X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)


<Bronze Donator>
does he really? what was interesting the first time around felt like just an over the top caricature of itself the second time, but just so far beyond suspension of disbelief that it made the film worse for it. within a millionth of a second for the explosion to take place he empties an entire mansion of all personnel, taking the time to stop and adjust a hundred different things, build safety nets, drink a coke, etc. He's so fast that the pull of fucking gravity doesn't even affect him, he's able to lift a dozen people at once and just carry them out willy nilly.

Basically he is fast enough to grab a ladder, stand it up straight against nothing, and before gravity can make it fall, he can then activate his speed force, climb the ladder straight up, grab the ladder and sling it over his head resting it on nothing, climb the ladder again, repeat a thousand fucking times until he's in the stratosphere, realize that he can't breathe, climb back down reversing the above process, break into nasa, grab a space suit and a parachute, repeat the above, and then just jump off the ladder into nothing and freefall felix baumgartner style from 80k feet for fun.

All in the time it takes you to blink.

it's fucking stupid and what was the best part (only good part?) of DOFP is now one of the worst parts of an already shit film.

i'm struggling to give this movie a 4/10 and I question anyone's sanity or rather, their grading scale that magically doesn't drop below 7 out of 10. Just use stars, retards. 2 out of 5 stars is what you are trying to say when you keep saying 7/10.


Mr. Poopybutthole
This forum is just loaded with aspie nerds who let the dumbest shit get in the way of enjoying the only fun parts of movies
I'm one for a good rant, and all for nerd rage, but I think that guy is gonna stroke out. When I tell you that you are nerd raging too hard, it's time to reevaluate.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
This forum is just loaded with aspie nerds who let the dumbest shit get in the way of enjoying the only fun parts of movies
I read some of the rants against the comic book movies here and they often make me thankful that I never became heavily invested in comics during my younger years to the extent that it compromises my ability to enjoy the screen adaptations. I have enough of a loose familiarity with most of the heroes and villains on the Marvel side to give me a basic frame of reference because one of the few titles really got into was Marvel Universe (weird, I know).


Vyemm Raider
Amusing, i would have liked to see Jubilee's powers at work. I also didnt mind Storm, but i did think Psylocke was pretty meh. I personally would have preferred i they kept her out of costume bc it just looks odd on the big screen. I mean in a comic its fine but when you see someone in it in person its like "Does this look like the beach?"

I would have rather Kevin Bacon resurfaced than Apoc be on the screen. Maybe when he pops back up he will be finished with his Ivan Ooze outfit and dawn his real getup.


Trakanon Raider
Saw it tonight. It wasn't terrible. Quicksilver continues to be the stand out.

I don't like

how Fox likes to totally change the Phoenix part of Jean Grey.

Looks like the next (final?) Wolverine movie will involve Mister Sinister...
That also popped in my head too. She gained the power of the Phoenix Force when she died in outer space and not manifesting the way it was shown in the movie. Anyway didn't like the movie. Was bad but wasn't X-men:Last Stand bad.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Im getting pretty tired of comic book movies. Apocalypse/Magneto more or less tear the world apart and its no biggie? Like what the fuck? Mansion is completely destroyed then its instantly rebuilt, no biggie.

Hated the Wolverine tie in. God knows this world needs yet another fucking wolverine movie and it was a great way to waste 10 minutes of screen time.


Vyemm Raider
Im getting pretty tired of comic book movies. Apocalypse/Magneto more or less tear the world apart and its no biggie? Like what the fuck? Mansion is completely destroyed then its instantly rebuilt, no biggie.

Hated the Wolverine tie in. God knows this world needs yet another fucking wolverine movie and it was a great way to waste 10 minutes of screen time.
Every super hero movie has done this, fuck BvS and Avengers (both) have just totally wrecked shit, and in every movie the consequences are dealt with in the following film, so....no biggie now but addressed later just like Avengers and BvS.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Comic book movie fatigue has a simple remedy, on the personal level.


Log Wizard
Just saw it. 6/10. Story was alright, acting was only good for 1/3 of the cast, writing was pretty bad, SFX were mostly good, Magneto did some cool shit, QS scene was fun again.

Lot of the mutants/powers felt phoned in. Pretty sure Apoc just needed 4 Horseman to guard him during his transfer time then he seems to be able to do everything else by himself. LOL@ Magneto probably killing millions of people but "OH HE HELPED AT THE END THO".


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Would have been better if Apoc had more of a build up, especially in the previous movie (kinda like Thanos), rather than just have him pop up and be alive for like a few days?


Vyemm Raider
Apoc should have been built up more behind the scenes. They should have had Sinister start his shit now and Apoc step in later or something. Perhaps have Omega red or some other guy be the villain while Apoc/Sinister bs is going on in the background.

That and not make apoc look like a fuckin tool.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Reminds me of ultron. Pretty idiotic that such a supposed badass was only alive for 2-3 days?
Comic book movie fatigue has a simple remedy, on the personal level.
I guess. One thing that I did like was it showed people actually die. Dude got compacted at the beginning. Blood everywere from wolverine going pyscho. Not of this pussy ass quick cut off camera person dies cut back to their undamaged body laying on the ground.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Would have been better if Apoc had more of a build up, especially in the previous movie (kinda like Thanos), rather than just have him pop up and be alive for like a few days?
I was fine with the build up, just not fine with how they beat him.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone who uses the term "fatigue" is a tool. It's a marketing trick to get the consumer to blame themselves for shitty products.

There's no point in the last 20 years you could release this film and it would be better received. It's not a bad film, it's just not a very good one either and it's up to them, not us. There's 200 valid complaints but you're going to see a lot of articles on "fatigue" as if BvS and this were good films and we're all retards.


Molten Core Raider
After reading this thread I came into the movie expecting a disaster, but it totally wasn't as horrible as all that, and I came out enjoying it. It's not on par with the last two X-men movies but really, it's nowhere near as bad as I'm hearing people say. Had this come out before Civil War and after BvS I think we would've seen a bit more enthusiasm, instead it's being compared with a much better film.

Although my niece seemed to like this one more than Civil War (she's 11). I think that's because although this movie varies wildly in quality and has big deficits in story and plot, the scenes with superpowered stuff are actually more fun than the last two superhero flicks. Quicksilver's scenes don't really make a lick of sense from a scientific accuracy standpoint but it's still really fun to watch, Wolverine getting free and wrecking shit up is fun to watch, cyclops blasting up a school bathroom is fun to watch, and so on.