I'm getting that too. Reinstalled, still getting it.Finish downloading dev build. 'One or more tools are missing, please reinstall'
I agree, but I think the sword is balanced fine as is. I say this because I don't think the sword is supposed to be competitive with a gun, at all. The good thing about the sword is you don't need run and gun to flank an enemy, you can always use the sword. And unlike a pistol, the sword actually does respectable (But not full gun) damage. The thing to keep in mind is the sword is a secondary weapon, not a primary, its use should be situational--just like a pistol.I find that the sword, as balanced, is not good for anything but bladestorm. and thus a heavy weapon or SG is needed for close range encounters. Kitted Out SG + AP rounds guarantees a kill with Run and Gun and the subsequent Untouchable proc.
Shot guns though have the biggest accuracy bonus for short distance (40%). At 5 tiles it is +20%. The problem really is you can't be aggressive with your ranger really before predator armor. And if you were being aggressive, better to use the sword to flank. (Since you don't have Run n Gun.)Storm guns are worth mid/late game. Early on, reg rifles are better (THAN SHOTGUNS), IMO. Your accuracy is just too low early game.
Edit: Enhanced for the reading impaired.
Instantly solved my problemo."You need to install Visual Studio Isolated Shell 2013. When the SDK is installed, it fails to execute the included installer. There's also installation documentation in the XCOM 2 SDK folder in Steam that gives you steps to set up a basic mod.https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/down....aspx?id=40764
There should also be a shell installer in the XCOM 2 SDK folder at Binaries\Redist\vs_isoshell.exe if you want to use that, or you can use the above download. Running UE3Redist.exe is probably also important if you don't have Unreal Engine 3 SDK installed.
Once you can get the VS 2013 shell launched, you need to go to "Tools - Options - XCOM 2" and point Install directory to the XComGame folder in your XCOM 2 (the actual game's) installation's location in Steam commons, and the User directory should point to the XComGame folder in the XCOM 2 Development Tools (XCOM 2 SDK) install directory."
XCOM ModBuddy - Cannot find one or more components...
Best I can tell, yes. I had centurions nearly every mission at that point and then poof magically gone after SC is built and you start seeing the spawn pool at mission select. Sad to say the game got a lot easier at that point. If anyone cares, 40ish hours on the Vet run.Oh is that why Centurions stopped showing up?
Not that I missed them.