I'm a huge X-Men fan, they are what got me into comics. X-Men #121 (Alpha Flight) was the first comic I ever bought...well, had my parents buy for me anyway. I loved Nightcrawler and Colossus, and actually tried to get my parents to find me a Bamf stuffed toy to give to my "girlfriend" (I was 10, sue me). Dark Phoenix storyline blew my teenage mind to smithereens. So maybe that does color my hatred for this movie somewhat, but I liked DoFP well enough, and First Class, while it had a bunch of parts I really didn't like, was at least tolerable. And I actually have always hated/been sick of Wolverine in the comics*, but despite his obvious lack of similarities I feel Jackman made the character entertaining for me. So I don't think it is just my desire for it to be a great movie that tinges my perspective, I think it is just that it is a shitty movie. I won't be rewatching this one or BvS anytime soon, but I'd probably check out First Class or DoFP if one happened to come on TV.
*EDIT: To clarify, I loved Wolverine at first, even have his Limited Series that the latest movie was based loosely on. It was only after I had read that he was the best there is at what he does about a thousand times, and he was in every goddamn crossover, that I began to despise him. Jackman changed all that, and I like him a lot in the movies.