Well......... no. An Indie MMO can do better, but these are the crappy Steam MMOs you see.
A journey into the dark underbelly of Steam delivers us to the nightmarish world of Otherland.
Unreal & Unity Marketplaces sell characters, and Unreal has the Paragon characters you could use even (won't be able to change outfits/weapons easily though on those).
There are character creator programs that make passable characters, especially for use as NPCs / non-playable characters.
Discover content created by the team at Epic Games provided for free.
Reallusion is a platform for 3D character creation and animation across Media Entertainment, Metaverse, Digital Twinning, ArchViz and AI Simulation.
At Daz 3D, download our free 3D software and shop free and premium 3D models, animations, and more to create your realistic universe.
Free 3D human models for download, files in 3ds, max, c4d, maya, blend, obj, fbx with low poly, animated, rigged, game, and VR options.
You can even get a base of animations for free from Mixamo (by Adobe):
Mixamo (also has characters).
There are some big issues with using any of these.
1.) Creating styles/outfits/armor/hairstyles/custom animations :
- Doing any of these really requires having the source file. Assets on the Unreal Marketplace are not source. And characters from most of the other places won't be rigged up, so there's a bunch of work depending what avenue you take.
- Rigging up a character is a ton of work. Getting the mesh is the easy part. If you stick with Unreal characters you can buy animations that work with most of those rigs, since they standardize things. Mixamo animations use a different rig. Unreal has "retargeting" tools to try and make things work together, but it's never perfect. It's just a lot of work to make it all gel.
- Your characters are going to look the same as every other indie MMO.
- Every mesh that goes on a character needs to have animation data as well. Typically the same animation as the character, if it's clothing.
- Without the source files, creating new clothing is impossible without building the 3d character model out yourself. The Paragon assets for example contain no extra geometry other then what you see. So if you remove the clothes, it's just blank space. Which is why if you use those assets you're basically stuck with what they are. The only customization are colors.
2.) Weapons
- Weapons need to "socket" into hand slots, it's a lot of work making the hands "hold" weapons properly. Especially if both hands are suppose to hold a weapon (2h sword, rifle, etc). And make it all work with the animations playing.
3.) Non-Standard body types.
- If your MMO has other races... you might be able to find some assets out there, but the selections will be slimmer or non-existent.. and probably lack a good rig and may lack source files.. so... yea.
4.) Customizable body shapes.
- Most MMOs allow you to change body shapes a bit. You absolutely need the source files for the character meshes to do this. You need to create shape keys which need to be done in a 3d modeling program. Practically no assets will come equipped with this.
- Mouth movement/blinking/etc: some characters may have these built in... but not always (shape keys again)
An indie MMO can have decent characters, just don't expect the customization that an AAA MMO would offer. Indie MMO might stick with Unreal or Mixamo or whatever else offers mesh+animation files ready-to-go, which will save a lot of work, but severely hamper customization.