I've used Extra Large (System) mouse cursor sizes since before 1920x1080 was a standard resolution. 768p on an 11" laptop up to 4K on a 37" screen. Found it helps a lot better than cursor trails and doesn't make you look like an old, blind fuck (that I can tell so far, as no one I've serviced has complained about bigger cursors)....when you turn on mouse pointer trails to help you find your pointer on screen.
When you qualify for senior discounts tomorrow (turning 55).
Seriously? Could have saved me a couple trips. Being completely serious. A Civic isn't ideal for transporting a recent hip surgery patient.Happy birthday. On the upside, Uber gives free rides to hip replacement surgeries.![]()
...when you turn on mouse pointer trails to help you find your pointer on screen.
We're a bunch of gamer nerds bro, none of us can claim a life 100% lived. Never too late though! I bagged my first 14,000' summit at the ripe old age of 42.
my dad used to shave with one of those old metal safety razors and a cup of shaving powder in water. i thought thats how men were supposed to shave and those faggoty plastic razors were for women. god how i butchered my face up. i went to electric shavers soon as i could afford one and never went back.I've never even seen a tube of shaving cream. Maybe I not so old after all. Unless that's something new then I am an old fart.
I nbet the real story there was that he mixed up his preparation h with his toothpaste. I just wanna know which version of that screw-up he committed.
i thought thats how men were supposed to shave
i dont want to look like a hobo. real men shave.: picard :
No, men aren't supposed to shave. Razors are for women's legs and armpits.
: picard :
No, men aren't supposed to shave. Razors are for women's legs and armpits.