Had a very strong "I'm getting old" moment recently. I have an old cell phone, one that has an audiojack to connect headphones. Well, the jack has been bust for a while, so long story short I just bought a pair of bluetooth headphones - even tough I have looked at them as being goofy. Well, I spent the last evening trying to get the fucking things to work, even installing an app and shit. Nope, nothing. I thought they were either defective or that my phone was too old. This morning, before taking it back to the shop, I decided to have one last try, was mucking about in the Bluetooth settings when I noticed the HUGE "refresh" button. I tapped it and hey presto, there they were!
Now I feel like all those old people I have helped with computers who can't seem to see the buttons placed prominently on their computers, such as the "close window" button and such.
Well, next stop is the old folks home for me, I guess!