The only thing I dislike is starting a new campaign and getting four chicks with butch cuts and flat tops. Insta-restart.
Seems like it happens so fucking often too, like getting four females alone is 6.25%. Then to make them all ugly as hell, well... yeah. I get fucked by the RNG in different ways, not in combat.
You can change them after you get them, even swap their genders and nationality. You can change them at any point in the campaign even.
It's not like EW. (It's why I said the character pool was not needed earlier--you can remake any random person you get into whatever you want.)
Are you really able to get far enough away to guarantee that you won't get flanked?
Late game? Yeah, especially because you'll have untouchable, so the first shot is an auto miss. (In general).
As far as snipers, yeah, because Squad Sight has a penalty now, early game they are a little weak. They really start to become immensely powerful mid game. Some people like repeaters on them because of kill zone, but for me, the best part about a sniper is you can focus solely on their aim stat. By mid/late game my sniper, if she's perched on high ground, can often get 90%+ on people even in full cover. I use an Aim PCS (+10 ish) and a superior scope (+15), combined with their really high base accuracy and the squad sight penalty is a non-factor. (As others have said, the best combo is Grenadier/Sniper. I use my grenadiers to destroy cover, and weaken, then mop up with two snipers. One uses AP rounds so I essentially have guaranteed 8-10 damage regardless of target, one uses Blue Screen to pound mechs.) Early game if you get tracer ammo is combos really well with Snipers.
But as said, it is all about aim. They do get fucked over because they can't flank usually and because of the SS penalty. But they also get the benefit of being able to stack nothing but aim, because they don't have to be super mobile or survivable.