(fucking Connections was first released in 1978 apparently, goddamn feeling old indeed)
I damn well loved Connections.... And now I'm triggered because I can't find it streaming anywhere.
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(fucking Connections was first released in 1978 apparently, goddamn feeling old indeed)
Surgery to fix: deviated septum, inferior turbinate, and collapsed cartilage in my nose. NOT bouncing back from this one. I feel like a whiney little kid I'm so uncomfortable.
I damn well loved Connections.... And now I'm triggered because I can't find it streaming anywhere.
Being 35+ and still an alcoholic...too many times. I miss when I had total control of my bowels.I prob posted this once before
I misjudged a fart today. Luckily while still at home. Was just about to leave, too
Well, I think I can finally hand in my youth card and sign up for a pension. I have finally encountered a popular Internet meme that I don't get. It's the "Is this...?" with a butterfly that's flying away.
Anyway, I've pretty much grown up with the Internet. I remember the good old days of BBS and shit. I don't know how many times I've forwarded a hilarious meme to an older relative only to have them ask what it meant. Guess I'm them now.
Now get off my lawn!
Being 35+ and still an alcoholic...too many times. I miss when I had total control of my bowels.
I blame keto and/or the delicious ceviche I had the day before
Sleeping is the highlight of my day