you had to run across the zone until they added the flight point in Badlands and portal point north of Blasted Lands.I’m not even talking 40 man raid content. Strat, Scholo, BRD, UBRS, ZG....
Shit is gonna be a pain in the ass on horde for zero reason at all.
Uh, what the fuck are you talking about. Blackrock mountain is equally accessible as of 1.12. It sucked prior because you had to run across the zone until they added the flight point in Badlands and portal point north of Blasted Lands.
Undercity is closest to Strat and Scholo. ZG isn't convenient for anyone. AQ is also much more accessible for Horde via Thunderbluff. Same with Naxx being near Undercity.
You clearly didn't play Horde during vanilla. I played both. Distance to instances isn't really a reason to play one or the other.
The only reasonable argument to play alliance is for humans to have sword specialization and their bonus to reputation. Otherwise, it really doesn't fuckin matter.
Oh, the Onyxia quest is way more interesting Alliance side, though a lot more involved Horde side.
Not after they added auction houses to all major cities. Which was in place for 1.12. I spent most of my time in TB during AQ, UC during Naxx. Same reason Alliance split between IF and SW.Fucking bullshit. Everyone hung in Orgrimmar and you know it. Horde was significantly longer even after after BRM flightpath addition. If people hung in Naxx then sure I’d agree. That didn’t happen though.
Not after they added auction houses to all major cities. Which was in place for 1.12. I spent most of my time in TB during AQ, UC during Naxx. Same reason Alliance split between IF and SW.
If only you could bind easily in a city in the eastern kingdoms that also had auction houses, if only.I’m not even talking 40 man raid content. Strat, Scholo, BRD, UBRS, ZG....
Shit is gonna be a pain in the ass on horde for zero reason at all.
Wait, you can set your hearthstone to all kinds of different places besides Orgrimmar and ironforge? Get outta here!If only you could bind easily in a city in the eastern kingdoms that also had auction houses, if only.
If only you could bind easily in a city in the eastern kingdoms that also had auction houses, if only.
Nobody that was running level 60 dungeons was anywhere but the main hubs even after auction house changes.
TB was a deadzone other than bleeding edge Raiders during AQ. Same goes for UC until Naxx.
This shit is months away, and most people in the forum Guild won't even see that content.
You said previously that you were planning to be a low effort casual shitter on some ezmode dps like rogue or hunter who just stares at the ah all day, and nobody flinched. Now you want the entire guild to change factions so that you and other low effort ass clowns who masturbate in org/if doing fuck all instead of going to the dungeon they want to play in and/or productive shit like mining while lfg, can have a shorter run?
I played a warlock on archimonde at release, before shared ahs, before added flight options, and with an expectation that I would summon lazy ass people... and other people needing to run to the instance wasn't a problem at all. Maybe people who rolled on a server named after some night elf cuck were different and it really was a problem? Or maybe those of us who weren't low energy didn't notice because who the fuck loafs in Org/IF while hoping to raid on the other side of the world?
Your suggestion that everyone go alliance so that people have less to run after worthlessly fucking off is the literal worst suggestion in this thread. Alliance for bos, so that a wife/gf can roll a cute race, for paladins, for shorter queues - valid requests. Yours is beyond retarded.