I like scanning protocol just because it has such a huge range, and covers all around you. But no it can't activate pods, and I've never seen it "miss" pods in its radius. So I'm not sure quite what you're talking about, mures.
I think my problem with it is doesn't it only greatly increases vision range? So environmental factors can still obstruct seeing enemies? Thats the only way I can explain what happened to me unless the game just decides its time for you to die and randomly spawns enemies.
This is what happened to me. D is the specialist using scanning protocol, it revealed pod A. Pod A moved to position AZ during the alien turn. I then move to DY and activate pods B and C, which alerted pod A. I had to have been practically on top of pod C when using scanning protocol because they were very close on top of a building I was directly underneath. Pod B was behind a rock ledge.
Also just reminded me, it bothers me you can't move your camera during the aliens turn, why can't I see which direction the enemies in my vision just went?