X-Men: Days of Future Past.


Avatar of War Slayer
Only thing worse then an Xmen movie not having Cyclops, is an Xmen movie criminally under-utilizing Cyclops.

Its likes making a Superman movie, and having it about Batman. (I think I already made that joke didn't I?) But seriously. Wolverine is barely an Xman. He's a foil, and frequent GUEST. Same way hes an Avenger. He basically exists in X-men to piss Cyclops off.
The X-men is almost always about Cyclops. he is literally the posterboy and spirit of what it means to be an X-men, and the whole mutant thing. The caretaker of the legacy.


<Bronze Donator>
I couldn't ever get over the fact that for some reason Jean had to go out and die because water was rushing toward them. If only they had a mutant around who could turn water into ice. That maybe would have come in handy in that situation.

I really loved X1 when it first came out. I fully admit today that it isn't a great movie, but I don't think it's bad. I don't remember really liking X2 that much but the comments made here make me want to rewatch it.

I caught Wolverine on a movie channel the other day and even though the end got super cheesy, enjoyed it a lot more than I was expecting. I completely bypassed that one after the Origins movie. Really wish they would own up and make an R rated Wolverine movie. Watching him shred all these asians to bits with no blood is a little weird.

First Class and DOFP are the best of the bunch though. They kept all the good actors from the original films and added two other great ones with McAvoy and Fassbender. They also both keep a campy element to the story and that's always been a part of X-Men.

What's with the ratings though? Are there really children around that are into X-Men? Wouldn't the entire demographic be like, 30+, by now?


Wolverine is a very popular character in the Marvel universe, he has powers that are easy to comprehend and you can see him use those powers (as opposed to other super-heroes that might be behind a mask, helm or glasses).

He comes across as a blue collar worker that likes a good fight. So he is quite easy on the screen.

The other characters just don't have that. They can all have great stories, but they are just not going to have the same broad appeal that Wolverine does.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Of course everyone is going to identify with the character who doesn't age, sleeps around with mafia daughters, eventually settles down with a nice girl, gets betrayed by that girl, becomes a US weapon program worth billions, gets shot in the head, has amnesia, likely sleeps around for another couple decades, then gets the hots for a redhead who can mindfuck people but she's already got the hots for the cool preppie with shades who likes Twilight novels.

In other words, people love Hugh Jackman. And probably would not like a guy shorter than Tom Cruise in yellow spandex.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Jabba is right. The first 3 x-men movies were around Wolverine (plus the spin-offs) and ffs, enough already!
X-men 2 is the best movie imo but it could have been almost perfect IF 1) wolverine was not (again) the main protagonist, 2) rogue was cast better and her caracter not being so fucking useless.

And wolverine is fucking annoying. When he's not acting like a douche or as an abandoned puppy, he's screaming all the time.


<Gold Donor>
The movies have done one thing for me, and that is actually like Wolverine. Don't get me wrong, he's been way overused, but I actually like Hugh Jackman playing him. In the comics though, I have always, always despised him. I was reading back in the early 80s, and that's when things really went all Wolverine all the time. It has continued pretty much from what I can tell, but I was so sick of Wolverine this, Wolverine that, and I never even really cared for the character much in the first place. Seeing him all over just made me hate him. I thought it would be impossible for me to find him even vaguely interesting when I heard the first movie was being made, but Jackman changed that immediately. I actually like movie Wolverine.

But yeah, even that has worn a bit thin. DoFP was a little better because he was literally just an observer for most of the movie. Unfortunately, much of his time was then given to Jennifer Lawrence, whom I am not a fan of, so it was a net minus for me in that respect. I can only imagine that she'll be one of the Horsemen in the next movie or the savior of mutantkind or the best freedom fighter or something equally dumb to get her more time.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
People who actually like the Uncanny X-Men do you douche.

One of the best stories in all of comics books, The Dark Phoenix Saga, is basically about Scott and Jean. Thanks for being a complete dumbass though.
Well, I've never really been a big Cyclops fan, but I do agree that he was both underused and absolutely horribly written and badly cast. The guy is a leader for a reason, and in the movies he just comes off as a whiney douche. As much or more of a travesty is their treatment of Storm. Again, there is a reason she's been leader and it's because she kicks ass and takes names. Hell even without her powers she still did. The Storm we got in the movies was a limp-wristed bimbo who was also miscast. They really shoulda got Angela Basset for the role - sexy AND kicks ass (see Strange Days, great flick). Instead they went "Who's the most popular female black actor?"


<Gold Donor>
Instead they went "Who's the most popular female black actor?"
If that's the case, we'd have Denzel playing Storm. Which would have been better, now that I write it down.

Cyclops was purposely (in my opinion anyway) made to be a bit of a whiner/pussy because it allowed Wolverine to make fun of him and get laughs, while also being the clear lead (of the movie). If you had a solid, strong actor actually leading the team, they would have had to write a better story in order for Wolverine to still be the main character. That movie was firmly entrenched in the "All Wolverine All the Time" era, so I don't blame them for automatically assuming Wolverine would be the most important character, but yeah, it would have been nice to have someone with a stronger personality as Cyclops to reign him in, actually gain his respect, etc. That would have also made the Jean Grey triangle better too, because with what we got, no one gave a shit if Cyclops lost the girl because he was a giant pussy.

On the other hand, Cyclops needed to be fairly young too, since this was theoretically before they really started becoming superheroes on a consistent basis. Should have gotten Joseph Gordon-Levitt.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Cyclops also never won a single fight in any of the movies. He literally got his ass kicked every single time. Wasn't he supposed to be a badass in the comics?


Avatar of War Slayer
Cyclops also never won a single fight in any of the movies. He literally got his ass kicked every single time. Wasn't he supposed to be a badass in the comics?
yeah. Wolverine got turned from Ron Jeremy into Hugh Jackman.
Cyclops got turned from Alpha as fuck team leader where every psychic on the planet wants him, into beta NTR crying while Wolverine fucks his girlfriend and rogue at the same time on his bed.
And his powers are just a flat out handicap.


Golden Baron of the Realm
I couldn't ever get over the fact that for some reason Jean had to go out and die because water was rushing toward them. If only they had a mutant around who could turn water into ice.
Turning water into ice is 1 thing, freezing an entire dam's water supply as it rushes at high speed is another.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Considering he could turn his big blue cook into the perfect blue vaginal, I'll take that. The watchmen was awesome. Having never read the source material, I otherwise can't think of any flaw with it.
I also loved the Watchmen and never noticed the big blue dong in the theater. Makes me wonder what people were staring at the whole time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Crotch areas, obviously. I liked watchmen and thought the "new" ending made sense as well, given the timeframe. Would have loved all the monster building information with how they artificially created an alien life form, but given today's forensics and shit, it would have just been re-addressed as terrorism but without a face. When it was written, the idea that you could fabricate a monster purely to pull people together would probably be easier to pass off. So I give the movie a pass on that. It still had the Manhattan/Rorshach scene, and it still had Night Owl giving into the will of Ozymandias. It just ended on a different but still applicable note.

X-Men 2 was the best until First Class, and even mentioning Wolverine: Origins should get you punched in your babymaker.


Log Wizard
People like Wolverine more than Cyclops like they like Raphael more than Leonardo.

Leonardo just did what Splinter said and Raph was "fuck this noise I'mma go destroy some dudes". It's much more enjoyable watching the rogue badass than the obedient pet.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
That is part of what made Wolverine so popular at the time in the 80s too. He was one of the first and most visible icons of the slow removal of the comics code bullshit, in that he actually smoke, drank, and killed people. It more or less became an overdone thing in that period, but Wolverine was insanely popular with that generation of comic book nerds for some reason. Plus, Jackson did make him more than just Lobo-lite with claws on the screen.

Never really cared much for Cyclops in the comic books, but the movie version was just horrifically bad. Like, his visor should have just been a big vagina on his head bad. All of the storylines that featured him were either boring or just silly (Mr Sinister arc?). Even the Dark Phoenix saga (which ended on this whole giant mary sue note for Jean Grey) just turned him into even more of a dull turd for me. I struggle to come up with a more boring Xmen, actually.