$59.99wtf? This is wow right? Can't I just pay like $8 and get boosted to 60?
$59.99wtf? This is wow right? Can't I just pay like $8 and get boosted to 60?
You might not get your account back, and I think the yuan is falling these days. Might be a bit more than $8 for ranglevelrang.wtf? This is wow right? Can't I just pay like $8 and get boosted to 60?
How much do I have to pay to get max level and all the best gear so I don't even have to log in or play ever?$59.99
$0How much do I have to pay to get max level and all the best gear so I don't even have to log in or play ever?
How much do I have to pay to get max level and all the best gear so I don't even have to log in or play ever?
Thank god, now I don't have to play this shit. The check is in the mail.Paypal me three easy payments $635.43 and I will not only make sure you have the strongest WoW character ever made allowing you to claim the biggest e-peen ever. Full on pantie dropper for all the whores, they will be lining up soaking wet ready to suck your dick. Not only that but I will promise you beta access to Pantheon. You can't afford not to pay me.
I kind of already want to suck Dr Mario's dick
Whoa we already had a deal here Boozeberg Cubestein. I'm not giving you another penny.See Mario it's working already. The price is now doubled you saw it demand just went up.
Whoa we already had a deal here Boozeberg Cubestein. I'm not giving you another penny.
Riba is haram.I don't appreciate your tone the price is now 3x, plus I am charging you interest.
Fuck your avatarI voted for alliance because of human +swords
Yeah that's the swords I was referring to.I thought it was your fondness for male genitalia
As to what side will have the larger population, what the queue times will be per side for BG's and shit that will be x-server, what server is going to have the largest number of Ragnaros players? Do you guys really think about this shit during the day since you post how it's going to effect your decision to do this or that? It's all fucking speculation and piss poor speculation at that.