You are not min maxing travel time. You are min maxing fuck off in the capital city time. You can use the other cities, of which hordes are better positioned. You can go be productive instead of sitting in a major city jerking off until its time to move.
I'd rather suck a whole bag of dicks than play alliance for the travel convenience benefits it gives lazy shitters.
Ok bud.
I guess we'll all pretend Undercity was buzzing with profession activity and dungeon group formation during early Vanilla.
Running longer distances in a video game sure makes you an ambitious go-getter!
Are you intentionally being dense?Ok bud.
I guess we'll all pretend Undercity was buzzing with profession activity and dungeon group formation during early Vanilla.
Running longer distances in a video game sure makes you an ambitious go-getter!
But how will one get a weapon enchanted once a month? Think of all the time you'll spend traveling like a scrub when you're raiding 2 times a week.Are you intentionally being dense?
No shit I'm not going to hang out in Thunder Bluff when the only raids are MC/BWL.
Like I said, TB during AQ, UC during Naxx. It's not that challenging of a concept to understand.
Saying those cities were empty in early vanilla, yeah, no shit, because they a) didn't have auction houses, b) didn't have linked chat, c) most raids didn't exist. That was not the case later.
On my druid I wanna say I would mark my hearth for the closest point to the raid we were doing, and use Moonglade port and fly to Org. Otherwise I hung out in TB to avoid most of the crowd in Org, and there were always dozens of folks standing around those AH's.
I was an asshole and made people come to me. [Enchanting/Tailoring]But how will one get a weapon enchanted once a month? Think of all the time you'll spend traveling like a scrub when you're raiding 2 times a week.
People can min/max everything from herb gathers, to aoe kill skinning yields, to raid resists... But try to min/max travel time and that's just a bridge too far.
Suck a dick yerm.
TB is the most superior city because its the one with the shortest distance from bank to AH.
It was at this moment that I knew how hated I was
damn that's a lot of titty surface area to cover with semen